Kiwis are my bestfriends

You Are Now My Eternity



 It was a Sunday and we didn’t have work because the owners were going to renovate the counter and were going to replace the wall papers. It was already morning and the sun was high up but I was still in bed, staring at the white irregular patterns on the ceiling. And I believe Saejin was doing the same in her room.

                Later, I heard yet another grumbling sound coming from my stomach. Why does this stomach always have to interrupt my thoughts? Finally, I decided to go out of my room.

                The living room was empty. See, I was right when I said that Saejin was still in her room. I walked by her door and knocked a few time. And… No one answered. I knocked again but still nothing. Perhaps she was still sleeping. Maybe a quick peek wouldn’t hurt. I turned he knob and peeked inside. She’s not here! Oh gosh! She went out… without me! Panic! Panic!

                I ran back to my room and grabbed my jacket. I jogged to the front door, grabbed a random pair of shoes, and immediately shoved my feet in, not even bothering to tie the laces.

Before I could open the door, someone on the other side opened it. It was Saejin, holding two plastic bags of groceries.

                “Hey.” She greeted and I helped her bring the bags to the kitchen “Where are you going?”

                I was about to explain my self when she stared at me quizzically and then dragged her look from my head to my feet. And then she burst out laughing.

                “What?” I asked her, getting annoyed.

                “You’re going out in those clothes?” She pointed at me and I looked down my oversized shirt and sweats then she pointed south at my shoes “And mismatched shoes?”

                “Yes-I mean no. I don’t know” I tried explaining but ended up stuttering. I looked down at my shoes as well. They WERE mismatched. I didn’t notice that a while ago. I didn’t know but I think my face was heating up.

                “Ah, you’re blushing!” She raised a hand and pinched my cheek, hard.

                “Ow!” I rubbed my cheek where she pinched with my hand “That hurt~.”

                “That hurt~.” She mocked me, imitating my phrase then continued laughing and unloading the grocery bags “Seriously, were you about to go out while ago?”

                “Yes, not literally out but I was going to look for you.” I explained while moving my jacket and the forsaken shoes.

                “Look for me? But I wasn’t even missing.”

                “I know but… you left without me. It bothers me when you do that.”

                “Aigoo, my cute angel” She baby talked and grabbed the cheek she just pinched a while ago and pinched it again “I tried bringing you along with me a while ago but you were still sleeping like a baby when I peeked in your room.”

                She let go of my cheek and I widened my eyes in disbelief. She just pinched my cheek! The same cheek!

                “Wah! Such big eyes! Rabbit!” She teased. And what? A rabbit? Me?

                “R-rabbit?” I said while rubbing my sore cheek with a carton of cold milk.

                “Yes, a rabbit” She laughed and pointed at my face “Look, you have rabbit-like ears and huge eyes. Rabbit!”

                What? She’s really making fun of me. Rabbit? Well, she doesn’t have big ears but her eyes! She was mocking me as if she doesn’t have big eyes.

                “We-well, your eyes are big too!” I blurted out.

                “I know, but they’re not as big as yours.”


                “Jajan!” I was cut off when Saejin raised a plastic bag before my face “I bought you kiwis!”

                “Really?” I grabbed the bag and opened it and a few fuzzy round fruits came into my view. I felt so happy. But I really don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s the kiwis or Saejin herself.

                “Wow! Thank you” But then I fell silent and frowned to my self.

                “What’s wrong? Don’t you like them?” She asked, her doe eyes widening as she did.

                “No, no, don’t get me wrong, I like them a lot but…”


                “How do you eat them?”

                She gave me smile and took the bag from me. She took one kiwi inside and placed in on a chopping board before cutting it in half with a sharp knife. And again, like what see from heaven, the green flesh inside showed. She took a tea spoon and gave half of the fruit and the teaspoon to me.

                “Just leave the pulp and you’ll be fine.” She said.

                I took both then stabbed the fruit with the spoon. I took a tentative taste before eating the rest. I was really contented with this.               

                “You said kiwis were sour.” I pouted while grabbing the other half from the chopping board.

                “They aren’t?” She asked and I shook my head before stabbing another piece. I raise the spoon to for her to have a taste but she shook her head.

                “You don’t want any?” I asked and she shook her head “Why?”

                “I told you kiwis are sour!” She explained, getting frustrated.

                “But these ones aren’t!” I insisted.

                “Okay, fine.” She then opened for me to put the spoon inside.

