The Jig's Up

Our Untitled Story

Key's POV:

I looked at my silver watch; - Maybe I should just go to the practice room. . . I bet the other members are just lounging around at home watching TV while I'm here running up stairs. I sighed again before closing my eyes; the silence almost suffocating me; - until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I dug through my pocket and typed my password into the phone, only to see that it was a text message from Taemin.

From Taeminnie: Hi hyung! Where are you? Did you have a schedule today? You didn't tell me or the hyungs about it!

I smiled my signature 'diva' smile before quickly texting back; a plan slowly forming in my head.

From AlmightKey: I'm at the company. . . Where are you guys?

I stared intensely at my phone before I decided to get up and run quickly down the stairs towards the back entrance.  

Of course I decided to run today, and forget to take my car keys with me. . . C'mon Taeminnie! Reply quickly. . . ! Thankfully in only a minute, I felt my phone vibrate again just as I ran out the back entrance door, and into the parking lot.

From Taeminnie: I'm at home with the other hyungs ^^ . What time will you be back??

I smiled, Just what I needed to know. I can't go running around without knowing where they are. . . I quickly dialed manager hyung's number.

"Hey hyung? Where are you? Can you pick me up at SMEntertainment and take me to our apartment. . . The members are skipping out on practice," I said with a smirk, as I heard our manager exclaim something about killing the others when he had the chance, and that he was two minutes away so he would pick me up.

Don't worry ____. I'll make sure the members come. . .

Taemin's POV:

From AlmightyKey: I'm at the company. . . Where are you guys?

Does hyung not know that were all just at home?? Is something going on? I looked up at Onew who was currently playing video games with Jonghyun, and winning.

"Hey Onew hyung, we don't have schedules today right?" I asked before bitting into a candy bar.

"I don't think so. . . AH! Jonghyun you sneaky dinosaur! How dare you kill my ship!" Onew shouted before bumping into Jonghyun's arm forcefully in an attempt to stop him from pushing any more buttons.

I chuckled, "But Key and Minho left in such a rush this morning, and Key just texted me right now,"  I said before replying to Key.

From Taeminnie: I'm at home with the other hyungs ^^ . What time will you be back??

I looked up just in time to see Jonghyun freeze for a few seconds with a blank look on his face, before playfully bumping Onew's shoulder back with a laugh. It seemed as though he never froze; he just continued smiling and laughing.

Something happened that Jonghyun isn't telling us about. . .

Before I could question Jonghyun, the front door suddenly opened, only to reveal our manager; red in the face, with Key walking in slowly behind him with a smirk on his face.

"YAH! Guys! Our practice started at six thirty! Why aren't you there?" Key said with a sigh.

"Why aren't YOU there?" Jonghyun said with a small smile. Key simply huffed before shooting Jonghyun a death glare.

"You guys know that this is one of the worst stunts you guys have pulled right?! What does this tell ____-ah, who is working hard for your new song? What does this tell Soo Man?!" Manager hyung said exasperatedly before shaking his head in defeat. "Just get in the car guys. . . I have no choice but to report this to Soo Man, and see what he has to say to this; - your behavior was very disappointing. I excepted more from all three of you," he said before walking over to Jonghyun and then grabbing his ear, and then Onew's hand and pulling them towards the front door.

As soon as I heard manager hyung's voice, I took an interest in the small marks on the floor, I traced my finger over the marks; wondering what I should do in a situation like this.

Key coughed loudly before ruffling my hair, "I know it wasn't your fault. I'm betting it was all that stupid dino's fault," Key said with a chuckle. "Should've expected that out of him right. . . ?" he said before leaning against the wall.

I simply nodded, still looking at the marks on the floor.

"Taeminnie, I don't like the silent treatment you're giving me," Key said in his "mom" voice, before walking over to where I was and sitting right in front of me. Key propped my chin up so I was looking him straight in the eye, "What's wrong?" he asked, a worried look appearing in his eyes.

