Why we're up here?

No Coffee in the Library

XiuMin stood on the other side of the light patiently waiting for ChoHee. He had seen her on the bike with Chen earlier so she should be there any minute now. He silently paced back and forth keeping his tight grip on the bouquet of tulips in his hands. Roses would've been more romantic, but he wanted everything to be perfect. Her favorite flower was the tulip and she said that she's always wanted to climb up the lighthouse stairs. Too bad that it just wasn't him. Shaking off the thought he turned back towards the window and watched as the sun slowly dropped down past the horizon line. Before he knew it, he heard the door creak as ChoHee pushed it open.

"Xiumin? Are you in here?" She asked quietly as if she was disturbing the silence. She slowly walked to the other side of the light and saw him standing with his back facing her. "Xiumin," she sighed in relief for it was dark in at the top of the lighthouse without the light on. "What am I. No, more like what are we doing up here?" She asked as she exhuastedly walked up to him. "Xiumin," she sternly said stopping a few feet away from him.


When ChoHee had seen him, Xiumin had tensed up and just couldn't bring himself to it anymore. He held the bouquet of roses in front of him in fear that she would see them. She was asking him a lot of questions that he would be able to explain, but he suddenly felt like an ant. So small that even a little girl could squish him. Why was it so hard? To say just a few words to ChoHee. The girl that he'd been in love with for the past nine months. All of the other guys said that he would be able to do it. They said it would be easy. But why did the butterflies in his stomach multiply by a million? Why did he feel like he could drink a thousand cups of water? Because for once he felt shy. In front of ChoHee too. When has he ever felt shy? Maybe he would just do it later. But all of the guys had taken off the day to help him. They believed in him. They did all of this nonsense for him while he, Kai, Chen, LuHan, and SeHun set up the twinkling lights. He couldn't back down now. Not after they helped him and put all that hope in him.

"Xiumin," ChoHee interrupted his train of thoughts.

Well here goes. Xiumin smiled as he brought the tulips to cover his face and then turned around to face ChoHee.

"Annyeong!" He said in a high squeaky voice. "These flowers are to be delivered to Yang ChoHee. Do you know her by any chance?" He slightly shook them while he was still holding them up.

Well if you want to play it like this then go ahead Xiumin. "Actually, I don't. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help?" ChoHee pouted and turned away from Xiumin.

"ChoHee," Xiumin panicked lowering the flowers. "I'm sorry," he said as he stepped in front of her.

"For what oppa? For making me run all the way here to find you? Do you know how exhuasted I am?" ChoHee began arguing as she started hitting his chest.

"Woah! Watch the flowes," Xiumin pouted puffing out his cheeks.

"You only care about the flowers? Not me?" ChoHee whined as he held the flowers protectively in his arms.

"Aniyo, I care about the flowers because they're for you," Xiumin sheepishly smiled handing her the bouquet of tulips. "You're favorite too."

ChoHee's anger lessened as she took the bouquet of tulips and looked at the smiling Xiumin.

"And may I ask what these are for?" ChoHee asked as she smelled them closing her eyes. Seeing it as his only chance, Xiumin quickly took out his pohne and sent a word to Chen and said to ChoHee, "It's my apology of making you run and excercise especially since you had just finished your afternoon classes." He sweetly replied opening his arms for a hug.

"Just because you're my best friend Xiumin," ChoHee started saying as she gave in to the hug she wanted for the past few hours, "it doesn't mean that it covers it all you know?" She lightly laughed making Xiumin's heart jump with joy. 

"ChoHee remeber how we met?" Xiumin asked quietly as he kept his hold on ChoHee as if, if he let her go she would disappear forever.


Xiumin had his cup of coffee and his books to study for with him in the library. The guys just wouldn't stop being noisy so he had to leave. His test was in a few days and he needed to study. But as soon as he had arrived, it was time to go. He had just finished unpacking his books, finding the right pages and started taking notes when the librarian announced that they would be closing in a few minutes.

Great, just great. He thought.

Quickly, he took a sip of his coffee to try and cool himself down and started repacking his stuff. People around him hurried out of the library making him nervous not wanting to be kicked out because he was slow. So he rushed and whipped his notebooks off the table only to spill his cup of coffee everywhere. Especially on his textbook.

Why is this happening to me?

He quickly put the cup back onto the table and groaned loudly only to recieve glares from the old librarian manager. He frantically looked around his bag looking for napkins to wipe his mess only to make the already spilled coffee on the table fall into his bag.

Could this day get worse?

"Gwenchana, slow down. It's not like they're going to kick you out for being slow," Xiumin heard a gentle voice say as he saw a pair of hands wipe up some of the coffee with napkins. He slowly looked up and saw her. A young woman who looked like a teenager. The way she looked so innocent and cute made him blush.

"O...Oh," he timidly stuttered.

"And," she started saying then looked up at Xiumin, "this is why you don't drink coffee in the library." She laughed lightly as she finished wiping down the table and parts of the book.

"Gomawo," was all he managed to say. "My name is XiuMin!" He said a bit too loud earning another glare from the librarian and laugh from the girl. "Well, my real name is Kim MinSeok but people call XiuMin." He quickly added mentally punching himself in the face for being so embarrassing.

"I'm Yang ChoHee," the girl smiled sweetly melting his heart that instant. "I work here part-time."

And that's where their friendship started.

They stayed in a close hug for a bit until ChoHee inturrupted the silence again, "Xiumin, what are we doing up here?"

On signal, bright lights from below and made the night a bit brighter.

"Well, why don't we take a look?" Xiumin smirked as he let go of the confused ChoHee leading her towards the window.

ChoHee gasped as she saw all the EXO guys standing each of them holding up a sign that glowed in the dark(mini bright lightbulbs not actual glow in the dark XD).

Will you go out with me Yang Cho Hee ?

"Say yes!" They suddenly heard a voice boom on a giant speaker. They looked to the side and saw Kai with a microphone and amp standing by Suho who was holding the question mark sign.

"Do all of us a favor and say yes," Kai said again waving his hands frantically.

"So?" Xiumin slowly turned towards ChoHee. She wrapped her arms around his neck and met his lips startling him slightly.

"Of course I would say yes. You know that," ChoHee smiled as they rested their foreheads together while he held her waist. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this day," she smiled tearing up from the happiness.

"No, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this," XIumin happily said as he gave her another peck on the lips.

"Alright guys! Come on down now! We're all hungry and D.O.'s got the barbeque on!" Kai demanded loudly only to be followed by, "I have?"

They all chuckled and laughed while Xiumin took ChoHee's hand and led her to the stairwell.

"Well, let's embark on our journey now. And I forgot a flashlight, so you might want to hold onto me tight," Xiumin playfully said as he started down the stairs leaving ChoHee with no choice but to catch up.

"Oppa! Jamkaman!" She squealed as she caught his arm. Time flew by as they walked down the stairs and soon enough they were having dinner with the dorks.

I think the ending may have been rushed a bit. I hope you guys don't mind.  and I hope it wasn't bad! XD please don't hurt me XD And please tell me how it was! really! by leaving a comment so that I know that I'm not talking/writing to myself XD :) Kamsahamnida and gomawo for reading! Hope you liked it @kaathyboo  and my other readers! :D

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monday2sunday #2
Wah! So sweet! I wouldn't mind all the running for this special night ^^
oooooohhhh this was soo sweet OMG xiumin you adorable dude!
aww~ such a cute ending~ finally i found a baozi fanfic! :3 thank you for posting! ^^
Its so cute.....and so fluffy! I loved it!
Lol at sehun and his lisp!!!!
Awww,,,, how cute!!!