Appa's Rule... Will they obey?

With Great Genes Comes Popularity...

Hannah is on one side of the master’s bedroom putting on her skinny jeans while Hyukjae is on the other side dressing up Hyunjae, their four year old son. Hyukjae’s wish of having a daughter was granted after their marriage.

Jaena has been the princess of the house ever since Hannah gave birth to her. Being a spitting image of her mother, Hyukjae and the twins has been very protective of her and they’ve been spoiling her a lot. Good thing Hannah is there to balance everything.

After 4 years, they welcomed another member of the family, Hanjin, who looks a lot like his father. Hyunjae who was born four years ago added up to Hyukjae’s glee because he looks exactly like him.

“Appa, can I wear the shoes that Uncle Hee gave me?” Hyunjae asked his father who is busy searching for a pair of shoes for both of them.

“Sure. Wait for a bit, appa will search for it.” Hyukjae replied. Hyunjae became impatient waiting for his father so he started jumping on the bed.

“Sweetie, have you forgotten eomma’s rules?” Hannah sat on the bed and stopped Hyunjae from jumping. It is really funny how things seem to repeat itself.

This reminds her of the days when their Jiyoon, Jihoon, Jaena and Hanjin is at this age, jumping on their beds too until either Hyukjae or Hannah will come and stop them.

“Babe~ I can’t find Hyunjae’s shoes, the one that Heechul hyung gave him last week.” Hyukjae yelled from the walk in closet.

“It was on their room babe. Ask Hanjin to bring it here for you. Can you please get my red peep toe wedges? It’s on the second level. ” Hannah replied.

Hyukjae came back and handed the shoes to her.

“Our teenagers are not yet home?” Hyukjae asked his wife.

“I already sent the driver to fetch them, they should be here any time soon.” She replied while slipping on her shoes. Her left hand is resting on her husband’s right shoulder for support. “Done.” Hannah said.

Hyukjae dialed Jihoon’s number while Hannah is busy folding the sleeves of his black top. He placed it on the bed side table and on speaker mode.

“Appa~ saranghae~” Jihoon cooed on the other line. Hannah stopped herself from laughing upon hearing his son’s greeting. Hyukjae rolled his eyes while Hyunjae is busy giggling.

“Where are you?” He asked.

“We are almost there.” Jihoon replied.

“Almost there, where?”

“Just a few blocks away.” Jiyoon replied vaguely.

“Be specific, young man.” Hannah butted in.

“Eomma~” The twins cooed upon hearing their mother’s voice.

“Mama’s boys.” Jaena’s voice was heard on the other line.

“Hey, appa’s girl, care to tell me where exactly you are now?” Hyukjae replied.

“Appa!” Jaena whined.

“Appa, she hates being called appa’s girl.” Jiyoon explained.

“Yeah. But she’s oppas’ girl to be exact.” Jihoon teased their younger sister yet again.

“Eomma, you are Hyunjae’s girl right?” Hyunjae suddenly commented.

“Aniyo~ Eomma is Hanjin’s girl.” Hanjin, who is already finished dressing up, barged in the room and flopped down on the bed.

“Aniyo! It’s Jiyoon’s!”




“Boys, eomma is appa’s. Period. Find your own!” Hyukjae exclaimed. Hannah and Jaena rolled their eyes as the boys announce their claims on the phone .

The boys in this family are incorrigible, they thought. Hannah dialed Jaena’s phone while the boys are still busy on their petty and nonsense argument.

“Princess. Where are you right now?” Hannah asked her daughter. The boys’ voices can still be heard on the background.

“About 15 minutes drive, eomma. Jiyoon and Jihoon oppa took a lot of time entertaining their fans and they tried to hug me while they look like a complete trash!” Jaena complained.

“I will talk to them later. Jaena, have you realized that we are the only sensible ones in this family?”

“I am about to tell you the same thing, eomma.” Jaena chuckled on the other line.

“Hey! Who are you talking to?” Jiyoon asked Jaena.

“Eomma. Bye, eomma.” Jaena said and ended the call because Jihoon tried to snatch the phone from her.

“Eomma! Why did you call Jaena and not me?” Hannah heard Jiyoon whined from Hyukjae’s phone.

“Because we are the only sensible ones in this family.” Hannah and Jaena said in unison.

“Aish~ I’ll hang up now.” Hyukjae said when he realized that the purpose of his call has been forgotten because of the boys’ conversation.

“Appa! Pick the perfect clothes for me and Jiyoon so that we will just wear them later when we get there.” Jihoon said giving his full trust on his father’s fashion sense.

“What am I, your personal assistant?” Hyukjae exclaimed.

“Please~?” The twins begged. It will save them more time if their father agreed.

“Don’t worry. Appa will do it.” Hannah answered them.

“Babe~” Hyukjae complained but Hannah didn’t listen.

“Eomma~! Don’t let appa decide on what am I going to wear!” Jaena begged.

“Of course I won’t. I don’t want you to suffer from heat .” Hannah chuckled.

“Don’t worry princess, I’ll take care of it.” She added thinking particularly of the pastel colored dress she bought for her this morning.

