The Playful Non-Workaholics

Our Untitled Story

_____'s POV:

"____, today you have a meeting at two o'clock, another meeting at five o'clock, and dinner with SM Entertainment's director," Hyolyn stated while following me down the hallway to my office. I smiled. Another productive day eh?

"Did you say SM Entertainment's director?" I asked before Hyolyn opened the door to my office. The smell of cherry blossoms embraced me as I entered the air conditioned studio. The curtains were wide open, displaying the walls of a few skyscrapers, and roofs of smaller buildings. I inhaled the scent of the cherry blossoms once more. This is definitely where I work; JG Company. Jaejoong is my boss, and best friend; - he's also the director of this company. Wait! I should be working right now!

"____?" I heard Hyolyn question before shaking my arm gently. "Lee Soo Man wants you to work with the boys in SHINee," she said with a small smile. "He wants them to make a comeback soon, but the songwriter and dance choreographer are way to busy with other group's comebacks, or debuts,"

I shook myself out of deep thought, "Of course I can help, but is Jaejoong okay with it? You know I don't help unless I have permission," I replied before picking up a small cup of coffee that was left on my desk by an intern.

"____, you need to make your own decisions you know!" she said frustratingly. "But he said that it's fine if you work with them. We are a company that assists when it comes to producing music videos, dances, and songs," Hyolyn said, trying to mimic Jaejoong's voice before bursting out into a bunch of fan girl giggles.

I simply smiled, "I have to finish my report for After School's comeback performance," I sipped at the coffee the intern left me. Hazelnut. I'll have to tell them that I don't drink Hazelnut. I don't know how Hazelnut is related to it, but I have to start writing 4Minute's new song. I'm thinking that a song like Muzik would be good. . .

"Relax ____! That report isn't due until next month, just relax! Chillax!" Hyolyn said before placing my schedule on top of the mahogany desk. I know she means well, but this is how you get somewhere. Not just stay in the same place.

I shook my head, "Besides the report; I need to go over details for today's meeting. Can you run the archives and check on the past sales for SHINee's songs? Also check a few online surveys; maybe they'll contain which songs fans enjoyed the most," I said before taking a seat at my desk and turning on my computer.

"I really liked Hello and Ring Ding Dong," Hyolyn said with a smirk, "but I'll check anyways," she said. "Do you need anything else before I go?" she asked with a sigh. "Like more coffee, or cookies?"

I shook my head, "That's nice of you to ask, but I'm fine for now. I just really want to start this report," I replied with a smile. I'm happiest when working. They can't tell me I'm useless when I'm doing something productive. They can't call me worthless now. . .

Jonghyun's POV:

I laughed as the songwriter ran out of the room covered in water and fake rubber spiders. I high fived Taemin, who was sitting next to me. "Nice job you guys! Perfectly executed!" I said before laughing once again. Key and Minho looked rather guilty while Onew kept laughing until you could see the tears in his eyes.

"I think we were a little too mean this time guys," Minho said, speaking up suddenly. 

Key nodded in agreement. "I mean, little pranks are fine, but what if she catches a cold because of us?" he said before crossing his arms. "Plus I want to make a comeback. My fans are waiting for me!" Theres the diva I know and love. I knew this would happen sooner or later.

I stood up, and waltzed over to them before draping my arms around them casually. "You guys, calm down. Just relax. Aren't you tired of waking up early, having to run around, and work non-stop?"

Minho sighed, "Of course we are, but we've had a long enough break,"

"A break that was only about two weeks long! They don't even pay us properly you know," I said coolly.

"It's nice having a longer break, don't you agree?" Taemin chimed in with a cute smile.

Minho and Key sighed before Key spoke up, "This little 'prank' of yours just MIGHT get us fired you know," Key crossed him arms while Minho shrugged off my arm.

I glanced at the floor, "He's right you know," a voice stated. "Well I want a longer break! Director doesn't give us long enough breaks!" I stated back. "You're so lazy. Key and Minho have a point, so keep it in mind," the voice replied calmly.

"Jonghyun?" Taemin stated worriedly before shaking my arm. "Are you okay? You were kind of just standing there," he said while still shaking my arm.

"You looked kinda scary you know. I mean, you were just staring off into space. Or, you were staring at Key's hair," Onew said with a chuckle.

"I knew I should've taken more time to style my hair!" Key said anxiously before running over to his bag, and pulling out a mirror.

"Don't copy Jonghyun, Key," Minho said with a laugh.

Suddenly someone opened the door to our practice room with a bang. "You guys chased off another songwriter?" I heard our manager state angrily.

