Chapter 2

Can't Make Up My Mind

" Oh hello you must be Catherine." A lady siad greeting me from behind her desk

:ANd you must be Mrs. Kim." I shook her hand and a smile appeared on my face. 

"Sit please, make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you." Mrs. Kim is a kind lady, she dressed in many luxerary items.

"I read over you resume, I am impressed. I want you to be my son's assosstamce. Your first task is to write about a rookie group's team bonding. My son will tell you more about it. Now go on" Mrs. Kim turned to get back to her work

"Ummmm excuse me but where is your son? Who is your son?""Oh my bad, did i skip over that part?" Mrs. Kim laughted at her mistake.

"Ya, just a bit." I ansered shyly.

"My son is Nam Woohyun also to be called Presidant Nam. His office is on the right across the hall" Mrs. Kim gave me the directions.

That's weird... shouldn't her son have the same last name as her> I thanked Mrs. Kim one last time before heading out to find my new boss. Presidant Nam;s office was easy to find. I knocked on the door gently. 

"Come in" A man said from insdie the room. 

When I waked in, the man was reading something intensely. His face was in a very serious expression.

"I slowly made my way across the room to Presidant Nam's desk.

"Presidant Nam... I am your new assisstant. My name is Catherine." O owed 90 degrees to show my respect. I waited but Presidant Nam didn't make a sound. Not even one.

"...Exuse me...uhh"

No sound still, Nam woohyun was reading the article that was given by his last assisstant/secretary. It was a resignment letter. Many people didnt know , ut his last assisstant is his girlfriend.

"Euse me.....YAH!!! NAM WOOHYUN!!!" I lost it. I definitely lost it. Ugh my job! NO MY INCOME!!!

Woohyun lift his head and glared at me.

"Exuse me?" What did you just scream?" Woohyun asked.

"Well you see. I  have been standing here for the past 10 minutesm and you have been ignoring me."

"And that makes you think its okay to scream? to scream at you BOSS?" Woohyun questioned.

"I was just trying to get your attneiton you have a meeting in 5 mins and you were suppose t o assign me my first task." I answered.



"Good!!!! Now get the hell out of my office!"

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