Their Meeting

Gossip, Lip-gloss and Lots of Talent

She quickly exited the elevator and the loud confident clicks her boots made in the considerably empty hallway could be heard clearly. Ria’s eyes darted left and right as she was looking for a certain pair of numbers. When she finally spotted them on one door at the very end a relieved sign escaped her lips and she hurried.

A second later she was standing in front of it composing herself. Her hand reached down for the door handle and slowly rested on the cold metal as she got a polite smile on her face. But just as she was about to press down on it a few things happened too quickly for her to comprehend.

A body colluded into her making Ria open the door and stumble through it off of balance. Her knees soon made contact with the floor and she could clearly feel the presence of another body half sprawled out behind her.

“Yoseob can’t you be more careful!” the same deep smooth voice that she just heard minutes ago exclaimed from somewhere

And sure enough when she turned around Beast’s ayego master was behind her. Their eyes met and the boy immediately stood up lifting her along with him.

“Are you all right? Can you stand up? God, I’m so sorry” he said all of that in one breath making Ria chuckle a little

“Yes don’t worry I’m fine” she simply exclaimed and offered him a smile before turning around.

Her gaze met with a spacious office decorated in warm colors. It’s current occupants were a large group of boys and three grown up men.

The latter were standing behind a neatly organized desk while the other people in the room were almost randomly seated or sprawled across couches, chairs and some even on the floor.

All eyes were on her so she straightened up and spoke:

“Hello I’m Ria Evans! I’m starting work here today.

“Very good Miss Evans, please take a seat” one of the men said and gestured towards a few chairs in front of the desk

She made her way over to them gathering all the gazes of the boys in the process. Some were looking dumbfounded, others were smiling politely and a part of them were straight forwardly checking her out.

She gracefully sat down on one of the black leather chairs while expecting the 3 men to speak.

“So your magazine warned us that they will be sending a reporter from Korean origin for the comfort of our boys. From what we’ve heard so far your use of the language is quite good too” one of them said approvingly

“You’ve already been here for a month. We sincerely hope that you already got used to Seoul and that you’ll enjoy your stay in our country.”

A third man raised his hand in front of the one speaking breaking his speech in a polite way:

“I’m sure she just wants to meet the groups’ she’s going to be working with. We hope that you get along well- after all you will follow them to almost all of their schedules Miss Evans”

Then he simply gestured towards the boys who quickly began sniffling around and soon all of them formed two formations. Alexander and Dojoon exchanged glances and soon the second on stepped up motioning for the guys near him to do so too.

“So BEAST! Hello we are Beast!” all of them said and bowed

“Hello we are U-Kiss!” the second group consisting of 7 boys said

“Hello! I’m Ria Evans- I’ll be working with you from now on. I hope that we get along.” She let out a beaming smile and too bowed

“So boys, why don’t you show her around the building first and do separate introductions while you’re at it” one of the men said and motioned for the door

All of the boys including her scrambled towards the door. She was last and when finally closing the door behind her Ria found herself surrounded by all sides from a little bit too eager for their own good idols.

“Hey I’m Alexander but you can call me Xander….”

“How old are you?”

“Are you a noona?”

“Hey I’m Yoseob the one who bumped into you earlier and I just wanna say I’m…”

“Do you know our songs?"

She could hear people throwing words and questions to her from all sides and confusedly tried to distinguish who said what. Her head was flying back and forth trying to hear and possibly understand everything but the mess of words and pushing people certainly wasn’t helping her.

“Hey guys calm down. Let her breath “ BEAST’s leader spoke up and he together with Junhyung, Eli and Kibum tried to calm down their over excited band mates.

Well this is somehow a good start…I think?”


A/N:I just want to say that Ria's /your's thoughts will be written in Italic from now on~ So here's the second chappie ^^ I just wanna say thanks to all the people that commented and subscribed :3 I love you!

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Hahah even if I'm not really familiar with those groups, I really enjoy reading this story! :) <br />
Just as much as Kat does <br />
P.S: The girl named pockyesh <br />
HAHA <3 Update soon!
OH MY GOSH =_= I wish I was her... Hongki and Seunghyun WAHHHH! >_< And Injoon!!!!! I would love to have her job LMAO xD <3 I love this story!!!!
I Love how she meets so many different idols!! >_< And it seems all of them are my favorites so I'm really happy!! It's like you're reading my mind~ kk! *at the fourth chapter*!! Will probably comment again soon! ^_^ I've been busy with homework so haven't had time to read the whole thing! ^^;
Yay! I totally love the update!<br />
And yeah! Soohyun is the best!! Love him and Kiseop sharing, haha, so cute ^^<br />
This update hceered up my mood, becos I'm actually depressing abt Xander and Kibum..they're leaving U-Kiss... :(
LOVE.THE.UPDATE Yay! Ria is a part of their family ~ Update soon, dongsaeng ^^
@ll0vex3_her: Thank you~ I'm glad you like the story so far ^^ Keke I love Soohyun too :3 Talk 'bout an amazing voice<br />
@Meldina: Thanks ^^ Well she's gonna encounter lots of k-pop celebs so look out for Big Bang and Suju- they may turn up soon ;)<br />
@PandaBerry: Thanks~ I really dunno if he's so friendly in reality but...<br />
@aristargirl: Thank u ^^ It means a lot to me that so many people are commenting and subscribing~
Awee so cute!<br />
What other bands are gonna be in *starts to pray for bigbang lmfaoo or Suju*