The Morning after



The table was silent except for the clattering of forks and knives against plates. Kyungsoo had made breakfast and everyone was completely immersing themselves in the food instead of talking about what happened last night.

“So...” Suho cleared his throat. “Did you sleep well, Adrianna?”

“She sounded pretty tired out to me last night,” Chanyeol said.

“We’re not talking about this,” Kyungsoo groaned.

“When I tell you things, you’re supposed to keep them to yourself,” grumbled Kai, almost missing his mouth with his fork.

“You’re the one that forgot to turn off your mic,” pointed out Baekhyun to Kyungsoo.

Sehun didn’t say anything. His face was centimetres from his plate as he shoveled food in his mouth as fast as he could. His permanent blush was not successfully hidden, however.

“Wait a minute, after you guys realized what you were hearing, didn’t you turn your headsets off?” I posed to the table. No one would meet my eyes. “So you’re just as guilty for listening.”

“It’s kind of hard not to listen when you were like a—” Chanyeol shut up when Kyungsoo drew his butter knife across his throat menacingly.

“Did you have to get tied up? That just added to the visual,” continued Baekhyun.

“Just out of curiosity, did you take your bra before or after—ow, Suho!” Kai rubbed the back of his head.

“This conversation is over,” Kyungsoo said, gathering everyone’s plates whether they were finished or not.

“Thank god!” Sehun exclaimed, shooting out of his chair and headed to the living room.

“I think last night made Sehun think some dirty thoughts of Adrianna. I don’t think he’s handling it very well,” Suho looked amused.

“I’ll go talk to him,” I pushed my chair back but Kyungsoo intercepted me.

“I’ll do it, you go home,” he said before sweeping out of the room.

“Sorry guys,” I ducked my head apologetically. “I should have been quieter or stopped Kyungsoo—”

“No, don’t apologize, I feel really—” Baekhyun couldn't help but blush about our subject, “—we shouldn’t have listened.”

“Baekhyun’s right,” Suho added, “We don’t want you to feel like you can’t come—” he choked over that specific word.

“What I wouldn’t have given for Kyungsoo’s webcam to be on too—ow!” Baekhyun hit Chanyeol this time.

“This’ll blow over soon enough. I just hope—”




“Oh boy,” Baekhyun said.

“Here they go again,” Kai shook his head.

Chanyeol rubbed his hands together. “I’ve been waiting for them to argue all morning.”

“They’ll go for hours if we don’t stop them,” Suho looked ready to break the fight up.

I put my arm out to stop Suho. “Let them shout it out. Maybe they’ll expand all their energy and be tired and we can all watch Shut up Flower Boy band.” The boys looked at me like I was missing out on something.

“LEAVE MY FACE ALONE!” cried out Sehun.

“On second thought, I don’t want Sehun to have permanent scarring, mental or physical, because of me,” I chuckled.

I walked into a mess. The couch cushions was everywhere, lamp shades tilted crazily and the TV was sitting precariously on its stand. Sehun was currently pounding at Kyungsoo’s leg, trying to give him a Charlie horse while Kyungsoo had his mouth open to chomp down on Sehun’s head.

“Boys!” I shouted and they jumped apart. “Can’t you two act like responsible adults? What happened was weird but it happens.” I pointed at Sehun, “Kyungsoo and I are going out, so it’s safe to assume we’re ually active. Next time you’re curious, go to .” I turned to Kyungsoo. “You left the mic on so it’s just as much your fault. So shake hands and make nice!”

The boys did so but not without griping.

“She’s bossy in the morning.”

“You have a very controlling girlfriend.”

I tried not to laugh at their sulkiness. “Now, clean up this mess before Suho sees what you’ve done.”

The other four boys hadn’t missed the show either.

“Imagine that prowess commanding you,” Baekhyun sounded like he was in awe.

“Hey, that’s my line,” complained Chanyeol.

“I heard one night with her was worth 10 nights with one girl,” gossiped Kai.

“I can hear you guys,” I said, making sure Kyungsoo and Sehun did as they were told.

Suho came up from behind me, “You can make them do things almost better than I can.”

“Us girls get that tone perfected while we’re young,” I grinned.

“She did make the show finish prematurely,” Chanyeol said.

“Maybe just a couple minutes longer?” Kai suggested.

“Hey Sehun, do you think Adrianna wears black or colorful underwear?” shouted Baekhyun.

