Meeting the SHINee Boys

Our Untitled Story

____'s POV:

Silence greeted us as room as two other boys stepped into the room.

"What's going on here?" I heard one of the boys say with an awkward chuckle. I simply stood there, not sure how to react before Minho and Key let go of my arms.

"We were waiting for you smart one," Minho stated with a smile before nudging the male affectionately.

"This is our new song writer and choreographer Choi ____," Key said before gesturing to me.

I nodded and smiled, "It's a pleasure to be working with you," I said simply.

"I'm Onew, thanks for working with us," he said before offering his hand out in order to shake mine.

I complied, and looked at the other boy curiously, "And you are. . . ?" I asked.

"I'm Taemin," he said with a shy-cute boy smile.

I nodded towards him before silence engulfed us once again. I surveyed the room again before speaking up, "It seems you guys have parties here everyday. . ." I said slowly, making sure I looked at them in the eyes. They either scratched their heads, or looked down at their feet, as if their shoes were now very interesting.

Suddenly another male walked into the room; - I recognized him as the man Key was chasing earlier.

"Yah! Jonghyun you finally came out of hiding!" Key shouted before smacking him nonstop with both of his hands lightly. The other members laughed, breaking the awkward silence that had settled on us before.

I wonder why they're apparently so hard to work with. . . They chased away so many other song writers and choreographers, but they seem like any other normal Kpop group that just likes to have fun. Of course I'll have to change that. If you have too much fun you'll never get anywhere.

I cleared my throat loudly, bringing the two fighting males to a halt, "I'm Choi ____, and you are?" I asked once I had everyone's attention. They all kind of peered down at me. I wasn't extremely short, but I was short enough for me to have to look up at them. Or maybe they were just giants.

"Jonghyun, nice to meet you," he said while pushing loose strands of hair down before shaking my hand. Jonghyun smiled, and then winked at me before looking me up and down, causing me to blush slightly before turning away from him.

"So what do you want us to do ____? You have us for this whole afternoon," Jonghyun stated as if nothing had happened.

I'm here for work. . . If I don't succeed, they'll be back to get me again. . .

I quickly shook myself, before turning to face them once again, "First, you guys should clean up this place. To be blunt, it's a dump. I don't see how we can practice or make any progress with your comeback unless we actually have a place to practice in," I stated.

The boys looked surprised at my sudden request. I bet they are all thinking I was crazy for wanting them to clean. . . But the way they clean tells me a lot about their personalities. If they slack off while I'm not there, then they're lazy, and need extra encouragement while practicing. If they don't, then that makes it even better. Small things like this make big differences and mean a lot to me.

The first one to reply was Key, "You want us. . . To clean THIS up?!" he exclaimed in his signature "diva" voice that I've heard so much about while gesturing to the whole practice room.

I nodded before spotting two buckets and a few mops in a small corner of the room. I grabbed the buckets before handing one to Taemin and the other to Jonghyun, who was still sitting on the couch, not moving an inch.

Jonghyun looked at the bucket disdainfully, but took it from me anyway. He stayed seated though, causing me to become slightly angry.

"You need to move in order to clean," I said coolly.

"Relax. I'll start cleaning in a few minutes. There's no rush," he said before placing the bucket on the floor and then laying on his back comfortably.

I felt my anger rise even more. I may just be over reacting because I don't have much patience, but this Jonghyun guy is starting to annoy me. Relax ____. Maybe as soon as you leave for a drink or something, he'll start working. . .

I shrugged it off, and turned to the more helpful members who were waiting for instruction. "Just clean up as much as you can, and I'll be back in a few minutes with trash bags and soap," I replied. When I was sure that the members were paying attention to me, I secretly set up my camcorder inside of an indoor house plant, and left quietly.

Jonghyun's POV:

I closed my eyes as soon as I heard the door shut, signaling  ____ leaving. It was only after a few minutes of shut eye that I felt someone poking my face and shaking my arm.

"What do you want. . . " I mumbled before turning away from the ones trying to wake me up.

"Help us clean, this is mostly your work anyway," I heard Minho state before trying to drag me off the couch.

"Yah! I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled as soon as Minho dropped me on my , on the floor. I heard the members giggle and chuckle while I sat on the floor, staring at Minho. Calm down Jonghyun.

I stood up and sighed before picking up the bucket on the floor. "Have it your way," I mumbled before picking up trash on the ground. Soon after, I sat back down on the couch when the other members weren't looking, and fell asleep.  

After about twenty minutes of peace and quiet,  ____ returned with the trash bags and soap. "I'll leave you to cleaning this mess up you guys. I have a meeting I need to go to. Tomorrow we'll meet at 7:30 am for warm ups and vocal exercises so I can access your skill levels," she said politely. ____ walked around the room before stopping at where I was laying down.

"Jonghyun, you should be working more, slacking off less," she said while looking down at me.

"I'll work later, don't worry. This place will be cleaned up by tomorrow ____," I replied half asleep.

"Can you please help out the other members? They're doing all the work," she said sternly.

I sighed before rolling away from her and facing the opposite wall, "Just relax, I'll help out later," I replied before pulling a nearby blanket over me. I heard her sigh loudly before asking me to get off the couch and help the other members who had stopped working in order to witness our argument. After a few minutes of silence, I had thought she left, only to be greeted by a bucket full of cold water poured directly on my head.