I shook my head, "It's nothing Key Umma, lets get going before Manager hyung drags us to his car too," I said before getting up and walking towards the front door. I can't believe Jonghyun was actually hiding something from us. We're supposed to be a family right?

Jonghyun's POV:

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" I complained as our manager dragged Onew and I to his car.

"Be quiet Jonghyun; you're the one behind this aren't you?" Manager hyung stated before opening the car doors and indicating that we should get in.

I stayed quiet, and looked down as I got into the car; Onew following close behind.

"What does he mean by that Jongie?" I heard Onew whisper to me as our manager stomped back to our dorm room; yelling for Key and Taemin to hurry up. I sat there blankly; thinking of all the excuses I could say, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I simply shook my head.

Onew remained quiet for a minute before speaking up, "Taemin and I knew you were up to something the second you asked us what time our practice was. We all clearly heard it, and I know you did too," he said looking up at the car's ceiling. "You're never late for practice even though you're lazy and take forever in the morning to get ready; sometimes you take as long as Key for God's sake!" he muttered under his breath.

I just nodded, not knowing what to say at the moment. The only thing I was thinking, was

What will ____ think of me now?

"Jongie?" Onew said loudly before shaking my arm. "Hey. . . We all knew you were going to do something once ____ dumped water on you. . ." Onew said before scratching his head, "but we didn't think you'd go this far just to get back at her," he said with a chuckle. "She really did get you good didn't she. . ."

I laughed nervously, "I guess she did. . ."

The car door opened as Taemin and Key slid in next to us while our manager jumped in the car, shoved the keys into the engine, and quickly started to accelerate towards the SM building. I couldn't help but slowly dread seeing ____ as we got closer and closer to the building.  It seemed as if God himself willed us to arrive as quickly as possible. We quickly passed by each green traffic light, and before I knew it; - we were in front of the SM building, walking up the stairs to our training room.

"You better apologize to ____ Jonghyun, and beg her to stay with you guys. She's the only songwriter and choreographer that we can turn to now," our manager said quietly as we neared the room. I sighed inwardly and closed my eyes before opening the practice room door slowly. I heard a few shocked gasps, and the sniffling of someone inside the practice room.

"Is that. . . " Key stated quietly

"Minho and ____?!" Onew exclaimed loudly only to be tackled by Taemin and Key who shoved their hands on top of his mouth.

I opened my eyes finally, only to see Minho and ____ hugging, but that wasn't all; ____ was crying. Actually crying. As in tears were coming out of her eyes and she wasn't just. .  Sweating through her eyes or something.

"You idiot!" Key hissed before hitting Onew's arm.

"Shouldn't we go inside? Jonghyu--- err we have to apologize to ____," Taemin said quietly before glancing up at me with a small smirk.

I bit my lip, That cheeky kid. . . Thinking he knows everything now. . .

"Fine, I'll go and apologize," I said, only to get pulled by the arm onto the ground by Key.

"Don't interrupt their moment you stupid dino," Key said with a fan girl giggle.

"I, on the other hand oppose this! We should interrupt! Onew let's go!" Manager hyung said while glaring down at Onew. "You will interrupt them right. . . ?"

Before Manager hyung could walk into the practice room and drag Onew with him, Taemin tackled him and sat on top of his legs. "Manager hyung is secured Key Umma!" Taemin said before saluting Key.

"Now sit here quietly like good little boys, and let's see what'll happen," Key said before turning his attention back to Minho and ____.

I wonder how Minho and ____ can't hear us out here. Onew was tackled by Key and Taemin, AND Manager hyung was just tackled by Taemin. How deaf can they be?!

I sighed before gently pushing Key off me and sitting upright, "Get off of me you big diva," I said before sticking my tongue out at Key. He simply smiled before looking at Minho and _____ through the crack in the door. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall next to the door, only to be greeted with a light melody being played on the piano, and a soft, but sweet voice singing to it.

(Listen to this song for the rest of the chapter (: ) 

My eyes widened in surprise; ____ was singing one of our oldest songs perfectly while playing the piano. I looked at Key who looked equally as surprised as I did. Before I knew it, I was humming along with ____, while she sang "Last Gift" . 

