First day of work

Gossip, Lip-gloss and Lots of Talent


She was staring at the reflection- mesmerized by the fluid and energetic movements. The 11 boys were dancing as if there wasn’t tomorrow. Their bodies- a little bit sweaty and clad in variety of jeans, t-shirts and hoodies were in almost perfect synchron and their expressions were well controlled. It was visible that they had trained this certain choreography a lot before she had arrived.

Ria was just awed- it was like these boys had 2 different sides of themselves. She knew that a lot of their success was in result of their hard-working nature but this was beyond her expectations.

Suddenly a small smile made it’s way onto her face as she remembered the ride to the studio:

Dongwoon who had been over-energetic was probably the 1st one to fall asleep lightly leaning his head onto her shoulder. Looking around Ria noticed that almost all of the boys had zoomed of to dreamland even though they seemed perfectly fine just minutes ago.

Her eyes scanned the dismay of hands and feet put in all kinds of comfortable or uncomfortable positions, the faces- most of which had a blank expression on and for the first time she noticed the visible eye bags and all the different signs of over-work and need of rest on the boys.

Suddenly her eyes noticed a slight motion. A pair of dark sneakers was moving up and down probably following the beat of an unheard song. She let her gaze move up onto the well-toned body and finally to the babyish face. It was Yoseob and although he had his eyes closed it was obvious he wasn’t sleeping. The way his lips moved lip-syncing to some unknown song and the light humming you could hear from his mouth if you listened carefully were the only evidence she needed.

Ria let her curiosity take over and outstretched her hand careful as to not wake up Dongwoon. Her fingers lightly tapped the main vocalist’s shoulder and he turned around looking rather surprised. His lips mouthed a silent “Oh” as he noticed it was Ria and he was quick to pull the earphones out of his ears.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she asked him whispering

“Well I’m afraid that my throat will close up” Yoseob answered with a sad smile “Do you want to listen to some music too?”

He offered her one of the small white earphones and she obliged -her body leaning forward. But unfortunately Ria had forgotten that Dongwoon was leaning on her shoulder and his head, losing it’s balance landed with a noiseless plop on her lap.

BEAST’s maknae slightly opened his eyes and met them with her surprised ones but he was quick to close them again and drift off to sleep. Yoseob silently giggled but just seconds later Dongwoon, who had obviously realized what was he looking at before, sprang up full force hitting his head in the process and emitting a loud yell.

Just seconds later the whole mini-van was turned upside down. The Arab Prince’s shout had apparently woken up most of it’s occupants who rose from their awkward positions with loud groans and complains. After some minutes of apologizing (obviously from Dongwoon), settling on what exactly happened and some nagging from Junhyung the car had gone quiet again and Ria had moved next to Yoseob, both of them cramped in the small seat, awkwardly listening to the up-beat rhythm of “Schock”.

A loud bang from the door startled her and she looked up just as Hyunseung and Dojoon entered the practice room. The other guys immediately stopped their practice and crowded around the two.

Ria, feeling a little lazy decided to too stand up and slowly got her body out of it’s sitting position, stretching in the process. She slowly made her way to the big group that had formed in front of the door but just before she reached them Ria heard both of the managers’ voices. Being too far away she couldn’t quite make out the things they were saying but just seconds later the room was almost empty.

Most of the guys seemed to scramble out in different directions all heading out for different parts of the building and she was leaved in the room alone with only Kevin and Dongho present.

“What’s wrong?” she worriedly turned to the maknae and his companion

“Oh nothing! Manager hyung just asked them to go and meet some people.” Dongho answered non-chalantly

“Yes that’s right. Some have to meet with a few people from different magazines and others are heading for a photo shoot or separating to do their solo schedules.” Kevin chimed in with his melodious voice

Ria was a little bit dumb-founded- what was she supposed to do!? As long as she was concerned the deal was to follow at least one of them to their schedules 24/7.

Dongho’s light tugging on her hand snapped her attention back to the 2 boys.

“Noona- you’re coming with us. We’re having an interview for a Taiwanese’ magazine” the boy announced

She just lightly nodded and broke out into a shy smile. Of course they wouldn’t leave her alone- that was the deal after all.

Soon she was following the 2 boys trough the endless and seemingly, at least for her, identical halls of the KBE building. The bright white neon lamps were shining down on the three of them and the grey monotone walls and white doors with different signs somehow settled down a melancholic mood on the group. They reached the lobby of that certain floor and Ria found herself gazing at the windows that took up the whole wall south of them. By the looks of it this was possibly around the 10th floor. She wasn’t paying too much attention while arriving. The scenery that presented itself wasn’t too different from the one in the halls- tons of gray clouds had gathered in the sky above them and the sun couldn’t be seen. The nearby trees were bending under the force of , she presumed, the whipping wind. It looked like a storm was going to reach Seoul in the nearby hours.

