A Little Preview

Too Much Cotton Candy

Let's just say, getting this so called Oh Sehun character out of my mind was a complete understatement. He was everything but a gentlemen. He had the audacity to take my arm and pull me to the side. Touch me in intimate places and steal a kiss from thy lips. Not that I haven't gotten my first kiss yet. It just seems so surreal, that's all. Never in my eighteen years of living on this godforsaken planet has a boy as gorgeous as he take notice in a girl like me. I should feel blessed right? Ecstatic even that a boy of his physicality take note in a Jane Doe as myself.


I never was the type to stand out in a crowd. If I were to be surround by a sea of people, ugly, beautiful, young and old, if he were to be asked to look for me, let’s just say he’ll never find me. He’ll give up trying. I was never graced with compliments of beauty do to my outstanding genes growing up so that automatically disqualifies me from that category society calls Billboard Magazine’s Top 100 Hottest People of the Year. I was never one to be described as beautiful anyways. I was as plain as they come. Black Hair, long with no volume. Lips forever shaped in an ugly pout. Dark, ty stained eyes that capture no soul and a height complexion of a monkey. Now tell me I’m a Victoria Secret Angel. Say that I’m worth someone’s time. I think not!


So why do I feel so happy walking into work today knowing that a boy named Oh Sehun, given the chance that if he were to see my face again, could convincingly admit to never kissing me that night? A boy like him and a girl like me can never mix in a society where beautiful people must mate with one another while the average looking ones watch from their television screens about the lives of those beautiful people.


I slowly came to a halt in front of the locked carnival entrance. Wearing a mid thigh baby blue dress with my carnival T-shirt, I kicked my combat boots at the dirt path, waiting for an employee to open the gates.


“Oh hey! It’s you!” Oh . I dare not look up. I hear the clicking of a lock, the rattle of chains being untangled and the creak of the metal gate being opened. “I didn’t know you came in this early too!” God he sounds like a freaking creep right now but he’s fine as hell from the way his deep voice makes my heart skip one beat...two beats…..four beats…a thousand.


“Uhhh yeah.” I need to make this quick before he sees my red tomato face. He’ll probably get the idea that I’ve been inappropriately thinking about him.


He takes a step right in front of me, just one foot way. I could tell by the way his dirtied black converse come into my peripheral view from the amazing view of the floor. He chuckles as I slowly see him bringing his hand up. I then feel this comfortable weight on my head.


“Go on in. I won’t bite.” At this moment I dared myself to look up. Wrong move. He had an award winning smile upon his thin but plump lips, his eyes crinkling brightly as they disappeared into a smile of their own and his high cheekbones turning a rosy shade of pink. He looked like a god at this point, then the unexpected happened. His smile became a deadly smirk, his eyes held a playful aura and his facial features read that of a player’s.


“Unless you want me to?”

(A/N) Hello there! I know this story may seem completed but its not. :) I finally have the will power to write once again and this while a few others are on their way to becoming updated fanfics once again. Until then, please let me know how you feel about this story in the comments below! 


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Chapter 3: Update please?
Chapter 3: you know what I've been waiting for the updates for so long. haha. I'm so happy to find a new chapter! <3 I really love this story, so I hope you continue writing it. Fighting, Author-nim!!
Chapter 3: yes! finally! this fic is too fluffy to give up on..
will be looking forward to ur updates..
is this completed? LOL.
Chapter 2: This is so cuteee!!
Can't wait to read the next chappieee!!
Update soon.. :D
Chapter 2: love the story! update soon! //creeyyysss//
Chapter 2: its very interesting !!! nice plot
moonlover23 #8
Really funny love the ending