Sehun flushed immediately along with Kyungsoo.

“Don’t ask such questions!”

“Only I’m allowed to know that!”

Sehun sent Kyungsoo a glare. “We wouldn't be wondering if you had been smart enough to turn your mic off.”

“I’m sorry, am I not allowed to do wonderful things with my girlfriend in the confines of my own room?”

“Sure, as long as I can’t hear it! I can’t go to sleep without thinking of—”

“Don’t say it! Sehun, I swear I’ll—”

“What’s that, Kyungsoo? I can’t hear you over Adrianna moans about going faster!”

“I’m going to wipe your motherboard clean and then I’m going to use your only cup and not wash it!”

“Oh yeah? I’ll steal Adrianna for the day and we’ll watch dramas and cuddle on the couch while you practise kissing with Kai!”

I face palmed myself as Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kai laughed at the two fighting like it was a sitcom. “It’s like this all the time, don’t blame yourself,” Suho tried to console me.

“You guys are horrible friends,” I accused. “Kyungsoo Do and Sehun Oh, stop fighting right now!”

Both of them looked at me, wide-eyed at my tone. “I’m leaving, so I want a goodbye hug or I’m not talking to either of you for a week.”

Sehun gave me a quick squeeze, “Goodbye Adrianna. Come over when Kyungsoo isn’t here, kay?” Sehun childishly stuck his tongue out at Kyungsoo and scampered away.

“I’m walking Adrianna to her car. Because I’M HER BOYFRIEND!” Kyungsoo yelled at Sehun’s back.

“Goodbye Adrianna. Come on big mouth, we’ve got a game to finish,” Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol before he could get himself in trouble.

“Don't say goodbye for too long,” Kai got one last shot in.

“See you later Adrianna!” Suho said cheerfully.

“Stupid roommates,” Kyungsoo said under his breath as the door closed behind us.

“They make things interesting,” I joked, grabbing Kyungsoo’s hand.

“Interesting is an understatement.”

The two of us walked down the steps, enjoying the silence after the explosion of a morning we had. The air was fresh; I took a deep breath and couldn’t stop a smile from creeping on my face. It may have been a ridiculous morning but I didn’t regret the fun we had last night. As we approached my car, I allowed my dominant side to return and pushed Kyungsoo up against the driver’s side door.

Kyungsoo’s eyes flitted around, trying to see if there was anyone else in the parking lot. “Uh, maybe next time we can go to your house?”

“You think it’s better if my mom overhears us instead?”

“NO!” Kyungsoo’s shut-down echoed through the lot.

“Wherever it happens, it’s my turn to have some fun,” I grinned wickedly. Before Kyungsoo could stop me, I kissed him passionately and rubbed him through his pants. Kyungsoo’s muffled complaints stopped when I deepened the kiss, engaging his tongue. When I broke the kiss, I was satisfied with his swollen lips and half-lidded eyes.

Kyungsoo’s tongue came out to take a swipe at his lips and I watched it like a predator eyeing its prey. “Why do you always make me feel like you’re a cat and I’m the mouse.”

I patted Kyungsoo’s cheek, “Because, silly, I like to make you nervous.”

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dear readers... I've been holding off updating because it'll be the last chapter. I can't let Kyungsoo go away :( It'll be up soon enough tho


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Chapter 1: Same here! This actually start pretty fine for me, but the subject using like 'I and You' is confusing....i wonder about the next chapter lets see
Chapter 15: Kyungsoo is so cute here hehehe..i love this story..thank you for your hardwork
Chapter 15: Good job!! Enjoyed this story~
Chapter 1: Just a heads up but in this chapter, you use I and you as the same thing. For example, "Kyungsoo, will I go on a date with me?"
Chapter 15: KYUNGSOO'S SOOOOOO CUUUUTEEEEE. wanna pinch his squishy face too. ;'))
xiaoLu_ieyla #6
Chapter 15: so cute. d.o is so adorable. ♥
Chapter 15: i think i had a permanent smile the whole way through. I LOVE AWKWARD BOYS!!!
asmya94 #8
Chapter 15: This story is soooo cute..owh how much I love your story...
Kyungsoic #9
Chapter 15: love!! that was nice and this cute-y Kyungsoo ^^
pwin842 #10
Chapter 15: Just finished reading it for the 3rd time :D.... still as amazing as ever ^-^