Chapter 6


Everyone around could only stare at the intense, potential makeout session waiting to happen. They all knew that it should have been a private event, but could not tear their eyes away from the sparking scene unfolding.

Becca held her breath as Kris' face stops, their noses almost touching. She tried to remember to the best of her abilities whether or not she has had a mint or a breath freshener recently. Kris looked into Becca's eyes; they were so pretty, a dark brown to outsiders, but Kris could see the slight hazelness that gave her eyes an energetic glint. He never understood the saying "the eyes are the windows to the soul," but now he could see it: the gleam and sparkle in her eyes that completely matches her personality, her bright, but fierce personality. Without even realizing it, his nose moved to touch hers.

"Nervous yet?" Becca asked in the strongest, most daring voice she could muster. Her insides definitely did not agree with her voice, but she needed to win this. She refused to lose to such a cocky jerk like him.

"Not even close." His competitive edge rushed through him and brought him back to reality. He had to win this. No way was he going to lose to a...a...girl!

"Fine." Becca leaned in even closer. Their lips were only centimeters away. To the prying eye, it looked...odd. But the rest of the bystanders swallowed the dead air they were holding onto and took in a fresh breath; it was like watching a movie. 

"Oh my god. If you're going to kiss, just kiss. I feel like I'm going to die of tension." Luhan exclaims, finally exasperated and tired of the two's childish games. "Let's just go guys. We'll never finish this project if we wait for them and Kris' sister will kill us after that." He his heel and waved the rest of the group away from the embarrassed duo.

Becca finally broke away and blushed furiously. Kris stepped back, a slight smirk spreading across his handsome face as he basks in his victory over Becca. Out of other options, she kicked him in the shins, shortening his gloating, and sprinted to catch up with the rest of the crew.


"I don't understand you guys. I swear you guys have this sizzling chemistry! And he'd totally be amazing in bed." Fi states matter-of-factly the next morning as Becca recounts her story.

"Don't say that. Did you finish your story?" Becca shook her body as if trying to rid herself of the thought. "Let's go. Meeting time!"

"This story is incomplete. You analyzed blue. It doesn't move me at all. Redo it." Kim tossed Becca's paper onto her desk without another thought.

"But..." Becca tried to interrupt, but Kim didn't offer her a chance. She waved her fingers and pointed to the door, her point very clear: get out. 

Becca dejectedly walked out into the lobby. Her head only facing the floor, she missed where she was going and ran straight into someone.

"Sorry" she muttered without caring.

"Yah." The hand reached out and spun her around. Kris.

"I don't want to deal with you. Shooo." 

"Kris! Good. What the hell were you thinking? You were supposed to help with the research and actively participate. Whatever you did yesterday was useless; you won't get paid for yesterday since you were probably just playing around. Go with Rebecca and redo this assignment. Don't disappoint me this time." Kim commented as she walked past the awkward two standing stilted in the hallway. She didn't even stop as she sauntered by. "Let's go Kris. Now."

Kris heaved another sigh. "Let's go." He grabbed Becca's hand and pulled her out.




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Chapter 8: awww ____ Omfg what!?!??! the dad?!?!? aahhhhhh what's happening!??!?! Oooooooo
Can't wait for an update!!!! Hehehe
wow what a demanding boss/sister lawl!
oooooo they almost kissed ahahhaha
ohoho. the moves.
lol... or someone s?
lol, the wait is worth it. =]
you're forgiven~
haha, i'm totally loving this story already. :D
and poor Becca... she just can't get away from that tower of a giant. lol
i'm curious as what kind of pay back he's going to do to her. :O
BAHHHAHAHHAA this is too funny :")
update soon!
pikachu97 #9
That stupid giant ... He should know how to treat a woman O.O
Poor Becca, she has to work with him xD
Update soon! :)