Chapter 1

Can't Make Up My Mind

"Oppa! Are we going or not?" Kris is once agian taking hte LONGEST time to get ready

"Yah!!!!! It takes time to look THIS good." Kris said as he finally came downstairs. I stared at him blankly I don't care how good he lloks, but if he makes me late for my job interview I swear....

"Can we go now? We are going to be late! I can't be late I need this job" I began to hyperventilate.

"Oh shut up or else you are going to faint before you even get there." Kris said before stuffing himself with a glazed donut. Glazed donut for breakfast? Manager oppa is going to murder you if he finds out.

"LET'S GO!!! NOW!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him to hurry up. We made our way to Kris's BMW convertible. Did I tell you Kris is the worst driver ever? He goes down a highway ramp at 80 mph. I thought I was going to die durign that turn.

"What are you interviewing for?" Kris asked with his eyes glyed on the road."

"That's strange why ar eyou driving so carefully?" Usually Kris wil go around with one hand on the steering wheel and anotehr playing temple run.

"I got ticketed yesterday."Kris admitted.

"WHAT!!1 that;s like your sixth one this month!" I was actually not as surprised as i sounded. 

" YA and the officer said if I get another one my license will be taken away. Manager hyung was also mad, The CEO threatened to take away my car." My baby!!!"

"NO NO NO. they must not! If they do... Who is going to drive me around!??!"

"Would you quit being so selfish? This is serious! And answer my question!"

"What question?"

"What job are you intervview for?"

"The Journalist thing, I have two today."

"Two? who is driving you in between?" Kris asked.

"Kris, there is this thing called BUS!!! you should take it sometimes." My spoiked brother sighhh.

"No, it's so filthy. I mean people are so close to you."

"That's only during rush hours." Kris pulled to a stop in front of woolim building. " Have fun at the practice room today! GOOD LUCK DON'T DIE!!!" I got out of the car and stightened myself for what is to come.




author's note:

sorry guys deal with me. the beginning is realy boring

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