Everyone was silent as manager hyung went on about how bad our behavior was lately and that Soo Man was very upset. "He's even thinking about delaying your comeback," he said crossly.

"Please don't delay our comeback!" Key said with a sadness evident in his voice. Minho shot me a glare, while Onew and Taemin simply bowed their heads.

"Don't ask me Kibum. It all depends on the Director," our manager said in a kinder voice. "He requested a special songwriter and choreographer from a different company just for you guys," We all glanced at each other; unsure as to how to react to this news.

"She'll be here tomorrow, so bring your best behavior. She's definitely someone you should fear," our manager said before leaving us deep in thought.

____'s POV:

Soon after work, I was escorted into a taxi, and driven to a famous five star Italian restaurant. Breathe ____. Just breathe. This is just dinner at an Italian restaurant. That's all it is. "You know this is a major step in your career," a voice in my mind stated. I bit my lip, "I know it is. I didn't expect that my success would spread all the way to Lee Soo Man!" I replied anxiously. The voice chuckled, "You've worked hard," I nodded mentally before stepping out of the taxi.

As soon as I stepped into the restaurant; low dim lights greeted my eyes, and beautiful violin music embraced me; sending shivers down my spine. That's how I know something is good. While I was in my little world of pure perfection, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you ____-ah?" I heard a lady ask me.

I turned around abruptly, but quickly did my best to regain composure. "Ah yes, that's me; is Lee Soo Man here?" I asked; doing my best not to let my nerves get to me.

"Yes he's here! Please follow me this way please,"


Author's Notes: :D

From ForeverWaiting:

Heelloooo Everyone :D. We're releasing the First Chapter Already ^-^ Hahaha Not much of a Cliff Hanger, but we hope you Like it ^-^ . We have a lot of stuff in Store for this FanFic, so we Really Do Hope you like it :D ♥ ♥ ♥

From SHINeeLoveForever:

Hey everyone~! I can't believe we actually released a chapter already~ I'm so excited for this Fic because this is the first Fic I have ever created (kind of? xD) I was so happy when we got 2 subscribers already before we even released the first chapter. ( Shout out to you guys~♥ ) I hope this Fic does well and that you, the readers, enjoy it very much. I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL~♥

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HFE;AWIEGH;IOEHWGIOHAWEIGH;AWIO YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE ALL OF YOU RIGHT :D ? ♥ Thank you so much for Commenting and Subscribing *-* -ForeverWaiting ♥


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Oh my gosh I love this fanfic so much

Please update soon Author-nim ^^
Siblings-Curse #2
Chapter 6: OK...I really like this pairing so I'll go with this title: Your silent guardian.

Because of Minho. He seems to be the one who likes to think things through before acting upon it.
Siblings-Curse #3
Chapter 5: Brother would be Jjong - he seems like the overprotective type of brother I'd like to have.

Husband would be Onew - he's cute, smart, caring, romantic, funny and everything else in between. He's the perfect husband.

Best friend would be Key - the type of best friend anyone would like to have: Always there to listen to your problems, and you won't have any problem listening to theirs either. You can depend on each other without consequences.

Enemy: Minho. I'm also very competitive...I've got a feeling we'll clash because of that. But at the same time, we'd be good friends because of it.

Friends with...Benefits. Taemin...he's closest to my age, and he fits the image of a a prince charming that I've always imagined when I was a kid. But we'd only be friends with benefits because I just can't see myself with someone so perfect - it would burden me.

Title suggestions: I'll be there for you. From Minho's actions...assuming that she'll be with Minho.
Siblings-Curse #4
Chapter 4: No suggestions from this...though I do want to hit Jjong with a bucket. Or kick him repeatedly. Or hang him from a hundred feet cliff over sharp rocks.
Siblings-Curse #5
Chapter 3: "We've got you" - for SHINee saying that to her. They've got her...and 'they' won't be able to get to her.

Loved it by the way - though I would've added some real ice in the bucket.
Siblings-Curse #6
Chapter 2: OK...another one. "Taming them..."

You know...cause it's hard to do so with SHINee
Siblings-Curse #7
Chapter 1: OK...from this...I'd go for: You're worth something to US

Based on her little thought about 'them' calling her worthless.

Or "It's more fun this way" based on the playful non-workaholics - just trying to make their job fun in their own ways.
Siblings-Curse #8
I'll have to read it first...but I think I've already got a good idea of it.
Chapter 6: Titles
-Why so serious?
Work hard or play hard
ForeverWaiting #10
@b2utyforever46: D'awwwwwwhhhhhhh :DD !!!
Thank you so Muucchh !!!
I'm so Happy you're Enjoying it >< !!
HeeHee. Im waiting for your New Update as Well~