____'s POV:

"I'll work later, don't worry. This place will be cleaned up by tomorrow ____," Jonghyun replied sleepily. I know he's an idol, but he's had enough time lounging around. Calm down ____. Calm down. . . He's just tired. . . "He's lazy ____. You need to teach him that being lazy gets you nowhere. All of his jobs are lined up for him on a silver plate." a voice told me.  Despite my efforts to calm down, I found myself picking up the bucket Jonghyun had put down, and marching into the bathroom to fill up a bucketful of cold water. My actions were powered by my emotions. . . I couldn't stop myself from pouring the bucket of cold water on him.


Jonghyun bolted upright with a shocked expression on his face, which slowly turned to anger. I mentally kicked myself. That's not a great way to introduce yourself ___. . . That was a pretty stupid mistake, letting your anger take over you. The room grew quiet, I wasn't even sure if seconds, minutes, or hours passed before I spoke up.

"Change your clothes and help out please," I said finally before leaving the room without making any eye contact.

I really screwed that up. . .

Key's POV:

As soon as ____ left the room, we all just stared at each other. I guess this is what Manager hyung meant by 'bring your best behavior'.

Jonghyun stood up and marched over to the bathroom, and slammed the door loudly behind him. We were all completely stunned by what had just happened.

"We should finish cleaning up you guys. . ." Onew stated before continuing to sweep the floor. I mentally shook myself, Get ahold of yourself Kibum!  

"I still don't like the idea of cleaning, but I don't want to have water dumped on my hair. . . It took me TWO hours to style it!" I exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. Taemin smiled a little before picking up other pieces of trash on the floor.

We cleaned in silence for a few minutes before Jonghyun opened the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his head. We all watched as he sat on the couch drying his hair; - unconsciously waiting for him to say something.

"Ah. . . Hyung, are you okay?" Taemin asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, but that ____. . . " He said while trailing off.

We all frowned, we knew what Jonghyun was thinking. He wanted revenge.

"We have practice tomorrow at six a.m., right guys?" Jonghyun asked with an evil smirk.

Onew nodded slowly before Jonghyun continued, "We should ditch. That'll teach ____ to dump water on me for no reason,"

Oh my pedicures. What is Jonghyun thinking . . . ?!


ForeverWaiting: Hi Guise! ♥ Sorry for the Late Update ;-; . Just started Highschool, and I have ZERO Free Time. I'll do my best to Update as much as I can ^^. I have my Awesome Saucey Co-Author as well, which makes things easier :). What do you think the other SHiNee boys will do? Will they follow Jonghyun's Plan, or go to Practice like ___ wanted them too :3? Heeheehee. You'll find out soon :). Hopefully you're all still thinking about Titles for our Story~ ♥ Love You Guise!~

SHINeeLoveForever: Hellos~! We both apologize for the SUPER late update. It has been like what? 2 months since we last updated? Hopefully you still remember what's going on! xD ^^l|l. Me and Miss. Author here both have school (My school is year-round) so we can't update. And forget what ForeverWaiting said about me, I'm not THAT awesome saucey, trust me. Hahaha.  It makes me feel bad that we can't update as often as other authors. I feel like we're letting you down .__. Stay tuned for our next update! *Makes heart shape with hands* Saranghae~♥!




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HFE;AWIEGH;IOEHWGIOHAWEIGH;AWIO YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE ALL OF YOU RIGHT :D ? ♥ Thank you so much for Commenting and Subscribing *-* -ForeverWaiting ♥


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Oh my gosh I love this fanfic so much

Please update soon Author-nim ^^
Siblings-Curse #2
Chapter 6: OK...I really like this pairing so I'll go with this title: Your silent guardian.

Because of Minho. He seems to be the one who likes to think things through before acting upon it.
Siblings-Curse #3
Chapter 5: Brother would be Jjong - he seems like the overprotective type of brother I'd like to have.

Husband would be Onew - he's cute, smart, caring, romantic, funny and everything else in between. He's the perfect husband.

Best friend would be Key - the type of best friend anyone would like to have: Always there to listen to your problems, and you won't have any problem listening to theirs either. You can depend on each other without consequences.

Enemy: Minho. I'm also very competitive...I've got a feeling we'll clash because of that. But at the same time, we'd be good friends because of it.

Friends with...Benefits. Taemin...he's closest to my age, and he fits the image of a a prince charming that I've always imagined when I was a kid. But we'd only be friends with benefits because I just can't see myself with someone so perfect - it would burden me.

Title suggestions: I'll be there for you. From Minho's actions...assuming that she'll be with Minho.
Siblings-Curse #4
Chapter 4: No suggestions from this...though I do want to hit Jjong with a bucket. Or kick him repeatedly. Or hang him from a hundred feet cliff over sharp rocks.
Siblings-Curse #5
Chapter 3: "We've got you" - for SHINee saying that to her. They've got her...and 'they' won't be able to get to her.

Loved it by the way - though I would've added some real ice in the bucket.
Siblings-Curse #6
Chapter 2: OK...another one. "Taming them..."

You know...cause it's hard to do so with SHINee
Siblings-Curse #7
Chapter 1: OK...from this...I'd go for: You're worth something to US

Based on her little thought about 'them' calling her worthless.

Or "It's more fun this way" based on the playful non-workaholics - just trying to make their job fun in their own ways.
Siblings-Curse #8
I'll have to read it first...but I think I've already got a good idea of it.
Chapter 6: Titles
-Why so serious?
Work hard or play hard
ForeverWaiting #10
@b2utyforever46: D'awwwwwwhhhhhhh :DD !!!
Thank you so Muucchh !!!
I'm so Happy you're Enjoying it >< !!
HeeHee. Im waiting for your New Update as Well~