Chapter 2

Melodramatic Myth

I woke up to the piercing pain near the rear and sides of my head; it felt like multiple arms had tugged on my hair all night. In attempt to lessen this uncomfortable state, I blindly grabbed at my hair, pulling out a few bobby pins here and there. While I, still half asleep, wondered why I even had those damn things poking in my skull, I remembered Baekhyun had done his usual styling again yesterday before we went out. There was something though… something important I could not exactly put my finger on. Ah right, it was—my eyes flipped open the moment I remembered. Before I could think back, maybe search for an explanation to why that happened yesterday, I noticed the unfamiliar, yet familiar surroundings. Unfamiliar in the way that I didn’t see the ceiling of my own room, but familiar because I knew whose room it was.  I’ve stayed at this place for more than once already, usually because I was too exhausted to return to my own apartment after a wild night out. However, usually I could remember at least arriving at his door before passing out. But the last thing I had memory of was him penetrating my mouth. What did we do after that? Did someone, if not me, stop him? And one of, if not the most important question:


What was I doing in his bed… ?


Before I could get more gears in my head turning, even with the agonizing headache caused by the alcohol. I normally didn’t have these hangovers, but then again, it’s been a long time since I last went out. My thoughts were then distracted by the person lying next to me.


“Hnnngh…” he muttered while slightly tossing around.


Baekhyun was still sleeping, and how much I did not want to wake him up, I still needed some answers. But before that, it was better if I put something on.  I slowly moved out of his bed, and when I thought I was finally in the safe zone I heard the, sadly, oh so familiar voice call out to me.


“Chanyeol?” The still half asleep guy whispered.  


I turned around to face him, an inevitable reaction to hearing your name. For a moment, I had forgotten which state I was in but I noticed how his eyes had trailed off all the way down to the part I usually would not show just a friend. Baekhyun sat up and leaned on his arms, his bedcover sliding down and showing me my fully clothed best friend.


“Great timing to wake up.” I remarked, in a pointless attempt to hide my slight embarrassment. I was relieved that, as well as wondering why, the shorter guy wasn’t completely as well. I quickly glanced around the bedroom to find my boxers, and soon reached out to my target and put them on.


“When we came home and I laid you on my bed you seemed really uncomfortable in those clothes so I took them off for you.” He explained, smiling innocently.


But why did you even remove my underwear? Was the thought crossing my mind, but I was too tired to inquire. A sigh left my mouth.

“Are we still going to school or what? And can I borrow some clothes again?”  I asked, already rummaging his closet before he could give me permission.

“Sure,” he still answered. “I’ll go make us some breakfast then.”


The college we went to was quite lenient with the rules, so it was not a horrible sin to miss the first classes. The remainder of the morning we did not discuss the events of last night, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. We went to the canteen and spotted the other people (I would not call them friends, because the only time I see them is during lunch and nightly outings) who were with us last night. Somehow, they were all looking at us with a very unpleasant smile on their faces.


“Hey.” I said awkwardly. I moved to sit on one of the free chairs, but the person next to me stood up, and pushed Baekhyun to sit next to me.

Before I could ask him about it I was distracted by the question of the annoying guy sitting opposite to me.

“So, how was last night?”

He always smirked so arrogantly, I’d just want to slap him in the face.

“What about last night?” I asked bluntly.

“You don’t have to hide it, after that show of affection last night, you two almost dashed home. Don’t tell me nothing happened after that. ” He rolled his eyes as if it was totally obvious.

“I passed out before we even reached Baekhyun’s apartment. Moreover, we were completely drunk so nothing could even happen even if we wanted to.” I was looking at Baekhyun while saying this, because I would seriously beat the guy sitting opposite to me if I had to look at his face for even one more second. Was it my imagination, or did my best friend slightly blush when I said the last part of my sentence?


After I explained it seemed like everyone had lost interest in our situation and went their own way again. Slowly everyone dispersed and I was sitting alone with Baekhyun for the last few minutes of our break. I tried to start a conversation multiple times but he only gave short, distracted answers, and soon there was an awkward silence between us. I couldn’t take this anymore.


“Is there something about last night that’s bothering you?” I asked him, looking straight into his eyes.

He was quite surprised by my sudden question and blinked a couple of times.

“Not at all.” He said and laughed as if I just said a very silly thing.

“Then why have you been acting this strange today?” I was still staring at him intently and noticed his cheeks flushing again.

“You’re just imagining things! Look, we have to get back to class.” He said almost a bit too quickly.


We stood up and went back to class, but I could not concentrate much on anything. Baekhyun was acting funny and it strangely bothered me more than it actually should. 


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whitetulip #1
Omo so lovely ^^ love it! I'm glad that both of them had an unforgetable night together. I hope Chanyeol will remember ...kekkeke <3 Waiting for the next update :)
GAH. I want more!
Is that what really happened? He just took Chanyeol's clothes off because he was uncomfortable, huh?
*cocking my eyebrow*
GOOd~~~This chapter is so good~~~X3
>///< Woa, This story too is so good and cute, And.... Ahh perfect. You're so good at it. (=^ w ^=)