Chapter 3

Can't Make Up My Mind

Well at least he didn't say" YOU ARE FIRED!" I walked out the office and decided to give myself a grande tour of the whole building. The work place was huge, and there are at least 5 other departments. I was amazed, but I reminded myself to keep my mouth closed and look like I know exactly where I am going.

My vibrated...I took out my cell phone and it was Kris.

"YAH I AM WORKING WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!"I whispered screamed into the phone (is that even possible?) 

"You didn't tell me you are working at Woollim Building." Kris said into the phone. His voice sounded rather close.

"Dummie, you dropped me off today, in the morning." 

"Oh ya. By the way Woohyun told me to call you to tell you to get your back into his office so you can do your first task. And if you are not there in 3 minutes, you are offically fired." Kris said.

"ARE YOU JOKING RIGHT NOW! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE I AM!!! why is this man being so difficult?" I said into the phone well I took off my high heels getting ready for a run.

"Catherine keep your job. We still need money to pay for my ticket!" Kris said

"WHAT YOU PAY FOR YOUR OWN BILLS" I said but it was already too late, Kris had already hung up.

It took me way longer than 3 minutes to get back to woohyun's office. The elevator stopped working so I had to take the stairs. Then this girl bumped into me while she was carrying 5 boxes of paper. Then we had to get all the paper back into the boxes. It was a bunch of mess. I knocked on Presidant Nam's door while trying to catch my breathe.

"Come in." Presidant Nam said. I closed the door behind me and walked to his desk.

"Why are you not wearing shoes?" Presidant Nam asked. Oh ya my shoes. I quietly stepped into my heels and strightened my skirt. 

"Sorry, I am late, I know, but please don't fire me. I swear I am not usually like this. Today has just been a bad day." I started babbling on and on.

"Do you always babble on and on about your personal issues? Do you have no friends to tell them to?" Woohyun asked with a concerned face.

"No,... I don't know. I do have friends. Sigh I just talk a lot." I said with my head down.

"Anyways... I don't care. So let's go over some ground rules. Whenever I call you, you show up. DO NOT GET INTO MY PERSONAL ISSUES. If you do see anything or hear anything keep it to yourself and don't tell anybody. But of course you won't. If i call you at 3am still show up. You have to be there at the office before me. You have to learn all my personal likings and dislikes, my allergies and such. To start off. I need Americano on my desk every single day. I want it handed to me the moment I walk in the hall leading to my office. I only drink ice mountain water, any other kind I refuse to drink." Woohyun said. Holy crap so many things to remember. 

"A list is on your office desk. I want you to learn everything by tonight." I nodded.

"So is that my first task?" I asked.

"Hold your horses, I will get there."

"I want my next week's schedule on my desk tomorrow, and I want a new SIMs card with a new number and everything for the new HTC."


"Then your first task is to interview a rookie boy band. and see how they adapt to the entertainment world and how they bond as a group."

"So? Do i just schedule an interview myslef?" 

"No, of course not, scheduling is the scheduler's job. You will be informed of your group tomorrow, and the plan is that you will live with the group for 5 days. On some days you will come to work and some days you will go to their company and watch them train or follow them on their schedules."

"Okay... Is that it?" I asked.

"Yes, you are dismissed"

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