The Carnival’s New Kissing Booth

Too Much Cotton Candy

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‘Oppa! Can I have a bag of cotton candy?’  A girl with bleached blonde chucks of hair asked rather disgustingly to her, I suppose, boyfriend.


‘Of course babe~ Anything for you’ Her boyfriend greasily replied back. Kissing her caked make-upped face before turning my direction, which is, unfortunately, the cotton candy stand.


Yup, that’s me, the cotton candy lady. It’s not because of the fact that I hate my job. No, it’s quite honestly the opposite. I love it! My heart melts whenever I see children and families from all over city come and enjoy themselves at the carnival. How they come to visit the playful clowns and see fun circus shows and how every ride brings out all their giggles and laughter within a mere three seconds. And how after all the adventures they thought they already had, there’s still the Carnival Booths waiting to be explored. And that’s where I’m at now. In the center of the Carnival, smack right in the middle of two pathways leading to either the carnival rides or carnival booths. And right behind me, is the lovely circus, just finishing up for the day. So you see, I love the carnival. But unfortunately, it’s also loved by over the top cheesy couples; that I have nothing against of course, but just can’t seem to accept their nature. Bleh~


I bravely put on a smile as the ‘greasy couple’ leisurely waked their way to the candy stand. Holding hands and giving each other wet sloppy kisses. I so desperately want to shout out ‘No PDA. Please keep the carnival G –rated! Thank you! Never Come Back!’ But sadly, I’m an employ to a carnival with the worst possible motto ever…Make the customers happy and welcomed. Make them want to come again. Please my can’t take this any longer.


“Good Evening! How may I assist you?” I politely asked, the couple finally stopped eyeing each other and looked my way. “I would like one bag of pink cotton candy.” The boyfriend huskily replied gaining a giggle from his caked face girlfriend. I smiled halh-heartedly, “Coming right up, Sir.”


After making the soft, delicious, fluffy treat and handing it over to the couple, whom were surprisingly enough, on each other’s faces, I hurriedly gathered my things and closed up early for the night. Not wanting to barf the next time I have to make a children’s treat for a PDA couple.


I decided that the first stop of exploring my childhood would be the carnival rides. Not to ride them of course, but to see the expressions of the girls and boys who do. Ever since I could remember, I loved the challenge of putting a smile on anyone’s face. Whether they were young or old, stubby or thin, tall or short, or boy or girl. No matter the circumstances, I always wanted to see a row of teeth smiling back at me.

Walking through the colorfully lit dirt path, I studied the faces of every girl and boy I could look at. Remembering my carnival childhood through them. A brother and sister duo riding a-round and round the spinning teacups. A little girl riding on the Octopus, a ride meant for toddlers who were to get on board in a small cart located on the legs of the creature and circle around its head, flying up and down. And last but not least, a boy who was no less then two, sitting comfortably on his father’s shoulders eating a cold treat of ice cream while holding his mother’s hand who was gazing loving at the ‘boys’ in her life. Taking in the cheery atmosphere one last time, turned around and headed towards the carnival booths. Wanting to play some games and explore a bit more before I head home.


After buying a couple of tickets at the main stand, I slowly walked down the many rows of carnival games. From pin the tail to the donkey to water gun paradise, I wanted to see which game would catch my attention. But sadly, the bright lights and laughter surrounding me, begging for my approval, didn’t get anything from me. Slowly I reached the edges of the carnival. Turning away with a hand of unused tickets, a flash of pink and red light caught my eye. I swiftly turned back and right before me was the largest booth the carnival could have ever used. It practically had a stage used for concerts but that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was for the fact that the booth was puked on by cupid. Cheap pink and red glittered hearts were glued on to every surface the booth was made out of. And red cupid arrows hung from the inner ceiling. Shining blindingly whenever light hits its surface. The booth was painted hot pink with red streaks racing everywhere. And to pull all off, at the center of the stage peacefully rests a love seat meant for two. With the velvet headrest shaped as a heart. I had to admit, it was a very elaborate set up for a kissing booth. I mean you’re only going to kiss the guy, for like what, 5 seconds? And for how many tickets? 10? 20? Yeah, I think I’ll pass.


Just when I thought I had enough of cupid’s vomit all over the booth, a strong yet slim hand s its way around my waist leaving a hot trail of heat from its touch.


“Hello there, Love” A voice like chocolate, melted whispered in ear, leaving me in daze of total shock and curiosity.


He blew gently at the nape of my neck, scaring my face with shades of red. His grip on me tightened before saying in his chocolaty voice…


“Would you like to lock lips with me?”

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Chapter 3: Update please?
Chapter 3: you know what I've been waiting for the updates for so long. haha. I'm so happy to find a new chapter! <3 I really love this story, so I hope you continue writing it. Fighting, Author-nim!!
Chapter 3: yes! finally! this fic is too fluffy to give up on..
will be looking forward to ur updates..
is this completed? LOL.
Chapter 2: This is so cuteee!!
Can't wait to read the next chappieee!!
Update soon.. :D
Chapter 2: love the story! update soon! //creeyyysss//
Chapter 2: its very interesting !!! nice plot
moonlover23 #8
Really funny love the ending