Chapter 7


"This is completely and utterly your fault." Becca uttered in a dejected, but angry tone. 

"How the hell is this my fault? This isn't my project. I'm not a writer. Don't blame me for your own inabilities." Kris retorted while speed walking away from Becca.

Sensing her chance to slip away and complete this project by herself, Becca quietly slipped into a side alley before Kris could register her disappearance. 

"Yah. Is this the correct direction?" Kris asked without turning back. When he received no answer, he paused to glance behind him only to find no one. "Damn this girl." Kris cursed in annoyance; he debated for a while whether what his next plan of action should be, but he figured the girl knew what she was doing and just decided to leave without another word.

"Should I have told him?" Becca wondered to herself as she strolled further and further from the location she had left Kris. "I mean, he probably would have just let me go anyways; this way, I might have worried him. Well, no, he doesn't care." Becca whispered aloud to herself, so engrossed in her own debates that she missed all the odd looks people shot her way. She finally lifted her eyes from the ground and observed her surroundings to discover that she had no idea where she was, but she shrugged off the concerns; after all, she spoke the language, she'd find her way. She walked around looking as nonchalant and interesting as possible to engage people in conversation to collect data; after two hours, she finally had enough information to rewrite her article. Feeling proud of her accomplishments, Becca thought to celebrate by getting some food to fill her growling stomach. She spotted an Italian restaurant nearby and decided that she was in the mood for a chicken fettucine. The restaurant was crowded for the hour, except for a small two-seater table; the waitress placed her there and allowed her time to browse the menu. After placing her order, Becca left her spot to use the restroom. Upon returning, she discovered someone else in her seat.

"Excuse me, but I think you're in my seat." She said politely. The person chose not to stand up, apologize, or even move.

"There's another chair isn't it? We have the share the table since there isn't enough space here." The stranger replied without a care.

"Yah. Why the hell should I share this with...Kris?" Becca's words stopped in when she realized that she had basically returned to the guy she had ran from. What a fail.

"Hm?" Kris looked up from his menu and looked back down again. "What? That excited to see me? Either you sit or you leave. You're starting to annoy me just standing there." 

Becca glared at him in annoyance; this wasn't worth her lunch. She grabbed her jacket and promptly left after informing the waitress that her order was to go to the rude man sitting at her table along with the check.

"You're an idiot." Luhan states clearly sitting down in the seat Becca had abandoned.

"It's not my fault. Why'd you guys pick such a crowded restaurant and then not reserve me a seat?" Kris complained.

"We thought you were going to play nice with Becca! We didn't know you guys would end up...separated like this!" 

"Oh ew. Don't make it into some weird thing. We're work partners."

"That's what everyone says when they're in denial~~" Luhan singsongs as he runs before Kris' wrath could hit him. 

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Chapter 8: awww ____ Omfg what!?!??! the dad?!?!? aahhhhhh what's happening!??!?! Oooooooo
Can't wait for an update!!!! Hehehe
wow what a demanding boss/sister lawl!
oooooo they almost kissed ahahhaha
ohoho. the moves.
lol... or someone s?
lol, the wait is worth it. =]
you're forgiven~
haha, i'm totally loving this story already. :D
and poor Becca... she just can't get away from that tower of a giant. lol
i'm curious as what kind of pay back he's going to do to her. :O
BAHHHAHAHHAA this is too funny :")
update soon!
pikachu97 #9
That stupid giant ... He should know how to treat a woman O.O
Poor Becca, she has to work with him xD
Update soon! :)