First Date



“What are I looking at out there?” My mom asked as I peeked out the window.

I are well aware that I looked ridiculous looking out the window with a big smile on my face but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to miss even one moment of Kyungsoo. Like right now, how Kyungsoo was in his car. He had gotten here 5 minutes ago after calling me, stuttering about being the guy that pretended he knew what tampons were. I wasn’t sure, but I thought Kyungsoo was trying to get the courage to knock on my door. I decided to jump the gun and go out to his car.

“My rides here, I’ll see you later!” I hollered and ran out the door.

I got up to the driver’s door of Kyungsoo’s car, bracing my hands on my knees and knocked on the window. I bit my lip to contain my smile as Kyungsoo looked up in bewilderment. I waved and Kyungsoo rolled down the window. “You knew I was here?”

“You’ve been sitting here awfully long. I figured, why waste time?” I ran over to the passenger side and hopped into his car. “So, where are we going?”

“My friends are hanging out at my apartment. I thought we could go there... unless you don’t want to! I could go anywhere with you!” I burst into laughter at Kyungsoo’s face when he realized he sounded very needy.

“We can go to your apartment. I can understand if you don’t want to spend time alone with me. I’m boring, aren’t I?”

Kyungsoo took his eyes off the road to stare at me in confusion. It looked like he knew I was joking but couldn’t believe I’d say something like that. “Kyungsoo, the road!” I yelled out in warning as the car swerved. Kyungsoo straightened the car out and the two of us let out a sigh of relief.

“Great Kyungsoo, get in a car accident with the first girl that likes you,” Kyungsoo berated himself out loud.

“Kyungsoo, it’s okay. Really. I’ll really try hard not to tease you for the rest of the drive. It’s safer that way.”

“You... uh... look really nice,” spit out Kyungsoo.

I caught my tongue in between my teeth. “Thank you. I wore my extra short skirt just for you.”

“I noticed. So much leg...” Kyungsoo trailed off and then cleared his throat. “I mean the turtle on your shirt. It’s cute, right?”

We arrived at your destination and I walked slowly with Kyungsoo to the door. There was loud music playing and people laughing as the two of us approached the door. Kyungsoo reached in front of me to open the door like a gentleman and his arm accidently brushed my . I saw Kyungsoo’s ears get red even though he was trying to act nonchalant by scratching the back of his head. The opened door revealed a boy with floppy, curly auburn hair and a huge smile.

“Kyungsoo, you made it back finally? And you brought the girl,” he nodded in approval, “She is very cute.”

“Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo shouted at the grinning boy, but Chanyeol simply laughed it off.

“Everyone’s here, come in,” Chanyeol opened the door wider to allow the two of us entrance.

While Kyungsoo and I removed my shoes, Chanyeol yelled to everyone that Kyungsoo was here and he brought his cute girl. Kyungsoo almost tripped over his own feet to run towards Chanyeol and tackle him.

I entered the room and tuck my hair behind my ear. What I wasn’t expecting was a group of all boys. Other than Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, there were 4 other boys in the living room. “Uh, hi! My name is Adrianna. Nice to meet you.”

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me. One boy was even about to bite on a chip he was bringing to his mouth and he stopped.

“This is a joke, right?” asked one of the boys.

Kyungsoo, currently in the middle of getting his head crush by Chanyeol, shoved Chanyeol off of him. “No, this is the girl from the grocery store,” Kyungsoo broke out in a nervous smile. “And she asked me out!”

“Kyungsoo, you failed to mention I’d be the only girl here,” I elbowed him in the ribs.

“Don’t worry. Baekhyun’s here. He’s got enough eyeliner on to make up for all the missing girls,” one of the guys cracked up.

Kyungsoo studied my face, worried. “We can leave if you want to. I just thought... this isn’t the best place to hang out is it...” Kyungsoo’s face fell at his fail.

I grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand, “Just stay close by and don’t leave me alone. I wore this skirt for you, remember?”

Kyungsoo looked at his hand in mine. Then he looked at my face in wonder. “I remember.”

The two of us sat down beside each other on chairs. One of the boys’ leaned over, looking over my bare legs “So, please tell me you’re here because you heard a rumor I was here.”

 “Kai,” growls Kyungsoo. “It is not your duty to seduce every girl you meet. Especially this one.”

Kai sat back and crosses his arms. He smirked as he said “They all come to me eventually.”

“No, I prefer my guys awkward. That way I don’t have to compete for the mirror every morning.”

“Did you just own Kai? You are a cool girl in my books,” said another boy, offering his hand in a high five.

And with that, the ice is broken. A boy named Baekhyun is introduced to me, the one who was made fun of because of his eyeliner. I told him it looked fine and he smiled at me, making his eyes crinkle. Another boy, Suho, handed me a glass of something green. He laughed when I sniffed it.

“One can never be too sure when hanging out with boys,” I shot Kai a glance while taking a gulp.

“Come on Sehun, just this one time. To show the new girl. I’ve got to do it!” begged Chanyeol to one of the boys.

“No. I don't want to be cute in front of a girl. I want to be handsome!” said Sehun stubbornly.

“Oh, you don’t have to bother him for me. I wouldn’t want anyone to make their selves uncomfortable.”

“Baekhyun, do your Christina impersonation,” prodded Suho.

