Chapter 7

Marry Me, Princess (COMPLETED)
The days passed and Seiko already felt confident on her work. She already knew the needs and wants of the members, each having his own preference on things.
That day, Seiko had only one duty and that was to attend to Yamada Ryosuke who was shooting his latest series after his long vacation on the TV screen. Jump’s manager wanted her to concentrate on it since it was her first time to attend a shooting for a series.
Ryosuke was going over the script and memorizing some lines. His shoot was in the afternoon and it was just nine in the morning but he already wanted to prepare. The guy had a huge passion for film making and acting thus he wanted to make sure that he would be able to do his best.
“I don’t know how it started but it just did,” he read aloud full of emotion and looked expectantly at Seiko.
Seiko looked at her copy of the script, “Started? What started?” she read dully.
Ryosuke put down his script, “Eh, what kind of script reading is that? There is no emotion, at all.” He complained.
Seiko looked at him. “I am not the actor here, only you are. Be thankful that I even agreed to read with you. I hate acting, you know?” she also complained.
Ryosuke sighed, “Yeah, right.” He then sat properly and continued. “I – I think I’ve fallen for you. I – I didn’t know how it happened. I don’t have any idea that it would but I – I think, I like you.”
“I like you, too!” Seiko exclaimed.
“Hah?!” Ryosuke looked at her in shock. They were in an empty room in the school campus which was the setting of the show so nobody could hear them.
Seiko looked as confused as he was. “Anou! I mean—“ she stammered. She looked at the script, “I mean – the girl should have said that she liked the guy, too. She was really stupid not to like the guy, you know…” she looked at him.
He was smiling at her confused and caught state. He caught her hand and pulled her to him. “I like you more.” He answered while looking her deep into the eyes.
Seiko was caught with his action. She stared back at him.
He held her face into his hand and moved his own closer to hers. Seiko was able to feel his soft lips into hers. It was feathery soft. His kiss was so calm and sweet as if he was afraid that she would smash in any moment but he hugged her to him and brought her closer. He felt discontended and deepened his kiss. He became more aggressive and he coaxed her to respond which she did willingly.
He wrapped his arms around hers while she let her hands rest on his chest. They were out of breath before Ryosuke let her lips go.
He stared at her and caressed her face. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead before he stood up and extended his hand to her.
She gladly took it. It was the greatest day of their lives.
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Chapter 11: omg that was so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the comments. I just saw them. I don't really check my inbox. Thanks again!!! They are very much appreciated!
Aoi-chan98 #4
kawaii <3