____'s POV: (FLASHBACK; ____ is 2 years old) 

"Where's my mommy? Where's daddy?" I shouted at the unknown blank faces of my supposed relatives. I stood there hugging the stuffed bunny my parents gave me; tears streaming out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Still; none of them moved towards me, or even offered comforting words; they just stood there like statues looking down at me with faces devoid of all emotion. I couldn't help but cry even louder, my screams reaching no one but empty air. They just stared, and then started arguing. 

"Who's going to take care of her?" one man asked suddenly. 

"Don't expect us to take care of her; we already have children of our own to take care of!" a woman said loudly. 

"Another mouth to feed would be a pain in the ," another man said to his wife.

"I already have so many bills to pay because of this stupid girl's parents!" a man said while scratching at his head furiously.

"If only those two listened to us, this would've never happened! It's all that girl's fault!" a woman said shouting at me while pointing at me accusingly.

They all turned and looked at me with accusing eyes, while I stood there, still crying. I didn't know what to do, who to go to. 

10 years later (___ is 12) 

"You only got a ninety percent on your math test?! You disgraceful child!" my grandmother shouted before crumpling my math test and then throwing it onto the ground. 

"And after all that we've done for you; take care of you, provide a roof over your head, make you food everyday; THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE BACK?" my other grandmother shouted even louder than the first. 

I closed my eyes, trying to blink back all the tears. 

Don't you cry in front of them ____. That's what they want. Never cry in front of them. Ever. 

"Don't ignore us when we're talking to you ____!" my second grandmother said before slapping my cheek. 

"Tsk. She's just like her mother. Impolite and stupid," my other grandmother said with a scoff. 

"Please don't talk about my mother like that!" I shouted. 

They don't even deserve to mention my mom. 

"Look now, she's talking back," my second grandmother said while shaking her head, "and you know what we do when you talk back," 

I felt my fear start to rise, "Please not again. . . I'm sorry. . " I said while standing up and bowing lowly' only to get slapped and kicked to the ground. 

"Don't defy our rules ____ ! You wouldn't be here without us! When no one wanted to take you in, WE were the ones that stepped up to help you!" they shouted in sync. 

I cried out at the impact of hitting the floor and cried out loudly, before biting my lip and whimpering quietly. 

Just bear the pain ____. It'll be over soon. . . I'll NEVER cry again. 

16 years later (___ is 16 years old) 

"Hey ____," someone said before hugging my waist from behind. 

I glared at Joon, "Let go please, I have to go to class," I said coldly while removing his arms from around my waist. 

"Awwwhh ____ don't be like that, I already said sorry," he said while drapping his arm over my shoulders. 

"Sorry for WHAT in particular Joon? Stalking me? Cheating on me? me?" I said slightly angry that he was bringing that up now even though six months had already passed since that incident. 

"All of the above baby. You know you can't stay mad at me forever; it's already been a year!" he said in a whiny voice. 

I shook off his arm and walked faster, "Just leave me alone Joon, I don't want to talk to you anymore," I said in the nicest voice I could possibly muster. 

"You know I can't do that; we have so much history!" Joon said catching up to me with ease. 

"Just go away and don't talk to me again," I said before walking into my classroom. I was suddenly pulled into the janitor's closet and forced up against the wall. 

"I already told you I'm sorry. Just be a nice little and come back to me," he said before embracing me. 

"Hell no!" I shouted before kneeing him in the crotch and running away. 

"THIS ISN'T THE END ____. I'LL FIND YOU AGAIN AND YOU'LL BE MINE," I heard him shout weakly as he fell on the floor. 

You can dream Joon. You can dream, but it'll never happen again. I'll NEVER fall in love again. 

____'s POV (Present again (: ) 

I didn't even realize that Minho was still there until I heard him speak up.

"That was really good ____," he said suddenly with a smile before handing me his handkerchief from his pocket. 

I nodded, "Yeah. . . It has sentimental meaning," I said before taking his handkerchief and dabbing at my eyes. 