Baekhyun waved his hands in front of him, “Let me off this time, please,” he begged.

It seemed like no one wanted to seem silly in front of me. “Guys, you don’t need to entertain me. I’ve got Kyungsoo for that. Just be yourselves. Just pretend I’m one of the guys!” I piped up.

“So you wouldn’t mind, since you want to be treated like one of the guys, if I asked you if you’re a ?” Kai said smugly, figuring he’d won this round.

Everyone was silent, waiting for my answer. “If this a lame attempt for you to tell me a story about how good you’re are in bed, I’m sorry, I’m going to have to laugh at you now.” I barely kept my mirth contained.

“Quite the girl you’ve got here,” Chanyeol said, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

Kyungsoo picked Chanyeol’s arm off of me. I found it endearing that Kyungsoo was already protective over Ime. “Yeah, my girl, so hands off,” Kyungsoo blushed as the guys ‘oooooh’-ed him at the confirmation that I was his.

The night turned relaxed as I drank and ate with the rambunctious gang of boys. They teased each other unmercifully, laughing at old jokes and all around just enjoying each other’s company. Eventually, I covered a yawn just as Kyungsoo turned to ask me a question. Instead, he looked at his watch and his eyes widened. “I didn’t even know what time it was! I have to get you home. What if your mom hates me for bringing you home so late?”

I yawned again, not realizing how tired I was. “It’s fine. My mom’s cool.”

Kyungsoo lifted me up by my elbow and whispered “I’d much rather have you all to myself.”

I raised my eyebrows, impressed Kyungsoo could make himself so forward, “Okay than. It was nice meeting you all. I’m sure I’ll see you again,” I grinned suggestively.

“What, you’re leaving already?” Chanyeol’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Yeah, we didn’t even drag out of you why you like this guy,” Suho smiled to himself.

“I’ll tell you once I get my goodnight kiss,” I winked.

“Don’t forget to use that move I taught you,” shouted Kai to Kyungsoo.

“Be a gentleman,” added Baekhyun.

“Goodnight Adrianna!” sounded out Sehun, before the door closed on their voices.

I buckled my seatbelt as Kyungsoo started the car and backed out of the driveway. “That was, uh, fun?” I said, laughing into my hand.

“I’m sorry, they can be so over-bearing sometimes,” Kyungsoo said, sending me an apologetic smile.

“No, I had a good time. They’re cool. But maybe next time, could we go to a restaurant? Or like the movies?”

“Next time?” Kyungsoo parroted me.

“I’d like there to be a next time.” I put my hand on Kyungsoo’s knee and he pressed the gas in reaction to my touch. “Sorry, I should know better to distract you.”

I watched as Kyungsoo drove past my road. “Kyungsoo, that was the turn.”

“Was it? I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo took a left to circle around. I looked over at him suspiciously as he let a cat cross in front of the car. Then at the intersection, he wouldn’t cross the road when there was a car in view. I became conscious that Kyungsoo was taking any opportunity he could to delay getting to my house. I wasn’t sure if he was just apprehensive about what was going to happen when we did stop or if he just didn’t want to separate from me quite yet.

“Kyungsoo,” I paused as he passed my street again.

“Sorry, I’ll get it right this time,” Kyungsoo said, turning again.

“Kyungsoo,” I said more firmly.

Kyungsoo stole a glance at me, “Alright, I’ll stop and let you out.” Kyungsoo finally stopped in front of my house. I removed my seatbelt but stayed in the car.

Before I could say anything, Kyungsoo burst out with his own speech. “I know I fumble a lot and can’t tell you properly how I feel but I want you to know you’re really cool and I’m pretty sure I like you a lot. Please give me a chance to show you I could be a good guy to be with. I’m really awesome, just ask Chanyeol. Well, on second thought, maybe Suho would do better—”

I quieted Kyungsoo with a finger to his lips. “I don’t have to ask anyone. I can tell you’re a really sweet guy. That’s why I asked you to take me out in the grocery store. You had me when you were pretending to be interested in waffles while trying to look at me. Stop babbling and kiss me.”

Kyungsoo bit his lower lip and nodded. Both of us tilted my heads to receive our first kiss.

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dear readers... I've been holding off updating because it'll be the last chapter. I can't let Kyungsoo go away :( It'll be up soon enough tho


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Chapter 1: Same here! This actually start pretty fine for me, but the subject using like 'I and You' is confusing....i wonder about the next chapter lets see
Chapter 15: Kyungsoo is so cute here hehehe..i love this story..thank you for your hardwork
Chapter 15: Good job!! Enjoyed this story~
Chapter 1: Just a heads up but in this chapter, you use I and you as the same thing. For example, "Kyungsoo, will I go on a date with me?"
Chapter 15: KYUNGSOO'S SOOOOOO CUUUUTEEEEE. wanna pinch his squishy face too. ;'))
xiaoLu_ieyla #6
Chapter 15: so cute. d.o is so adorable. ♥
Chapter 15: i think i had a permanent smile the whole way through. I LOVE AWKWARD BOYS!!!
asmya94 #8
Chapter 15: This story is soooo cute..owh how much I love your story...
Kyungsoic #9
Chapter 15: love!! that was nice and this cute-y Kyungsoo ^^
pwin842 #10
Chapter 15: Just finished reading it for the 3rd time :D.... still as amazing as ever ^-^