How will Tomorrow Go?

Our Untitled Story

Jonghyun's POV:

"That's a stupid idea Jonghyun! Do you WANT our comeback to be delayed?!" Minho exclaimed in shock as he stared down at me.

"You heard manager hyung! This may be our last chance. . . !" Key said in despair. "The last thing I want is to not be able to perform for our fans just because of your stupid pride!" Typical Key. Always a diva.   

"I could've gotten sick! What ____ did was unreasonable. . ." I replied, trying to convince the other members. "She could do that again, and the next time we could all get sick. When we're sick, our performance will definitely lack. You guys know that from experience,"

Onew and Taemin looked at me thoughtfully. "You could be right Jonghyun. . ." Onew stated, "But it was partially your fault you know," he said with a small smirk. The other members nodded in agreement; it was clear that I was loosing this argument; - until another plan popped into my mind. I mentally smirked, ____ will be surprised tomorrow. . . I sighed as if I was defeated, "Fine guys, but if she does that again, I'll seriously go to Soo Man and manager hyung about her," I stated.

Their worried faces slowly relaxed, "Alright well let's clean up!" Taemin said cheerfully before running over to the stereo, and turning on the radio. "Hello" blasted through the speakers. We all looked up and smiled at each other before singing along to the song.

_____'s POV:

I wonder how the boys are doing. . . Hopefully Jonghyun isn't too upset about the water incident. I sighed as I taped my fingers on the table in front of me as Jaejoong continued talking to us about our profits, number of clients, and the recent hallyu stars.

"We can't afford to miss out on any company; many Kpop groups will be making a comeback soon, and with more comebacks; the need for songwriters and choreographers will increase. . ." he stated before pointing to a chart. I closed my eyes while listening to Jaejoong's voice, Theres so much to do. . . I only have six more days until I have to turn in the rough draft for SHINee's new song and choreography. . . My train of thought was interrupted by the cough of Hyolyn, who signaled that I had to speak. I mentally shook myself, Get ahold of yourself ____! You have to do your job correctly.

"How is the new song for SHINee going ____-ah?" Jaejoong asked with a smile. As soon as Jaejoong said SHINee, the meeting room broke out into excited murmurs.

"Of course ____ would get to work with SHINee! She's the best!"

"If she creates a hit for them too, then our company will be known worldwide!"

"She's amazing, I'm sure she already has an idea,"

I sighed inwardly before speaking up, "The SHINee boys are rambunctious, and it's hard to capture their attention. I am in the process of writing their song, and as soon as that is halfway complete, I'll be able to choreograph the dance," I stated as everyone looked up at me.

Jaejoong nodded towards me as I sat down. "With ____'s new song for the Kpop group SHINee, we will be even more well known! So if she needs help, please do your best to lend a helping hand," he stated before continuing on with the meeting.

This is going to be one tough week. . .

Taemin's POV:

"I'm so tired!" I exclaimed as I jumped, and then landed face down, on the couch. I heard Minho chuckle as he sat down next to my feet.

"It's great to be done. I can finally see the floor!" Minho said with a smile. The other members added their agreements, before silence settled upon us all.

"What do you guys think of ____. . . . ?" I asked suddenly.

Minho looked up at me in surprise, "Taemin don't tell me you l--" I quickly interrupted him by covering his mouth with my hand.

"She's okay; definitely showed Jonghyun who was boss," Onew said before laughing quietly.

"I don't like her. At all," Jonghyun said with a frown; making Onew laugh even more.

Everyone was silent once again before Key spoke up, "Now that we're done, why don't we head home to the dorms; we have to wake up early tomorrow. I need my beauty rest!" he said before getting up and leaving the room; Minho close behind.

"Wait guys," I heard Jonghyun speak up as soon as Key and Minho exited the room.

"Yeah hyung?" I asked.

"Onew sit down!" Jonghyun stated before pulling Onew down and making him sit on the couch with him.

"What time does practice start again..?" he asked.

My eyebrows went up, Jonghyun hyung is acting suspicious. . .

"6:30 a.m., why?" Onew stated while looking up at him.