Real smooth ____. I thought you promised yourself that you would never cry again. . . 

I felt someone hug me from behind, "M-Minho?" I asked, surprised that he was hugging me; - but of course that moment ended as soon as it had begun. A loud BANG echoed through the practice room, shocking Minho and I, causing us to jump apart awkwardly. 

"Key? Taemin?" I heard Minho say with surprise. 

"Stupid Taeminnie! It was just getting good!" Key said frustratingly. 

"Well I couldn't see what was happening because Key umma's big head was blocking everything happening!" Taemin said while playfully sticking out his tongue. 

"Is my head really that big?!" Key said with a worried face while touching his face. 

"I guess the jig's up, and you saw all of us, so Jongie don't you have something to say to ____?" Onew said while walking into the practice room with a small smile. 

"Uhmm. Yeah. . ." Jonghyun started to say as he scratched his head and entered the practice room.

"____. . . ." 


Author's Note: 

ForeverWaiting: Hi guise!!! I"m sorry it took so long to update; but I typed a bit more for you loyal readers ^^ . Hopefully you'll forward to the next chapter (= . I"ll try to make it long, to make up for the lack of updates x____x'''' . But hopefully now you know more about ____. ^^ So YesYes. Everyone be safe okay ^^ ? 

SHINeeLoveForever: It's been so long you guys! We are so sorry for everything! So we made a longer chapter~ Thank you so much for staying with us! Please look forward for our next update! I love you guise ^^ ♥

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HFE;AWIEGH;IOEHWGIOHAWEIGH;AWIO YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE ALL OF YOU RIGHT :D ? ♥ Thank you so much for Commenting and Subscribing *-* -ForeverWaiting ♥


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Oh my gosh I love this fanfic so much

Please update soon Author-nim ^^
Siblings-Curse #2
Chapter 6: OK...I really like this pairing so I'll go with this title: Your silent guardian.

Because of Minho. He seems to be the one who likes to think things through before acting upon it.
Siblings-Curse #3
Chapter 5: Brother would be Jjong - he seems like the overprotective type of brother I'd like to have.

Husband would be Onew - he's cute, smart, caring, romantic, funny and everything else in between. He's the perfect husband.

Best friend would be Key - the type of best friend anyone would like to have: Always there to listen to your problems, and you won't have any problem listening to theirs either. You can depend on each other without consequences.

Enemy: Minho. I'm also very competitive...I've got a feeling we'll clash because of that. But at the same time, we'd be good friends because of it.

Friends with...Benefits. Taemin...he's closest to my age, and he fits the image of a a prince charming that I've always imagined when I was a kid. But we'd only be friends with benefits because I just can't see myself with someone so perfect - it would burden me.

Title suggestions: I'll be there for you. From Minho's actions...assuming that she'll be with Minho.
Siblings-Curse #4
Chapter 4: No suggestions from this...though I do want to hit Jjong with a bucket. Or kick him repeatedly. Or hang him from a hundred feet cliff over sharp rocks.
Siblings-Curse #5
Chapter 3: "We've got you" - for SHINee saying that to her. They've got her...and 'they' won't be able to get to her.

Loved it by the way - though I would've added some real ice in the bucket.
Siblings-Curse #6
Chapter 2: OK...another one. "Taming them..."

You know...cause it's hard to do so with SHINee
Siblings-Curse #7
Chapter 1: OK...from this...I'd go for: You're worth something to US

Based on her little thought about 'them' calling her worthless.

Or "It's more fun this way" based on the playful non-workaholics - just trying to make their job fun in their own ways.
Siblings-Curse #8
I'll have to read it first...but I think I've already got a good idea of it.
Chapter 6: Titles
-Why so serious?
Work hard or play hard
ForeverWaiting #10
@b2utyforever46: D'awwwwwwhhhhhhh :DD !!!
Thank you so Muucchh !!!
I'm so Happy you're Enjoying it >< !!
HeeHee. Im waiting for your New Update as Well~