A dream of the past

Stalk Me [FROZEN]

''Oppa?Can you come in after you're done?''

''Sure kid.''

_______ dissappeared behind the door again.Yong Guk turned back to Junghyun and they resumed talking.She walked back to her room and tried to stay calm as she looked at the large brown envelope at her table,addressed to her.Open it or not?

I'll wait for Yong Guk...

She had to wait some time before the guys were done.What on earth were they doing?Making new rap?How boring...When she was done with answering some of her fans,Yong Guk finaly peeped in.

''Oh noona noona!Can I have your autograph?And can you answer my tweet too?''

''Oppa shut up.I need to talk to you.''

He smiled.''Yes my girl.What is it?''

''Is anyone else in the house right now?''

''Only us,kid.''

''Turn off the lights and keep your voice down.We will sit on the floor.''

Yong Guk's face showed confusion.''What on earth for?We aren't kids anymore to play James Bond-''

''Oppa please,just do as I say.''

Yong Guk looked at his sister for a while.He then stood up and turned the lights off and sat next to her,crosslegged on the floor.He didn't feel anything wrong at first but as the clock ticked,he felt his veins tighten and the hairs on the back of his neck rise,even though she didn't utter a word.

''So..what's all this for?'' he was already having thoughts rushing through his mind,crazy ones.After all,he loved her and took care of her.

''Oppa I...have a stalker.''

His throat tightened.''Sis,you're a celebrety,ofcourse there will be a lot of stalkers and stuff like that-''

''Oppa.Its...not just that.''

He took his breath in.

''He's like...yo-....like you.....''

By this time his eyes were wattering.He blinked the tears away.''That kind of stalking rarely happens to people,'' he tried to push down the memories,deep back down.But what his sister said brought them too high up.He was afraid of what would happen to him,''It's serious and you have to be 100% sure-''

''He sends me things.Oppa.Please listen to me.Don't you think that of all people,I would know that I have a stalker when my own brother used to-''

Yong Guk's fist hit the floor.''Stop.I am not what I used to be,''he said with a growl,''not anymore.''

''I know.But that's not the point.The point is ... I'm afraid.Because I'm the victim in this case.''

''Why me?You know it can drive me mad to talk about these things,why tell me?Why not Jay?''

''Because you know better.You played that role before.You'd know I should react.You'd-''her voice caught and Yong Guk's head turned towards her and sighing,he put his arm around her.He understood now.Why she turned off the lights and sat on the floor.The stalker wouldn't see.So it was like that wasn't it...being his sister she'd know what to do,not entirley ofcourse but still.

It was hard for him but he said,''I'll try.Even though it means I'll have to replay every single goddamn thing I had that time in my mind.I'll help.'' He felt her head nod.In the dark,he saw her hand touch something on the table and drag it down and heard something like paper.She handed it to him and he felt it,an envelope.Yong Guk took out his mobile to use as light and his hand went inside it.

''Did you open and see it before?'' he said as he took out a thick sheet of paper.

''No.I was afraid.I wanted you to be with me.'' He let the light fall on the paper and his eyes widened._____ gasped.

A painting of a woman,so beautiful in it's colours which would seem better in proper light,looked back at them.Her hair was stopped in motion,swirling around to the edges of the paper.She smiled at them,mouth closed,light pink lips.Her bare shoulders were surrounded by non-existant and imaginary flowers and butterflies frozen in the picture.All kinds of mediums were use here,water colour,pen,acrylic paint-and a sticky note.

I thought that if I used a strand of your real hair in this,you'd be too afraid.Better keep it for myself.For those lonely moments when I don't see you.

______ 's nails bit into Yong Guk's arm as he ground his teeth.

''Son of a .If I find him,I'll bury him alive.''he closed his eyes.''I have to go.I need to be alone for a while.I'm sorry.''

''It's fine.I understand..''

''Don't turn on the lights at night.But don't dissappear from his view entirely either.He'll  get mad,trust me.''


He hated to leave her there alone,sniffing.But he had to.Had to go.Just today.He'll not think about it.But after that,he would have to let it out,no other way could he save his sister form a monster he himself used be.

That night he had a dream.Or rather the past came to him in his dream.

He looked at her through the window.It was his luck that she lived on the first floor.Easier to see her.But then she could spot him too,so he would climb up on to the tree and sit in the  leafiest part,staring for hours.He was fed up of calling her,she wouldn't talk,so he installed microphones in her house by paying one of the computer geniuses whom she called to fix her lap top which was reeking with viruses.That was his work too.

Yong Guk smiled as he heared through the headphones the sound of her name as her mother called her.Mrs.Song.

''Ji Eun!''

''A moment mom!''

His heart skipped a beat at her voice.

Later that day when he went back home,he lost his control for a second.

_______ sat on the phone talking to a girlfriend and then busted Jay listening to the conversation on the other phone.She got angry.

''You just don't do that!'' she yelled at Jay who was rolling on the floor from laughter.''Even if you love my friend,just don't do it!Go and ask her out,not sit their like a creep listening to her talk to me!''

''Why is it such a sin?'' Yong Guk spoke as he watched the two quarel.What's so wrong about listening to the voice of the girl you love?

''Because it's not normal.When you love her,you do everything to speak to her and make her happy,not lsiten to her speak about her secrets.It's a horrible thing to do.Creepy and freaky which makes the girl repel from you like you're fire which can burn her.''

He sighed and said,''whatever.I still see no harm in what Jay's doing.''

But he did.He always had.There was a side to him,the good side which screamed out everytime he did something to scare Ji Eun out of her mind.

Don't...it moaned.Don't....you're hurting her....it's not how it's supposed to be....

Why am I doing this?Can't I be normal?

And after that he worked hard,hard enough to resist the maniac in him.And he did.But when he did,it was too late.

''It was you...''

''Ji Eun,I changed,i did,it's over now.I'm not asking you to do anything,not pleading you to be my girl even though I still have a crush on you.I just want you to forgive me..''

''You.The nightmares I had.I was in pain.And you.The reason.I don't care if you changed.You were the monster.I won't.Forgive.''

''Please.Three years passed.Please.''

''I don't care....'' A tear left her face and landed on the asfalt as she turned around and ran,forgetting the traffic rules.


A scream coming from a young man as he watched her body,helplessly flying and landing on the concrete.

I watched her die...by helping another girl,perhaps she will forgive me.

Oh Ji Eun.I hope you're watching.I hope you're watching me from above as I fight to keep my sister from your fate.Will I be forgiven?

The sleep was then dreamless.


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Chapter 5: addictive.
VisionsOfUs #2
Chapter 5: this is so great!!
Chapter 4: amazing. can't comment anymore cuz i'm speechless.
Chapter 4: Dandandandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Dandandandaaaaaaaaa! No no no...no privacy..you have a stalker!
Chapter 3: I find yeo seob so cuuuute here! Aaaaaah great chpter!!! :))))))))
Chapter 2: Great chp btw! :)
Chapter 2: No fiiighting in my house! JK ....but seriously! XD
Chapter 2: fight! fight!
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaahhhhhh! awesome!
ooh, interesting indeed :D.
author-nim, hwaiting^^