Over a cup of coffee

Gossip, Lip-gloss and Lots of Talent


Seated at one end of the long soft couch in the cozy well-light café she could still remember the faces of every person who introduced himself to her. First respectfully were the two eldest from the bands- Alexander and Dojoon.

The Chinese was hyper and very friendly and even resided to talking to her in English- “Such a nice guy really but somehow he doesn’t act his age”. Then it was Dojoon’s turn- BEAST’s leader had made a very good impression on her- “Responsible yet fun and amusing. He is somebody who is truly fit for the role given to him.” The other guys had barely waited their turns and thus introduced themselves in groups.

Yoseob, Kikwang, Dongwoon and Dongho had proved of truly being childish and energetic. The first question from both of the maknaes’ mouths was “How old are you?”. She had just smiled and said 24 confirming herself as a noona in their eyes. The other 2 boys were too very friendly- Yoseob had apologized to her at least 10 times making Ria chuckle.

Next in row were Soohyun, Kiseop, Eli and Kevin. All of them were very kind and amusing- Soohyun with his dorkiness and mini-ballad performance, Kiseop who was very shy at first but soon let a charming smile take over his facial features, Eli and Kevin who both began speaking in English- the latter proving his angelness in her eyes while the other boy turned out to be quite not what Ria expected. Despite his cool and buffed image Eli was in truth a little bit dorky himself but it was clear in her eyes that he was in fact one of the mature people in his group.

Hyunseung, Junhyung and Kibum were the last to approach her all looking a little bit more serious than the rest of the bunch. The Poppin’ Dragon somehow proved his bad boy and cool image and managed to make himself one of the people she felt the closest to. The other doe eyed member of BEAST let out a slight smile and a nervous chuckle and she just couldn’t help but find it cute even though the boy was older than her. Both of them made a very good impression on her. Last was Kibum who had shook hands with her and asked a few trivial questions. He was kind and funny the girl had though as he let out a yet another carefree joke.

“Noona here’s your order”

Kiseop’s voice shook Ria out of her recent memories as she looked at the steaming cup of white mocha that was placed in front of her.

“Thank you” she said and sweetly smiled at him and all of the other guys returning to their table.

After a small argument between the members and a lot of whining and pouting from some certain half of them she was seated on the same table with Kiseop, Dongho, Dongwoon, Kikwang and Yoseob. The 2 U-Kiss boys occupating the couch with her and the remaining people seated on the chairs across from them.

She slowly reached out her hand and took the cup gingerly placing it on her lips, taking a small sip. The hot liquid soothingly went down and she could feel herself finally warming up from the cold weather outside. Ria’s eyes quickly darted observing all of the tables around them. It seemed like they were the only customers of the café at the moment.

She took another gulp of the drink in her hands and raised her eyes from the white cup only to meet a pair of round chocolate brown orbs. They obviously belonged to Yoseob so she smiled at him and decided to initiate a conversation since their table had been quite quiet.

“So I just want to ask but why am I assigned to 2 different groups? Wouldn’t it be easier if I only had to follow one of you to your schedules?”

“Well you see for the next couple of months both U-Kiss and Beast will be working together. The higher ups even plan on making us release a duo album. It will be an innovation since our groups will combine out efforts over it. Something like merging us together but still not quite so” Kikwang ended his speech with a sunny smile.

“Oh so that’s it” Ria nodded her head. The idea was indeed something new.

“So noona you’re gonna be following us to all of our schedules?” Dongho ended with a question mark inquiring her to say something more about her work.

“Yes. I’ll be following you on your group schedules mainly but I will be assigned to a few people’s solo activities I guess.” She said with a shrug and blew off some of the steam towering over her cup

“Cool. So what do you think of South Korea so far, um..Ria?” Yoseob was a little bit uncertain of the pronunciation of her name.

“Well it’s a very busy and friendly country. As it was mentioned before I’ve been here for a month already. Korean people are always ready to offer you help and most of them are really polite. From my impressions this truly is a wonderful place to live in and I’m glad that I’ll be working here” she paused and took another short sip from her drink and then continued “It’s really an honor to be working with you guys. Just for a few years the k-pop mania has spread worldwide. I truly think that this is a sign of just how much potential all of you and your country in general has.”

“Thanks” a unity of voices said

“So what’s your schedule today?” Ria found herself curiously asking

“Well we were supposed to go an do a combined vocal and dance practice, but we were informed about your arrival. From then on you know what happened.” Kiseop said

“Yeah but I think that there’s gonna be a ring from both of out manager- hyungs soon” Dongho chimed in over his cup of hot chocolate


Just then Dojoon’s voice could be heard over the tables:

“Guys get ready to head out soon. We’re still doing the practice”

Ria and her table mates hurriedly finished their drinks and went to the front counter waiting for both groups to assemble.

