My Strange Oppa


You and your father arrived at the airport. It was still dark outside, dawn has yet to break over. Your eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, but you had your sunglasses on so your father wouldn’t notice it.
Your voice was still groggy, but you and your father didn’t talk much. You just nodded here and there. 
As you waited in line, you had your music on with a placated cold face. If you didn’t have your music, you knew you would burst into another round of dreadful tears. 
Everything around you. The city of Seoul, the people of Seoul, your home, now you would have to say goodbye to it after all the years you have spent here. 
Your flight was around 10am, and you had a two hour wait.
Just the sounds of people wheeling their suitcases back and forth, the soft chatters of people excited to leave Seoul, the flurry of mumbles and tired groans from people checking in, papers being handed out here and there, and people speaking from the speakers.
You had your face in your hands and you didn’t bother to look up. 
Your father was on the phone with someone as he incoherently whispered to them, making sure you wouldn’t listen.
You couldn’t bring yourself to fall asleep. You knew that if you slept, HE would be there. Just the thought of him gave your heart an uneasy feeling. 
“~~~~~, get up,” your father shook you gently.
You looked up and removed your earphones.
“It’s time to board the plane,” He smiled.
You didn’t smile back but nodded. You just dragged your suitcase as you began to line up.
“~~~~~~~~~!” You heard someone call your name.
You quickly look back and your eyes were wide as the moon. Jinyoung was panting heavily as he stared at you with bewildered eyes. Behind him you can see the security guards trying to claw at him.
“~~~~~~~! I LIED. I DON’T WANT US TO BREAK UP.” Jinyoung shouted tearfully.
You stood there, stunned. You were torn as to whether you should run to hug him or leave.
“~~~~~~~~~! I WANT US TO BE TOGETHER, FOREVER. I DON’T CARE!” Jinyoung strode towards you and grabbed your face. With that he leaned in and gave you a fierce, passionate kiss. You quickly dropped your ticket and bag as you wrapped your arm around his neck and responded back to the kiss. 
The tears sliding down your face all over again.
Your father stood there, bewildered at the scene. His heart grewy guilty for forcing to force you to leave. 
Jinyoung pulled away and took off your sunglasses. He was a mess, but he knew you were too. His soft finger grazed around your puffy red eyes, a deep frown across his lips.
“I’ll wait for you. I will wait for you. I can never love a girl the way I love you, I promise. Come back to me soon, araso?” Jinyoung leaned in and gave you another kiss.
You sobbed hard into his chest.
“~~~~~,” your father called you.
Jinyoung broke away from you as he stepped back.
You were frozen in place. *I just want to be with Jinyoung oppa. I-I*
Your father came up to you and pulled your wrist. “Come on ~~~~~, let’s go.” He picked up your things.
You stared at Jinyoung one last time; his stare gave your heart a tremble as he mouthed out goodbye. You just stared at Jinyoung as your father dragged you into the plane helplessly. 
Jinyoung watched as you boarded the plane with tears streaming down his face. 
*I’ll see you soon, right, ~~~~~~?* With a small smile, he left dejectedly with sunken shoulders and a broken heart. 
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danahcole #1
Chapter 55: It's not yet too late! It has been years already but.. please make a sequel pleasee.... i really love this and there was no dull moment while i was reading this. Pleaseeee its not yet too late!!!
daeljoejinyoung96 #2
Chapter 55: Can you make a sequel?;'D
Chapter 55: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3Wahhhhh My first Jinyoung fic was sooooo beautiful<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
syasyabilly #4
Chapter 55: awesome. this is the best jinyoung fanfic that i ever read. Thank you authornim. i love it so much. i feel like going to cry....^_^....
syasyabilly #5
i like it so much. thanks authornim.
somiabana #6
Chapter 55: Ohhh!! I love this!! <3 Sequel please???
Chapter 55: I love this fic ! you're a great writer authornim :D
Chapter 55: Lovee this!!!
You're story never fail to amaze me!! :D
Sequel pretty pleeeeease ;)