Chapter 1

Melodramatic Myth

A human being is not supposed to be with one single person his whole life.


That’s why when my girlfriend wanted to break up with me; I gave in without a fight. Taking my reaction in with bewilderment, she called me multiple names I never expected her to even have knowledge about.


“You never cared about me!”
“Why didn’t you love me like I love you?!”


Amongst other things she shouted. But don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t have dated her if I didn’t even slightly like her. I enjoyed spending time with my now ex-girlfriend and her body was… exquisite. However, me being the person I am, I knew our relationship wouldn’t last long. The only thing that hurt me was the stinging slap she left on my cheek.


“Hahaha!” My best friend Baekhyun sniffled when he sighted my face. Immediately after the break up I walked towards his apartment. Sadly, it was close to my ex’ house. “I’m sorry, it’s just… unbelievable! You, Chanyeol the lady-killer was dumped by someone, and slapped to boot!”

“Oh, shut it.” I replied annoyed.  I placed myself on his couch and put both of my hands to my temples. “Listening to all her shouting and cries really gave me a headache.”

“Omo, poor Chanyeollie!” Baekhyun cooed while patting my head teasingly. “I know how to cheer you up, let’s go out tonight!” he proposed.


I didn’t really feel like going out, but somehow Baekhyun could always persuade me in thinking otherwise. And I had to admit, going out with Baekhyun is much more fun than being with any girl.


“Let’s get you some great outfit to wear, so that all the girls will swoon over you!” he announced excited.


If he weren’t my best friend, I would’ve found it very strange that he had a closet full of clothing in my size, while he has a much smaller and slimmer build. Actually, it’s still very strange but he was always having so much fun choosing clothes and styling me that I just left it at that. I seated myself comfortably on his bed while he rummaged through his great collection of clothing.


“Hmm…” he muttered, finger put on his lips and eyes shifting around the rows and rows of fabric. “Let’s go for this look!” he exclaimed as he pulled out some simple black trousers and a navy blue blouse. He probably noticed the surprised expression I made while he said:


“What? Not Good enough?”


“Nah, it’s just.. Normally you go all out on the clothing but this time it’s something quite simple.” I replied, still a bit astonished.


Baekhyun chuckled lightly as reaction to my answer.


“I just wanted to try something new.” He explained. “So now, go change!” he imposed while dragging me to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. “I’ll be waiting, so be quick!”


The both of us were walking towards the few interesting nightclubs our small town had to offer. During the day there was this unsettling heat, but it changed to a light, relaxing breeze at night. It still gave me slight chills; the upper part of my blouse was mostly ed. When I walked out of the bathroom, neatly and properly dressed, Baekhyun gave me an unsatisfied look. He swiftly unfastened a few of the top buttons and while I wondered why he was so good at it, he showed me a smile of achievement.


“That’s much better.”


We were nearing the place we usually frequented before I got my girlfriend. I motioned to push open the door when I felt Baekhyun’s hand on my arm. I looked at him slightly questioned, while he was glancing over my whole appearance.


“Just wanted to double check if you’re looking alright.” He said smiling his signature smile. His eyes closed slightly when he did that, which looked quite endearing even in a guy’s point of view.


We went through the doors and were engulfed by upbeat music and the laughter and talking of people having fun. I looked over the room and saw some of our acquaintances sitting around a table in the back. I pulled Baekhyun with me towards the table.


“There is a face I haven’t seen in ages!”  One of the guys said with a remote lisp. He had a girl wearing a micro dress hanging onto his arm.


“Yea, been a long time.” I replied curtly. I tapped on yet another guy’s shoulder, signaling to move up so Baekhyun and I could sit. He smirked a bit tauntingly, which irked me a lot; I never really liked that guy.


We ordered a few drinks and were talking with the others when I began to feel the alcohol working. I felt myself going in a slightly dazed state when the unfamiliar girl on Sehun’s arm suddenly said:


“Let’s do a betting game!”


She was probably getting a little bored as she didn’t really participate in the conversations. No one was particularly against it and so we began playing. I wasn’t notably bad at these games, but the drinks didn’t help me concentrate. After a number of losses Sehun held up his hands to attract our attention.


“What is a game without a penalty?” He began. He glanced at me with a glint in his eyes. “…So Chanyeol, there is something you have to do.”


I didn’t like the sound of this.

“Oh! Let him kiss the guy he came with!” The girl exclaimed while clapping her hands. I shot her a few strange looks, like hell was I going to kiss Baekhyun. He might be the most cute and greatest guy on earth, but I—My thoughts were interrupted by the soft lips I suddenly felt on my own. I stared bewildered at my best friend, when I noticed his glassy eyes and flushed cheeks. Still being too surprised to react, I felt him prying open my lips and pushing his tongue inside my mouth. Somehow I moved with him and the next moment he put his hand on the back of my head, futile in the attempt to deepen our already deep kiss.  I wanted to stop or push him away, but I couldn’t. Why did kissing my best friend feel so good?

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whitetulip #1
Omo so lovely ^^ love it! I'm glad that both of them had an unforgetable night together. I hope Chanyeol will remember ...kekkeke <3 Waiting for the next update :)
GAH. I want more!
Is that what really happened? He just took Chanyeol's clothes off because he was uncomfortable, huh?
*cocking my eyebrow*
GOOd~~~This chapter is so good~~~X3
>///< Woa, This story too is so good and cute, And.... Ahh perfect. You're so good at it. (=^ w ^=)