"I overheard ____ say that practice started at 5:00pm because she had a meeting with another Kpop group," Jonghyun stated with surprise evident in his voice.

"When did you hear that hyung?" I asked innocently. What is Jonghyun planning. . . ? I feel like something's not right.

"She told us on the way out when she was heading to her meeting," he said bluntly. "You guys didn't hear her? Practice starts at 5:00pm instead of 6:30am,"

"Really? Are you sure Jonghyun..? I would've heard her if that was true; I was standing right next to the door when she left," Onew hyung is suspicious too. . .

"Yeah! We can call her and ask," Jonghyun stated before getting up. I looked at Onew as Jonghyun walked towards the door; - Onew gave me a serious look before following Jonghyun, leaving me alone on the couch.

Jonghyun's POV:

They were clearly suspicious Jonghyun! You made it so obvious! I mentally slapped myself before stopping in front of a mirror, and fixing my hair. What should I do in order to convince them. . . ? I sighed loudly as I continued to fix my hair; The only way they'll actually believe me is if ___ tells them that practice is at 5:00pm. . .Well then. I'll make them think it's at 5:00 !

I smiled as I flattened the last piece of hair that was sticking up, before turning around and walking straight to manager hyung's room. ____ won't know what happened.

I knocked on the door loudly, only to hear manager hyung's voice say that the door was open.

"Hey hyung? What's ____'s phone number?" I asked as I entered the room; - only to see Minho in there as well; - stretched out on the couch like a cat. Minho turned around and looked up at the sound of my voice.

"Why do you need ____'s number?" he asked before yawning.

"Just want to check something..." I replied coolly before looking at our manager, whose eyebrows were up as he watched me.

"Don't tell me you have a thing for her already Jonghyun! I know that she's p---" 

"Shut up! It's not like that!" I replied before scratching my head awkwardly.

"Then what's going on?" Minho asked; now sitting up. Assshhhiii! Can't they just give me her phone number?!

"I just wanted to ask her a question about what we're doing tomorrow --- that's all!" I said frustrated. Jonghyun you're loosing your cool.

Manager hyung looked at me weirdly before proceeding to take out his phone and search for ____'s phone number; ---- I think.

"Alright Jonghyun, here's her number. Please don't scare the poor girl, okay?" he replied before handing me his cell phone. I mentally smirked before adding her phone number to my contacts. SUCCESS! Now to call her. Which will be the hardest thing to do. . . 

"Thanks hyung! I'll see you at the dorm Minho," I replied before flashing a smile.

"Alright. You're in charge of dinner tonight since Key has rehearsals for a show," Minho said as I closed the door.

This day is just getting better and better.

____'s POV:

"Okay you're all dismissed! We have another meeting next week on Friday," Jaejoong stated as everyone else piled out of the room. I looked down at my watch; - 7:30 pm. Jaejoong kept us in there for awhile. . . As I walked out of the meeting room, and into the Lobby hall; I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly dug through my pocket and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I said while trying to veer away from a group of people blocking the hallway to my office. The sound of everyone in the hallway was overwhelming, and I couldn't figure out who had called me.

"Hey ____. We have practice at --------" someone said. Who is this...? Oh it's probably SHINee's manager, or a member. Maybe they just wanted to confirm something. They probably already know though; and I can't hear them...

"Uh yeah, I'll see you there! Sleep well tonight!" I replied while swerving through the crowd of people that blocked the way to the elevator.

"Okay; see you tomorrow!" I heard the voice say louder.

"Sounds good, bye!" I said quickly as I hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket before I dropped it. The rest of the night was a blur as I tried to get my items from my office and then head home. My only thought was:

I hope tomorrow will go well.

Of course that was wrong. As soon as I stepped into the dance practice room; -

I saw no one.


ForeverWaiting: Hey Guise :D ! How do you like the New Poster :DDD??? It's not Definite, but for now :D ♥

OHMYGAWD. WE HAVE NEW SUBSCRIBERS *-* ! ♥ You all just Totally Made my Day. I was so Happy *0* . I was running around, and screaming my lungs out, and hugging random people (<------------ NOT TRUE...... Or is it ;{D ???)

But Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. Although it isn't as action packed as the other two chapters, this is pretty important in discovering what Jonghyun's up To 8{D. Anyone have an idea ;D?? Leave a Comment Okay ^^ ? ♥ I'll do my best to type a better Chapter this Week :D ~ It's already a work in Progress :D ! Okay, so I LOVE YOU ALL. And I'll leave it to my Lovely CoAuthor to fill you in on some extra details ;{D ~ ♥

And who is just LOVING Ukiss's STOP GIRL ?!?! ♥ I know I Am ;]. So Jealous of that Girl That danced with Kevin >< !!! ♥

Question from Meee :D : Who is YOUR Bias in Ukiss, and WHY do YOU love Ukiss :D ?? ♥ ~

SHINeeLoveForever: Ellos~ :DD

First of all, ASDFGHJKL NEW SUBBIES. NHIO8FHOIPG&U*(IHJOI%#H(*UT^OPMN"PGL"GULI!!!!!!! I ran around my house like 50 times and shouted random "HOLY SHISUS AND KRISUS WE HAVE NEW SUBBIES!"

Yep, my mom is totally sending me to a mental hospital.  Second of all, Yaaaay another chappie! I hope you enjoy it~:D And lastly, I love you guys :D♥ Thank you so much for subscribing! It means a lot to me and Miss Author ^^ And forget what she said on the extra details part >:] I feel like torturing readers today heeheehee. Anyways, please anticipate the next chapter~! 

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HFE;AWIEGH;IOEHWGIOHAWEIGH;AWIO YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE ALL OF YOU RIGHT :D ? ♥ Thank you so much for Commenting and Subscribing *-* -ForeverWaiting ♥


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Oh my gosh I love this fanfic so much

Please update soon Author-nim ^^
Siblings-Curse #2
Chapter 6: OK...I really like this pairing so I'll go with this title: Your silent guardian.

Because of Minho. He seems to be the one who likes to think things through before acting upon it.
Siblings-Curse #3
Chapter 5: Brother would be Jjong - he seems like the overprotective type of brother I'd like to have.

Husband would be Onew - he's cute, smart, caring, romantic, funny and everything else in between. He's the perfect husband.

Best friend would be Key - the type of best friend anyone would like to have: Always there to listen to your problems, and you won't have any problem listening to theirs either. You can depend on each other without consequences.

Enemy: Minho. I'm also very competitive...I've got a feeling we'll clash because of that. But at the same time, we'd be good friends because of it.

Friends with...Benefits. Taemin...he's closest to my age, and he fits the image of a a prince charming that I've always imagined when I was a kid. But we'd only be friends with benefits because I just can't see myself with someone so perfect - it would burden me.

Title suggestions: I'll be there for you. From Minho's actions...assuming that she'll be with Minho.
Siblings-Curse #4
Chapter 4: No suggestions from this...though I do want to hit Jjong with a bucket. Or kick him repeatedly. Or hang him from a hundred feet cliff over sharp rocks.
Siblings-Curse #5
Chapter 3: "We've got you" - for SHINee saying that to her. They've got her...and 'they' won't be able to get to her.

Loved it by the way - though I would've added some real ice in the bucket.
Siblings-Curse #6
Chapter 2: OK...another one. "Taming them..."

You know...cause it's hard to do so with SHINee
Siblings-Curse #7
Chapter 1: OK...from this...I'd go for: You're worth something to US

Based on her little thought about 'them' calling her worthless.

Or "It's more fun this way" based on the playful non-workaholics - just trying to make their job fun in their own ways.
Siblings-Curse #8
I'll have to read it first...but I think I've already got a good idea of it.
Chapter 6: Titles
-Why so serious?
Work hard or play hard
ForeverWaiting #10
@b2utyforever46: D'awwwwwwhhhhhhh :DD !!!
Thank you so Muucchh !!!
I'm so Happy you're Enjoying it >< !!
HeeHee. Im waiting for your New Update as Well~