My Strange Oppa


Everything in your house was neatly packed away in your suitcases. A lot of the things you wanted to keep with you, unfortunately had to stay here. You glanced around your room and sighed.
Something in the corner caught your eye. On your desk, was the scrunched up paper that Jinyoung had given you the first time you guys had talked to each to other. A sad yet tender smile appeared on your face as you reminisced the memories you have made with Jinyoung. 
In an instant, you whirled back around. “HA! I CAUGHT YOU!” 
The boy stood there, frozen that you caught him. 
You eyed him with crossed arms. You walked to the other aisle and noticed the familiar boy with phoenix eyes. 
“It’s you again,” you said with a half smile. “Here to spill more food on me?” 
“Why do you need my hand?” you retorted.
Jinyoung put his hands together. “Please?” He gave you puppy eyes.
You rolled your eyes. *This kid is definitely strange. And his aegyo… it’s frightening me.* 
You shook your head, stubborn.
“Please, pretty please?! With a bright red cherry on top?” Jinyoung pouted.
Slightly disgusted by his aegyo, you caved in. “Fine.” You stuck out your hand.
“Okay now close your eyes!” Jinyoung begged. 
Your face twisted up. “If this is a confession, I reject it.” 
*Ouch.* Jinyoung thought. “It’s not a confession, I promise.”
“Didn’t you hear her?!” yelled a familiar voice.
In one swift motion you were free from the creepy guy. 
Your eyes widened in realization. *The library kid? What was his name again…* 
Jinyoung glared threateningly at the guy. 
“Who are you?” the creep raised his eyebrow.
Jinyoung lifted his chin in the air arrogantly. “I’m Jung Jinyoung and if you mess with her, you mess with me!”
Jinyoung continued to gaze at your pretty, flawless skin. The temptation to touch it was high but he resisted. 
There was a tickling on your skin which made your nose twitch. 
The bell finally rang, lunch was now over. 
Rubbing your eyes; you blinked your eyes open slowly. 
Your eyes rounded widely. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” You yelped as you backed away from Jinyoung.
Jinyoung tilted his head with a big smile. “You’re cute when you’re sleep.” 
You backed away from him, but your cheeks flushed red.
All the students were piling out the cafeteria, but they kept looking back at you and Jinyoung. 
You rubbed your eyes again. “You’re creepy.”
“OH MY GOD. I’M SORRY I’M LATE!” he bellowed loudly. 
Your eyes widened. *Oh no... no. Please, no.* You closed your eyes hoping that that was a hallucination. 
“It’s no problem,” the Director walked back in the room. “I knew there was 2 of you! Your partner is here already.”
Cringing, you turned back and opened your eyes with a scrunched face.
Jinyoung was smiling and when he turned to you, his face came out in surprise. “HEY ~~~~~!” 
You mentally slapped yourself as you bit your lip. *6 months with… him?! Jung Jinyoung?!*
“Are you excited? We’re going to see each other for 6 months every day after school!” Jinyoung beamed. 
You closed your eyes and sighed. “Let’s just start… before I regret myself for agreeing to doing this.” You mumbled the last part.
“What did you say?” Jinyoung asked as he took off his backpack.
You shook your head and shared a small smile. “I’m excited, that’s all…” 
Jinyoung smiled as he melted at your smile. “Me, too.”
Jinyoung surprised you when he pulled off one of your earplugs and plugged it into his ear. “What are you listening to?”
You growled at him but being the nice person that you were, you didn’t pull it out his ear. 
“It’s Love me by Yiruma.” You smiled. 
Jinyoung nodded along to the gentle rhythm and pretended that there was a piano in front of him. He started to strum his fingers in the air as if there was an invisible piano in front of him. “It’s relaxing, I like it.”
Just this once, you let out a genuine smile. *That’s cute.* Your eyes widened in realization of what you just thought. *Did I just think that? Grosss!* You shook your head and tapped it lightly.
“JINYOUNG!” You growled his name in anger and impatience. 
He turned around.
This time you walked up to him, slightly angrier than you should have been. You ruthlessly whipped the envelope out and threw it at him with your eyes slightly b with tears.
The envelope fell onto the dirty, cold pavement.
Jinyoung’s eyes widened. 
“I have never met anyone more stubborn than you!” You cursed. “When I said I did not want it, I meant it. I don’t need it!” You hissed at him. Without a second thought, you whirled around and walked away before he could catch up.
Before going home, you decided to head to a restaurant first to grab something to eat. 
When you came near, you noticed a familiar figure. You stared at him in bewilderment. 
It was Jinyoung! 
He was carrying a tub of dirty dishes, bowls, and cups. His skinny arms look so fragile and he was wearing a thin sweater with a white t-shirt underneath. 
You crept inconspicuously closer. 
There was a small stool where he was able to sit on. He cleaned the dishes thoroughly. Throughout the whole time, he still kept that stupid smile on.
Jinyoung looked into your sincere eyes. Something about it made him feel bad for forcing it on you. He shook his head and smiled that stupid smile that you hated. “No, it’s my fault. I guess I was expecting you to be like this other girls and to accept it easily.”
Your face scrunched up at the mention of ‘like other girls’. 
Jinyoung noticed and continued. “But you’re not like other girls, and that’s what makes you so special and different.”
You didn’t expect him to say what he did. Without realizing, a little piece of your heart has slowly grown fond of him. You smiled and nodded.
You sobbed even louder now. 
Someone placed a hand on your back.
You stopped crying, hope rose in your chest. *Appa?*
“Uljima,” said the gentle voice. 
You froze in place.
“She wouldn’t want to see you like this.” 
Slowly, you pulled back and looked up. Your eyes were wide and red with tears.
Without another word, Jinyong pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. Suddenly comforted by his embrace, you hugged him back as you cried harder onto his chest.
Jinyoung smiled mischievously as he spoke, “Just to let you know. This belongs to you.” Your head tilted slightly to the side in confusion.
Before you could comprehend what he meant, Jinyoung leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened as you felt his soft lips moving themselves against yours.
Finally, Jinyoung pulled back. Your eyes were still wide with surprise. 
“That belonged to you, my first kiss belonged to you.” Jinyoung smiled affectionately at you as he curled a strand of hair behind your ear.
You eyes fluttered open as you whirled around to see your Dad peering into your room. You quickly stuffed the letter into your pockets.
“Done packing?” Your father asked.
You nodded. “I’m almost done.”
Your father smiled proudly at you as he opened his arm to hug you. “Gomawo, so much for agreeing to this as hard as it is for you to agree to come with me. I’m sorry for making you leave your life here.”
Your eyes were slightly watery as you wrapped your arm around your father. You shook your head in his chest. You were unable to speak because if you said another word, you knew that you would go into hysterics. 
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danahcole #1
Chapter 55: It's not yet too late! It has been years already but.. please make a sequel pleasee.... i really love this and there was no dull moment while i was reading this. Pleaseeee its not yet too late!!!
daeljoejinyoung96 #2
Chapter 55: Can you make a sequel?;'D
Chapter 55: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3Wahhhhh My first Jinyoung fic was sooooo beautiful<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
syasyabilly #4
Chapter 55: awesome. this is the best jinyoung fanfic that i ever read. Thank you authornim. i love it so much. i feel like going to cry....^_^....
syasyabilly #5
i like it so much. thanks authornim.
somiabana #6
Chapter 55: Ohhh!! I love this!! <3 Sequel please???
Chapter 55: I love this fic ! you're a great writer authornim :D
Chapter 55: Lovee this!!!
You're story never fail to amaze me!! :D
Sequel pretty pleeeeease ;)