Soon all of them were outside and heading towards the KBE building were the cars were waiting. It wasn’t snowing anymore but it looked like the weather had gotten even colder. Ria once again rubbed her hands and looked around her. Most of the boys had scarves, beanies and mufflers on which was to be expected – after all they were idols and being recognized in the streets wasn’t their dream come true. She almost bumped into Kevin who was walking in front of her when he came to a sudden halt. Ria guessed that they had probably reached a traffic light. Soon her thoughts were confirmed as their group once again started moving – getting slightly separated and mingled in the thick crowd. She ended up close to Yoseob and Junhyung who were fiercely discussing something.

“Omo Hyunseung oppa!” the high pitched scream made almost all of the people around her turn around following its direction

And true enough there was the deer eyed man side by side with Dojoon already surrounded by squealing fan girls. “This isn’t good” she thought and frantically started looking around for other people from their group.

Yoseob and Junhyung were standing right behind her- the latter had even put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Soon Ria spotted Kevin and Eli making their way towards them. When the two U-Kiss boys finally reached them she asked the question she was aching to voice out:

“What are we going to do?”

“Well I think Dojoon and Hyunseung can take care of themselves. We’re gonna tell manager-nim what happened but there’s nothing else we can do without revealing ourselves too” said Junhyung and the others nodded approvingly.

The 4 boys stood on Ria’s both sides and guided her towards the other side of the street. The remaining U-Kiss and BEAST members were already waiting for them.

They calmly continued their walk to KBE. It looked like all of them were making an even bigger effort to hide their facial features behind those scarves. It was no wonder after all 2 missing people were enough already.

Finally U-Kiss, Ria and the 4 BEAST’ members found themselves in front of 2 vans and one car.

Eli, Junhyung and Alexander went to report to the managers while the other guys were speaking between themselves. A hint of worry was creeping it’s way into their voices and she could sense it.

“Alright guys. We were supposed to separate into our respectful vans and Miss Evans was supposed to ride in the car but after hearing about this there’s a change of plans. Since Dojoon and Hyunseung are obviously going to be late we’re gonna leave the car and it’s driver here waiting for them. Miss Evans will be seated in BEAST’ van instead.” The manager announced.

Just seconds later Ria was getting pushed into the vehicle by an over-excited Dongwoon after promising the Arab Prince that she will sit next to him.


A/N: So here's the third chapter guys~ I wanna say a big thank you to all of the people that subscribed ^^ Even though i launched this story not too long ago there are already 7 dedicated readers~ I hope that all of you liked this chapter <3

Also i think most of you noticed the poster that i put up just hours ago: it was made by the awesome bluembraces ~ I want to thank her once again ^^ I just loved it and I hope that you do too~

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Hahah even if I'm not really familiar with those groups, I really enjoy reading this story! :) <br />
Just as much as Kat does <br />
P.S: The girl named pockyesh <br />
HAHA <3 Update soon!
OH MY GOSH =_= I wish I was her... Hongki and Seunghyun WAHHHH! >_< And Injoon!!!!! I would love to have her job LMAO xD <3 I love this story!!!!
I Love how she meets so many different idols!! >_< And it seems all of them are my favorites so I'm really happy!! It's like you're reading my mind~ kk! *at the fourth chapter*!! Will probably comment again soon! ^_^ I've been busy with homework so haven't had time to read the whole thing! ^^;
Yay! I totally love the update!<br />
And yeah! Soohyun is the best!! Love him and Kiseop sharing, haha, so cute ^^<br />
This update hceered up my mood, becos I'm actually depressing abt Xander and Kibum..they're leaving U-Kiss... :(
LOVE.THE.UPDATE Yay! Ria is a part of their family ~ Update soon, dongsaeng ^^
@ll0vex3_her: Thank you~ I'm glad you like the story so far ^^ Keke I love Soohyun too :3 Talk 'bout an amazing voice<br />
@Meldina: Thanks ^^ Well she's gonna encounter lots of k-pop celebs so look out for Big Bang and Suju- they may turn up soon ;)<br />
@PandaBerry: Thanks~ I really dunno if he's so friendly in reality but...<br />
@aristargirl: Thank u ^^ It means a lot to me that so many people are commenting and subscribing~
Awee so cute!<br />
What other bands are gonna be in *starts to pray for bigbang lmfaoo or Suju*