“Oh, thank God.” Jaena sighed.

“Hey, what’s wrong with me choosing Jaena’s clothes?” Hyukjae asked as soon as the call ended.

“Babe, when it comes to the boys, your choice in fashion is exemplary. But when it comes to Jaena, let’s just say, just let your daughter breathe! “Hannah explained.

“Okay, but no micro, mini, milli or whatever you call that stuffs.” Hyukjae ended the conversation as they split up to go to their children’s room.


Still feeling tired from the game this afternoon, Jiyoon and Jihoon flopped down on the couch beside Hyunjae and Hanjin waiting for their princess to finish preparing herself with the help of their eomma.

Seriously, why do girls spend a lot of time preparing themselves, it is a waste of time.

“Jiyoon, Jihoon, sit up straight, you guys are ruining your shirts.” Hyukjae reprimanded them. He just finished the call with Donghae, they are on their way now and some of the boys and their family are already in the venue.

The twins sat up and then suddenly they remembered something. “Appa, what do you think of Seunghyun?” Jihoon asked.

“Seunghyun? Jung Seunghyun?” Hyukjae asked back.

“Yeah, Uncle Yunho’s son.” Jiyoon confirmed.

“He is a good kid. Yunho told me that his son is doing great both in academics and sports like you guys.” Hyukjae mumbled.

“So, you are okay with him?” Jihoon inquired.

“Of course. He is like a son to me. Why did you ask?”

“Nothing. Just curious.” The twins answered with knowing smiles.

“Seunghyun hyung is Jaena noona’s classmate, right?” Hanjin butted in.

“Oh yeah! I almost forgot.” Hyukjae nodded and suddenly squinted at his twins.

“Don’t tell me…”

“Appa, Jihoon hyung and Jiyoon hyung are trying to ---ummffpphhhh!” Hanjin failed to finish his sentence because Jiyoon covered his mouth.

“We are just asking appa, he seems to be a very interesting kid.” Jihoon covered up but Hyukjae will definitely not buy it.

“Let’s go guys!” Hannah’s voice echoed the living room while she is descending the stairs with Jaena.

The girls headed to the door first. The boys stood up, Hanjin and Hyunjae immediately followed the girls leaving the three older boys inside. Jiyoon and Jihoon was about to go out when Hyukjae pulled the back of their collars.

“Your sister is just thirteen years old. You guys copy? THIR-TEEN. So don’t even think of doing something stupid like playing cupid or else I will cut your allowance. Are we clear?” Hyukjae threatened the twins.

“But appa, we are just thinking that we won’t worry about Jaena that much if Seunghyun is always around her.” Jiyoon reasoned.

“Get this. Appa’s rule : For Jaena, no boyfriend until 18. And for you boys, no girlfriend until 20.” Hyukjae said with a tone of finality before going out of the house.

“APPA!” Jiyoon and Jihoon trailed behind their father, complaining non stop.

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brattygurl #1
Chapter 9: I've been thinking of this story recently and was hoping that you might have updated. Well, I'll wait patiently. I miss reading about Hyuk and Hannah and their kids, plus Yunho and the rest of the gang. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and still writing even if it may not be this story.
ecikurcaci #2
Chapter 9: aaaaaah~ cant wait next update.. when u update?? hhhee
ecikurcaci #3
Chapter 9: aaaaaah~ cant wait next update.. when u update?? hhhee
Chapter 9: update plzz
Chapter 9: Jaena is learning piano from Jae?she'll be an expert I bet :)
girls bonding time?
thanks for the update onnie :)
fatieyn95 #6
the twins soo naughty...

but also overprotective just like their father..
awwe :) such a nice family. ahaha new reader here! update please ;)
brattygurl #8
Thanks for the family outline at the top of the chapter. But I do have a question about Changmin's daughter, if she's 17 years old that means she's as old a Hyuk's twins, but at the time the twins were born, Changmin wasn't married to Aiko or even dating her (I think) so is the girl Aiko's kid from a previous marriage? I think Changmin and Aiko were just starting to date near the end of Thin Line and at that time Hyuk's twins were already 3 or 4 years old. Maybe I'm confused or not understanding the timeline of Changmin/Aiko's relationship.

Anyway, I love how all of the kids are taking lessons from all of the parents. They are such a close-knit family. Hyuk and Hannah will really enjoy their daughter singing the song Hyuk performed when he proposed to Hannah. That's a great present. I wonder if the twins thought of an anniversary present for Hyuk/Hannah, something tells me no since most boys don't think of such things.

The twins have quite a crowd of girls following them around. I don't blame Jaena getting upset having to deal with those girls just so she can talk to her brothers. Luckily she does have them wrapped around her little finger, just like mom. The boys in the family take really good care of the women in the family.
Mind over butter made me laugh. I can just imagine the hell Yuki and Jieun is in with their diet.hahaha.

The second generation sure are talented and I think Jaena is a food monster like Hyuk. Hahahaha. I love how this chapter showed their lives are as an 'extended family' plus the part where Hannah is asking for Jaena to fetch her brothers. It seems to it that the mother believes in Jaena's power over her brothers hahahaha.