Head to Head

Stalk Me [FROZEN]

My head spun as I opened my eyes,my vision blury.It felt very warm and comfortable,that place,wherever I was.Until I noticed exactly where I was.

Junhyung was so close,I could hear the Playboy perfume he was wearing.He didn't look worried,but he creased his eyebrows together.He held me so tightly that I could feel his metalic muscles through my leather jacket.

''Are you fine?'' I finally took my eyes off him and looked around me.I realised that we were not in the elevator anymore,also,surrounded by other people.I saw AJ sitting next to where I was lulled in Junhyung's hands.


''You didn't answer my question.''

I looked back at him.''I'm fine.''

''Good,'' he said and put me down,''Then I'll go.Have more important things to take care of.''

Pffft.They call him a gentleman?

Go get lost then..I thought to myself.

AJ smiled.''You're lucky he was the one with you in the lift.I wouldn't be able to do what he's done.''

I cocked my eyebrow at this.''What did he do?'' To answer my question he pointed behind me.I turned around and saw the elevator and it's doors.

Or actually,what was left of the elevator...

Even though the lights were off,you could see that it was tilted.It's doors had been crumpled at the sides,as if Iron Man himself had been at work.


''This guy's better than Edward Cullen..'' AJ grinned.

''I don't like guys like him.Too...sparkly,''I said,''I like...'' I do not know what made me talk about things like that at that moment.Perhaps because AJ already knew Junhyung's secret?

''Then what kind of guy's does my cousin like,eh?''

Just then,we heard someone running,and in a moment Yun Du Joon flew in to the corridor.There goes my answer.He paused for a second,and then flew again,towards where I was surrounded by my fellow collegues;AJ,Dong Woon,Hyuna,Hyunseung and So Hyun.He ran and as he came closer fell and slid all the remaining way towards me.




My cheeks burned.''I'm ok....''

''She is fine hyung.Don't look so worried.And don't make it so obvious....''

I looked at AJ.''Make what obvious?''

''Nothing!'' exclaimed Du Joon.I attempted to get up but before I could even yelp,he was picking me up.''You....can't walk!''

''I can walk.''

''No.Not in this condition.''Oh crap.Did I look horrible right now?Was my face too red?Ohhh ooppaaa.Why did you have to see me like this...oh wae?''I'll...carry you.''

''You can't just carry her around the whole day!''

''I can.''

''Ahjussi will send her home.''

''Manager noona's car isn't working.''

''There are other cars hyung...''

''The parking floor door's are locked.''

''They'll open it hyung.''

''They can't find the keys.''

''Hyung.You do know things such as taxis exist right?''

''They're all off today.''

''Ah...Do Joonah.'' Do joon whirled around to the sound of his name and spotted Ahjussi.''He just wants to hang around with her.But ______,do you not require rest?''I saw some redness on his cheeks,as if an artist touched them with his brush.

''A-Ahjussi...'' I jumped off Yun Du Joon's arms,''It's okay.I'll work today.And-And there is no need to...carry me.'' I added as Ahjussi smiled.

''As you wish child,''he patted me on the shoulder,''But I should say you will need someone by your side,just in case.''

Du Joon began to open his mouth,''Ahj-''

''Son,I know,I know.Ok.But don't like...make it so obvious will you...''

''Make WHAT obvious?''

''Nothing babe,'' he took my hand and lead me to the stairs.''We have things to do.Work.You know.''


the following happens without your knowledge


''Annyeong.'' said Du Joon sweetly,making the girl blush.He grinned at the response,happy that he was the one who made her cheeks go that beautiful pink colour...He winked.''See you tomorrow _______.''

Butterflies.In.My.Stomache.She thought

Ah.That weird feeling in my abdomen again...he thought.

They parted.

Yun Du Joon ascended the stairs to the lower floor and entered the Beast's practice room.


''Sup hyung.'' answered the guy,without picking his head up,busy tweeting stuff for fans.Du Joon smiled.

''How long are you going to pretend to be the 'perfect guy'?''

Junhyung finally looked at him.''Ha?''

''Stop lying to those poor fangirls.They all think you're so sweet....''

''Excuse me?''

Du Joon laughed heartily and punched Junhyung's shoulder.''Kid.You should show your true self.You're too...closed in.''

''Hyung,is that all ? You done talking?Go sleep.''

''Actually no.Wanted to...thank you.''

''What good deed have I,an unworthy slave of your majesty,done to-''

''The elevator.Thanks.For taking care of her.''

''And who are you to her,to thank me like this.''

The warmness wasn't there anymore.In that one moment of silence,something cold passed between them.What had happened?Indeed,none of them had the right to talk about her as if she belonged to one of them.But they both seemed to have lost control and manners,thinking they might be able to get her to their own side.But did she know?And who would she choose if she knew.Du Joon obviously.But....would it really be him...

''I know I'm not her boyfriend or anything..''

''Then you have no right of coming and thanking me as if she's your's.''

''You have no right to talk like this either.''


''Didn't they teach you respect,you,kid-''

They were both standing now and as the fists began to rise,Yo Seob came in.

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Chapter 5: addictive.
VisionsOfUs #2
Chapter 5: this is so great!!
Chapter 4: amazing. can't comment anymore cuz i'm speechless.
Chapter 4: Dandandandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Dandandandaaaaaaaaa! No no no...no privacy..you have a stalker!
Chapter 3: I find yeo seob so cuuuute here! Aaaaaah great chpter!!! :))))))))
Chapter 2: Great chp btw! :)
Chapter 2: No fiiighting in my house! JK ....but seriously! XD
Chapter 2: fight! fight!
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaahhhhhh! awesome!
ooh, interesting indeed :D.
author-nim, hwaiting^^