                “See, that’s not so bad.” I said, she shrugged and then I ate a spoonful myself.

                I finished the whole fruit and stood to throw the pulp to the bin and then washed my spoon. I walked to the table and sit to watched Saejin cook our breakfast. Hmm… Ham.

Once done cooking she sat in front of my seat and grinned.

                “You have to wait for a while.” She giggled “The rice isn’t cooked yet.”

                I nodded and then both of us fell silent. She looked up at me then asked.

                “What are you thinking about?” She asked, noticing my awkward gazes.

                “You.” I said.

                “Me?” She widened her already round eyes “Why?”

                “Because I still don’t know much about you.” I explained.

                “I should say the same to you.”

                “Okay, ask then.”

                “Okay,” she grinned “In heaven, what do you when you don’t look after me?”

                “What do I do?” Hmm, what DO I do? But there was never a time that I didn’t look after her. Those past twelve years, never did I stop looking after “You mean what other things we do up there?”

                “Sort of”

                “Um. We talk to Hananim.” I simply said “My turn.”

                “What? That’s it?” She pouted “No fair.”

                “What? I answered perfectly, I can’t lie.”

                “Alright, alright, your turn.”

                "Okay, how did you become friends with Thi- Kyungsoo? Kyungsoo right?." Phew that was close.

                "Kyungsoo? Hmm... he's been a friend since first grade I think?" she looked up then back at me "his parents are friends with Juri ajjuma?"

                "Do you like him?" I suddenly blurted out surprising the both of us.

                "Hey," she pouted "why do you keep on asking about him? It's my turn already."

                I nodded at her, signaling her to continue her interrogations.

                "You already told me that you went here for your mission." She said "may I know what that mission is?"

                Suddenly, I got this weird feeling inside me. Yes the mission. I haven't forgotten about my mission. I felt doubt about telling Saejin or not. Of course, it was prohibited to tell humans about that special mission... but Saejin...

                We suddenly heard a soft click. The rice was cooked. Yep, I was indeed saved by the bell.

                "Rice’s cooked." I informed standing to get the bowls and scoop us rice.

                "Aww, no fair!" she whined but I continued to ignore her and just get rice.

                I went back to the table with the bowls of rice and chopsticks. I walked to the center island to get the ham and kimchi inside the fridge. I then walked back to the dining table and sat in front of the pouting Saejin.

                "What?" I asked her.

                "No fair. I haven't got to know your answer yet."

                "So?" I shrugged and stabbed a pair of chopsticks on her bowl of rice "it's not like you don't have the time to ask me again. You see me every single day."

                She stilled and gave me a dirty look before grabbing her chopsticks and began eating.

                "You cook well." I complimented as I get another slice of ham.

                "You always say that whenever I cook fried foods." She giggled.

                "No, everything you cook is good." I said.

                "It's because you haven't eaten anything that's not my cooking yet."

                "True." I shrugged.


                "What? I said your cooking was good."

                We spent whole morning chatting but still I was shifting the topic whenever she asked about my mission we then opted on, watching t v, playing monopoly and then eating lunch.

                We talked about work and her schooling. She told me she had been bullied since her stay in the orphanage. Other kids envied her because she was close with her Seonjoo-eonnie and she was later adopted by the foster ajjuma.

                In school she said other girls bullied her because she was adopted. She didn't know that it was because of her appearance. Every other mean girl in school was cold towards her because she was beautiful. I was really thinking if Hananim had forgotten to give her wings and halo. It was a shame leaving her at this condition in earth.

                "What are you staring at?" she threw me a pillow, I never knew I was doing it.

                "Nothing. I was just thinking." I grabbed the pillow and put it back in place "and why throw a pillow at me?"

                "That's the essence of throw pillows. They are meant to be thrown." She explained bringing both of us to an eruption of laughter.

                She stood and went to the balcony. She leaned in so close that my I felt she might fall. I stood and followed her. I remembered when I was the one standing there and she was the one who followed me. We were in exact positions.

                The wind blew, not too hot, not too cold. Perhaps the bright sunshine was making the weather warm. I continued to watch Saejin and after some time, she turned to me, knowing already that I was there.

                "The weather is nice. Should we go out to play?" she asked, half of her face glared by the sunshine.

                "You never let me play out before." I said.

                She smiled and passed by my side.

                "I'm changing. You should change too."




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what is the mission?
i'm curious...
shhh_its_me #2
it sounds interesting so far ~^^
looking forward to the next chapter :D