A clue:the scent

Stalk Me [FROZEN]

A hand caught hers,gently pulling towards the person behind the action.


Du Joon grinned.''Where are we running so fast?''

''Oh,I have a stage,oppa.''

God her smile is so sweet.

''Okay,lil chinguu.Me and Junhyung will be cheering for you,right Junhyung?'' Du joon grabbed him as he walked from the stage,where fan-girl's screams could be heard,and Junhyung stumbled into the backstage off the staircase.


''We'll cheer for our _____!Right?''Du Joon's hand was around Junhyung's shoulder.His face changed from a bit of confusion to an amazing grin.

''Yeah,sure we will.''

______ blinked.''Thanks a lot oppas!I'll really be late guys!!See you after the performance!''she waved and was off in a second.The beautiful feeling of seeing Du Joon was there in her chest again.But there was also another feeling there,which after some time became as familiar as Yun Du Joon's effect on her.But this was in the head,and always weirded her out.The first time was this day,when she saw Junhyung grin.It was the her very first,accepting his smile,and not the last.The two guys cheered her up completely and boosted up her confidence too,resulting in an amazing performance;her burning down the stage to the sheer happinness of her fans.

It was after the second time he smiled at her (after the performance itself,standing next to Du Joon,showing all his 32 teeth and clapping hard) that she started to look forward to the next smiles he would give.Not because she suddenly fell in love,not yet,but because she was curious to the bones.What had happened to this cold guy eh?She found herself looking at him more often.And so did he,and it made him high.Yes,sounds crazy,but it did.

That look was meant for me...me

She didn't know just how much such little things made the both of them fight harder to be by her side.Or should we say,make her by his side?How much longer would she need to wait till he takes his mask off for her too see the true,inside part of him?

But which 'he' are we talking about?Is it Du Joon,Junhyung or some third 'contestant' who is scaring _____ out of her wits?

The Cube Concert was over and it was late night,but despite that,the managers decided it would be a good idea to go to the company and party for a while.

Damn.Nobody's gonna wake up tomorrow..She figured.Well I hope this is going to be worth it.It better be fun.And anyway all friends and best friends are here,so I sure will enjoy it.she thought,ignoring her tiredness.

It so happened that the'party',if not ruined,was spoiled a bit.No one really noticed how someone got behind ______,whispered something fast and low and slipped away like a shadow,disappearing in its darkness.

"Take it,my sweet." said the voice._______ jumped,high enough to be seen over Hyun Seung's head.He misunderstood it for an act of one's desperateness to dance.

"Guys I think we need some music." he winked.Oh God.This is just not the right time.Your friend dragged you out to dance and swirled you around in circles on the floor.The air lightly touched her skin and she shivered for she had moisture all over her from the incounter that just happened.She shivered again because a pair of eyes never seemed to let go of her and she felt it,knowing that the one who owened that voice was in the room.

______ used Hyun Seung's playful dance to scan the room.Nothing was out of place.Everyone of Cube was there.Which means..that one person is one of them.She frowned.One of the close people to her,(and they all were) was playing these tricks.But who?Oh you wait,I'll find you. She didn't notice it but a spark of anger ignited in her.

"Hyun Seung-ah,enough" said Du Jun,stealing _____ from him,"She looks like her head is going round.Hyung!"he turned to his manager,"Isn't it time?"

"Life saver." she whispered in Du Jun's ear.He grinned as she ran away,following her with his eyes.______ picked up a packet from the table she previously sat on and left the room.Du Jun followed.

Du Joon walked  her home that night.His brown,leather jacket was draped around her shoulders and it seemed,that if he closed in one centimetre between them,he'd touch her hand.He wondered how it would feel.Du Joon grinned and tilted his head to the side._______ noticed.

"What makes you smile that way?"

"Oh?" Du Joon snapped back out of his dream,"Nothing,kid." He winked.She blushed and turned away as they approached the familiar building,a black packet swinging in her right hand.

"Here we are," she said,"Time for you to go oppa."

If there was a flower as beautiful as her smile....

"Yeah true,anneyoung then." _____ waved and started walking away but Du Jun caught her arm and pulled her towards him.Her eyes went wide as he hugged her waist and planted a kiss on her pink lips.By the time she got back to her senses,he was walking away.

If it wasn't for him,then she wouldn't have that happinness and strength as she opened her room.It was what gave her the courage to open the black bag,which (forgotten by her in recent events) was a gift from the stalker.She didn't feel scared for a second,and ripped it open.

A pleasant to the touch material fell roughly into her hands and she straightened it out.It turned out to be a jacket,a male one y it's huge size  and with a very funky design.The grafitti all over it nearly made a  camouflage to the paper that was placed into the hood.______ took it out.

'My jacket will keep you warm.'

Well thats something sweet for a stalker to do... she thought.______ ped it and isnpected it.Who knows what he could've done with it?But nothing seemed like it was poisoned or anything,so she put it on.It was soft and so comfortable that she ended up going to bed in it.As she fell asleep she slowly realized that the jacket had a scent.

Which felt very familiar.


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Chapter 5: addictive.
VisionsOfUs #2
Chapter 5: this is so great!!
Chapter 4: amazing. can't comment anymore cuz i'm speechless.
Chapter 4: Dandandandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Dandandandaaaaaaaaa! No no no...no privacy..you have a stalker!
Chapter 3: I find yeo seob so cuuuute here! Aaaaaah great chpter!!! :))))))))
Chapter 2: Great chp btw! :)
Chapter 2: No fiiighting in my house! JK ....but seriously! XD
Chapter 2: fight! fight!
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaahhhhhh! awesome!
ooh, interesting indeed :D.
author-nim, hwaiting^^