The unmistakable ding of the elevator was heard and she stepped forward through the opened doors with Dongho on her left. Kevin was the last to get in and as he did he pressed down the button for the ground floor. The angel- like boy was wearing a pair of big white Dr.Dre headphones and  U-Kiss’s maknae was chewing down on a packet of pockys.

Ria too decided to occupy herself with something so she pulled out her phone and looked at the screen that indicated a few missing calls, from her parents and one unopened message. It was from her sister.

“How’s the first day of work? Good luck <3”- It was short but sweet- just her style. A gentle smile crept on Ria’s lips. Her older sister was after all one of the closest people to her. She was just getting busied and typing a reply when the elevator doors opened yet again but this time a few more people settled themselves into the small cabin. She glanced up from her screen and met the curious eyes of 2PM’s Nichkhun and 2AM’s leader Jo Kwon.

Next to her Kevin and Dongho slightly bowed to the 2 guys and sent them a friendly smile. Both Oneday members responded and once again focused their attention on her. Seeing as neither of the two U-Kiss boys bothered with introducing her she just slightly bowed following their example and shyly smiled. Then Ria once again averted her gaze to the small screen of the device in her hands.

3 floors and a few exchanged texts later all of them exited at the ground floor. The Thai Prince and The Kkab Queen headed in the opposite direction of them still throwing fleeting glances at her.

Kevin, Dongho and Ria headed for the small café at the far end of the lobby. The walls there were creamy colored and a few simple but stylish looking sofas were scattered over the light brown carpet. A few round wooden tables with knitted table-clothes over them and some lamps hanging low from the ceiling, emitting a soft warm light gave the place a very homey and warm atmosphere.

The 3 of them headed towards the only occupied seat at the moment. A young woman in a pastel-colored business suit stood up and bowed to them with a bright smile. They seated themselves on the couch opposite from her and the interview began.

Ria found herself gradually losing focus as her tired body relaxed more and more into the soft material of the couch. The events and excitement of the day were finally catching up to her. Through half-lidded eyes she barely registered that it had started to rain and snow at the same time. The only thing she was hearing through the last minutes before completely submitting herself to sleep was the soft pitter patter of the raindrops.


A/N: So here's the new chappie~ Hope you like it ^^ Btw the way Ria's gonna meet a lot of people from the k-pop world. Some will be in the story without an important role and just for fleeting moments~ That's the case with Nichkhun and  Jo Kwon in this chapter~ Others will have a more bigger role but i haven't got anything definite in mind yet~ Enjoy the update and remember comments are love ;)

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Hahah even if I'm not really familiar with those groups, I really enjoy reading this story! :) <br />
Just as much as Kat does <br />
P.S: The girl named pockyesh <br />
HAHA <3 Update soon!
OH MY GOSH =_= I wish I was her... Hongki and Seunghyun WAHHHH! >_< And Injoon!!!!! I would love to have her job LMAO xD <3 I love this story!!!!
I Love how she meets so many different idols!! >_< And it seems all of them are my favorites so I'm really happy!! It's like you're reading my mind~ kk! *at the fourth chapter*!! Will probably comment again soon! ^_^ I've been busy with homework so haven't had time to read the whole thing! ^^;
Yay! I totally love the update!<br />
And yeah! Soohyun is the best!! Love him and Kiseop sharing, haha, so cute ^^<br />
This update hceered up my mood, becos I'm actually depressing abt Xander and Kibum..they're leaving U-Kiss... :(
LOVE.THE.UPDATE Yay! Ria is a part of their family ~ Update soon, dongsaeng ^^
@ll0vex3_her: Thank you~ I'm glad you like the story so far ^^ Keke I love Soohyun too :3 Talk 'bout an amazing voice<br />
@Meldina: Thanks ^^ Well she's gonna encounter lots of k-pop celebs so look out for Big Bang and Suju- they may turn up soon ;)<br />
@PandaBerry: Thanks~ I really dunno if he's so friendly in reality but...<br />
@aristargirl: Thank u ^^ It means a lot to me that so many people are commenting and subscribing~
Awee so cute!<br />
What other bands are gonna be in *starts to pray for bigbang lmfaoo or Suju*