For the 1st Time

Gossip, Lip-gloss and Lots of Talent


The alarm clock was going off in her bedroom. She swiftly put down the cup of coffee she was drinking and went to shut it off. It was still pretty early, but never less the tension of the 1st day of her so called work had made her sprung up from bed at an almost ungodly hour. She stopped in front of the small mirror in her room and decided to fix herself up. Her morning routines were done a long time ago.

The clothes, picked out after a mini-fashion show yesterday, were laid out exactly where she left them. A simple white button up blouse, faded blue jeans and a short grey cardigan. She quickly wore them and once again observed her reflection from all sides, only for a satisfied lopsided grin to plant itself onto her face. The next step was the make up- only a light touch of it would be enough.

First she reached for quite a simple black mascara that she carefully applied. Next was the eye-shadow- pearly white and a little bit glittery. Last but not least was her favorite lip-gloss- peach flavored and light orange, almost invincible on her lips.

A smile at her reflection, a small prep talk and she was off, picking up her bag and shoes on the way. She quickly slipped into the old grey cowboy styled boots and reached out for her black long coat. Carefully closing the door behind her she exited her small rented apartment and went to the nearest subway station. It was still a long time from 8 AM but she hated being late and plus you never know what can happen. When she was already inside, it was easy to find a seat because of the lack of people- a thing you wouldn’t expect nowadays.

She plopped herself down onto it and gazed at the passing scenery that could be seen out of the window. The lights of Seoul even through the dim morning fog were shining brightly and cheerfully. People were walking in different directions could be seen – hurrying towards their jobs or school and not even stopping to take a glance at the beautiful scenery around them. It was the beginning of December and small snowflakes were starting to make their way down onto the crowded streets. She lightly shivered just at the though of the weather outside- she was sensitive to the cold early in the morning.

In a lot of ways the capital of South Korea reminded her of New York- the town she had been living in for the past 2 years. Both were just as lively and rushed and just leaved you awed staring at the impossibly tall buildings and millions of colorful headboards. The 1st time she came to Seoul was just a month ago and nearly a week after she’d gotten her assignment.

The announcement of her stop made her snap out her thoughts and she quickly made her way towards the doors. The opportunity of actually getting to work within a company with such a well-known name was having its effect on her, as she felt the excitement building up.

The walk towards her destination was short and a little bit unpleasant. The snow was beginning to fall down more furiously and the wind played with her hair. She looked at the sky which was an unpleasant grayish color and then carefully breathed in some hot air onto her freezing hands. She regretted the fact of not taking either her scarf or gloves. Just upon reaching it the traffic light  flashed green and she successfully passed through the busy street mingled among the crowd of people.

She was at last in front of the building of KBE. Taking a deep breath she lightly pushed the glass doors in front of her and stepped inside. Her low heeled boots immediately sunk in the red fluffy carpet as she looked around feeling a little nervous. She lightly removed some of the snowflakes that got on her hair and coat. Then her gaze met a group of eyes and she momentarily freezed. 2PM .That was the only sane thing her mind was screaming. Trying to keep on “looking composed” she locked up her inner fan girl as quickly as possible. She lightly coughed, tore her eyes away from the said group of men and confidently walked up to the register.

“Ria Evans” she abruptly said at the woman seated behind the wooden surface “I’m starting work here today”

The latter started typing something on the slick keyboard in front of her and a few second later acknowledged Ria with a smile and a brief nod of her head

“Good luck” she simply said and motioned towards the elevators.

Ria briefly returned the smile and focused her attention on the metal doors that were in fact just closing.

“Hold it for a second please!” she urgently called out towards the elevators’ general direction and as if on cue a hand moved between the doors and they reopened again.

“Thank you so much” she quickly blurted out while managing to slip herself quickly next to the man.

Only a moment later she looked up to him and her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets when she realized that the one that had so kindly helped her was none other than Micky Yoochun.

“No problem” he kindly smiled and chuckled a bit at her astonishment “Where’s your stop?”

“F-fifth floor” she stuttered barely and hung her head low in shame 

The rest of the ride was at least to say awkward as nothing was spoken among the two passengers. Ria stole a glance or two towards the person next to her with admiration written on her face. He was after all one of the most famous idols out there.

Ding! The elevator stopped on the 4th floor and the man gracefully exited offering her a polite smile and a quiet “goodbye” before that.

Just as the doors were closing back two figures she couldn’t quite make out darted in the small box. Both of them were doubled over and panting. She just stared at them amused for one second and then decided to speak.

“What’s your floor?”


One of them finally acknowledged her and his smooth deep voice was heard. The said man or boy, she couldn’t quite determine his age, raised himself and patted the one next to him who seemed at the least a head shorter. As both of them straightened out she couldn’t help but let out a silent grasp. In front of her Beast’s leader Yoon Dojoon and visual maknae Yang Yoseob were staring back curiously. She quickly whipped her head in the other direction. Just on time the elevator doors opened again signaling that she had finally reached her destination.

A/N: So here's the 1st chapter~ I hope that it's not a total fail and all. Please comment and let me know what you think

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Hahah even if I'm not really familiar with those groups, I really enjoy reading this story! :) <br />
Just as much as Kat does <br />
P.S: The girl named pockyesh <br />
HAHA <3 Update soon!
OH MY GOSH =_= I wish I was her... Hongki and Seunghyun WAHHHH! >_< And Injoon!!!!! I would love to have her job LMAO xD <3 I love this story!!!!
I Love how she meets so many different idols!! >_< And it seems all of them are my favorites so I'm really happy!! It's like you're reading my mind~ kk! *at the fourth chapter*!! Will probably comment again soon! ^_^ I've been busy with homework so haven't had time to read the whole thing! ^^;
Yay! I totally love the update!<br />
And yeah! Soohyun is the best!! Love him and Kiseop sharing, haha, so cute ^^<br />
This update hceered up my mood, becos I'm actually depressing abt Xander and Kibum..they're leaving U-Kiss... :(
LOVE.THE.UPDATE Yay! Ria is a part of their family ~ Update soon, dongsaeng ^^
@ll0vex3_her: Thank you~ I'm glad you like the story so far ^^ Keke I love Soohyun too :3 Talk 'bout an amazing voice<br />
@Meldina: Thanks ^^ Well she's gonna encounter lots of k-pop celebs so look out for Big Bang and Suju- they may turn up soon ;)<br />
@PandaBerry: Thanks~ I really dunno if he's so friendly in reality but...<br />
@aristargirl: Thank u ^^ It means a lot to me that so many people are commenting and subscribing~
Awee so cute!<br />
What other bands are gonna be in *starts to pray for bigbang lmfaoo or Suju*