Chapter 33

My Guardians

“She was human.” Lay blandly said. The gasps from the crowd were expected. The crowd tried to mummer quietly but the sound gradually grew, just as KwangMi and Lay predicted.

“They’re not supposed to lead us then are they?”

“They lied to us!”

“This is too much!”

“What next?!”

Quiet.” KwangMi ordered. Hurt could be seen on every inch of her face. The insults towards Lay and herself even those against her mother, she braced herself for; but the insults toward her father she wasn’t. They called him all kinds of names that he would be devastated to hear.

“What have you any right to judge one person according to one act, one simple act that could easily be looked over?” KwangMi asked infuriated.

Every right.” Jonghyun stood up and spoke again. “He was our King. He was the person we trusted the most, the person whom we thought was perfect and who we looked up to.” His words were sincere, but there was still that smirk, the smirk that made everything seem as though he was finding a way to end the Exotics. A smirk that made it known to everyone that he was plotting something, but everyone was to tied up in their anger to even notice he’d gotten them where he’s wanted them.

“No one is perfect. I grew up that in my heart.We all looked up to him. Me more than any of you.” KwangMi was on the verge of yelling.

“Lay didn’t know who he was, but I did. I thought my father left me and that he would never think of coming back, but he did. He knew he couldn’t leave me alone, not then. He came back knowing he couldn’t keep hiding and left everything he loved and came back when he knew he had to. My father realized his mistake and he tried with all his might to make everything better. He kept the fact that I was half- human a secret because he thought it was best for us as a family.”

“But it wasn’t! Are you saying that you would lie to keep your family safe?!” Jonghyun accused.

“Wouldn’t you?! Only a sick, disloyal person wouldn’t! Would you be that person? Would anyone in this room be that person?!” KwangMi stood up and screamed. Tears rolled down her face as the crowd started to look away from her. Jonghyun slowly sat down.

‘Right when I thought I had them too... Damn it.’ Jonghyun thought as he sulked.

KwangMi also took her seat next to Lay. By the looks of it, the meeting was over, but KwangMi didn’t officially and the meeting. She wasn’t in this world anymore. She was in her own and she was talking to her father; maybe one would say praying, but she knew she wasn’t speaking to any God. Sunggyu rushed onto the stage to end the conference, he didn’t think she would want to continue.

“This would be the en-” Sunggyu started.

“No it’s not. There is still more to this meeting.” Lay interrupted. Sunggyu looked back at Lay surprised.

“Please feel free to take another break and come back.” Lay said confusing the crowd. KwangMi stood up and was immediately embraced by Lay. His arm was around her as they went backstage.

“I’m fine.” KwangMi said sliding Lay’s hand off her shoulder. Lay smirked, knowing better than to believe her.

“I’m sure you are, but my dongsaeng is just so huggable!” Lay joked wholeheartedly. KwangMi smiled and snuggled in a bit closer.

“Are you really going to go on with the meeting?” Sungjong asked.

“How did you even know there was more to the meeting? We never told you.” Dongwoo held up his hands defensively, not ready to take any blame.

“I told him; I mean he’s the Prince, he deserves to know. Yes, we will go on with the meeting.” KwangMi said.

“But KwangMi, they already have reasons to overthrow you from your throne, we don’t want to give them another.” Hoya said worried.

“They don’t have a reason to over throw us though. We gave them reasons to believe us and to keep us as their rulers.” KwangMi stated.

“But still, maybe it’s too soon.” Woohyun said. KwangMi shook her head.

“Tell me the story while we have time.” KwangMi asked.

“The story? Of how the rule came about?” Sungyeol asked. KwangMi nodded her head eagerly.

“Arraso.” Sunggyu said scratching his head.

“It happened decades ago. According to the story everyone has heard and believes, the princess who was going to be named queen fell in love with a guardian. You see, back in those days, you couldn’t be a single ruler, you needed to have a spouse unless you were of course widowed.”

“So why didn’t she just marry the guardian?” Lay asked.

“Her mother was very strict and already had a husband picked out for her. The people around the town were talking about how they were the perfect couple and how happy they were, it seemed there was no way out of the marriage.” L continued.

“Why didn’t she tell her mother she loved the guardian?” KwangMi asked.

“Oh she tried, but her mother didn’t want to hear of it” Sungjong said.

“Why?” The siblings asked in unison.

“If we knew we would tell you, but we don’t so we can’t. No one knows.” Sungyeol said.

“Anyway, to keep the couple got married. To keep the Queen’s thoughts away from her guardian and the guardian’s thoughts away from her, she made this law.” Sunggyu ended.

“Then what?” KwangMi asked.

“Then nothing. generations passed and the law spread to different regions, either way, this law was kept.” Woohyun said.

“No one else fell in love with their guardian?” Lay asked.

“Maybe they did, but I guess they didn’t want to change the law. Perhaps they found another love in the end.”L answered. KwangMi started to worry.

‘What if I’m just one of those people who find another love? I’m still awfully young, only 16 years of age. What would I know about true love?’ KwangMi  started to rethink her decision.

“You have to take the chance.” Lay whispered into her ear. “If you just back away so easily from what you want, you’ll never know if you could’ve had it in the first place.”

“The crowd is gathering again. Let’s start the next part of this conference.” Woohyun said. KwangMi hesitated, but still nodded.

‘But maybe it’s too risky. I can always come back to this stage when I’m sure. Maybe in a few years...’ KwangMi  caressed her necklace like she always did when she was nervous.

‘But the truth is,’ KwangMi’s head started to clear. ‘I do love him.’  



HIHI! I'm back with my blue letters~ haha. Remember when I said this story wasn't going to be longer than my last one?


Well... it was in chapter 15 (yup I actually looked for it so I could be accurate). Well, this story has actually surpassed my first one!


YAAYY! But there's still so much that has to be done! I don't think I can fit it into this story! So... I was thinking of making a sequel. Of course this story is going to end, but I was thinking, there could be more to it... What do you guys think?


Leave you opinions in the comments please~! Thank you~! I love you guys!!!



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love the ff! <3
Chapter 42: Jjang! Hehe, I thought Kai fell inlove with D.O. Hahahahahahaha xD Anyways thus is a great story author-nim! (Y)
Eunki23 #3
Chapter 42: Ahhh...
This story ^^
Thank you for this story
I really love it, i crying in class when read jongin part :'
New reader here!
bombomi #5
Chapter 21: OH! sequel pleaseee
bombomi #6
Chapter 21: love this story so much!!!
Chapter 42: So sweet I love this story
Love kyungsoo and kwangmi
Thank u for great story
Chapter 42: sequel juseyo author-nim??? :))
Chapter 42: This was a great fanfic. Thank you. You should DEFINITELY make a sequal when you have the time to! It ended to soon and abrupt.

Aw, I can't believe it's the end! It was such a good story!!