Everyone's telling me to RUN?!

No Coffee in the Library

(This was in the description so if you bothered to read it you can skip it XD)

ChoHee, come to HamYang street.

Earlier that Day

ChoHee had finished her afternoon classes early that day and left for her job at the library. When she arrived, her manager called her up and gave her a letter who was from what her manager said 'puffy cheeks'.

When the light flashed signaling for the walkers, she dashed past everyone saying, "Excuse me" and "I'm sorry". As she neared the end of the block, she say Lay standing at the end of the block in a black suit while holding a giant bright pink arrow.

"Lay!" ChoHee shouted as she reached him. "I came here as fast as I could! I read the letter and left as soon as possible! What's wrong? What's..."

"Hurry! Go! You've got to get there before he leaves!" Lay quickly cut her off pushing her towards the park with the giant arrow he was holding. "No time to explain! Run!" As he watched her body disappear into the small crowds of people in the park he cheerfully smiled to himself. Xiumin hyung, you can do it! Especially since I agreed to stand at the end of the block in this black suit in this kind of heat.


Start here if you already read the description.

She breathlessly ran into the middle of the park by the waterfountain, breathing in heavily while frantically looking around. What's happening? Where am I supposed to go? Lay didn't say anything about where to go!

When she finally caught her breath, ChoHee straightened up and started walking in random directions stretching her neck trying to find any trace of Xiumin or any of the other guys. As she got closer to otherside of the park, a powerful gust of wind blew making the cherry blossoms fly wildly and making her squeal as some petals landed onto her hair.


Suho was standing at the otherside of the park scratching his head as he looked out towards the way ChoHee should've been walking out from now. What's taking her so long? Did she not come? He turned and watched the as the citizens of Seoul were walking around having the time of their lives. Soon a powerful gust of wind inturrupeted his thoughts with a quiet squeal following behind. He turned around and saw ChoHee cowering from the wind carefully picking the petals out of her hair.

"ChoHee!" Suho shouted as he ran up to her.

"Oppa! What's going on? What are you guys doing?" She asked as she picked the last of the petals out of her hair.

"Mianhe, but there's no time to explain!" He smiled sheepishly to himself as he carefully, but quickly pushed her out of the park.

"Waeyo oppa? Why won't you tell me?" ChoHee complained halting to a stop to do some aegyo to Suho.

"Aw, ChoHee, you know that I can't say no to your aegyo," Suho pouted cutely. "But this time, it's not going to work 'cause you really need to leave now. The guys are going to kill me if you don't leave now. Jebal," he put his hands together begging her.

"Arasso, but you better hope that the other guys have an explanation for me!" ChoHee yelled out as she ran to the other side of the street.


D.O. stood there smiling awkwardly as people walked by and gave him weird looks. Suho! What's taking so long this is so uncomfortable! Where are you ChoHee? He shuffled his feet and bounced on them every few seconds biting onto his lips nervously. As he turned to look back towards the park, he spotted ChoHee carefully pushing her way throw a crowd of tourist.

"ChoHee! Over here! Balli!" He shouted using his hands for more sound.

"D.O.!" ChoHee panted as she got to him. "Will you tell me what's going on? What's with all these suits?" She asked as she eyed D.O. suspiciously. "I was so worried, but now I just don't know what to think anymore with all of this going on," she pouted angrily.

"You know I can't tell you anything," D.O. replied pinching her cheek. "Now go to river! Now!" He gave her a light shove sending her away. As she got further away, she turned around and saw D.O. smiling brightly waving her off.


Eottoke? Eottoke?

"ChoHee where are you?" ChanYeol asked himself as he paced around. He grumbled some more to himself as he stared out to the river and the young kids splashing in it.

"ChanYeol!" ChoHee shouted as she sprinted to him. "Where..."

"No time for talk! Time is ticking! Not good!" She could hear the anxiety in his voice. "That way, towards the ice cream shop!"

As ChoHee ran off again, she mumbled to herself, "This better be a good reason for making me excercise like heck XiuMin!"


Finally, ChoHee reached the ice cream shop. Well, the street across the ice cream shop. Right as she was going to run to the otherside, Kris popped up holding a giant sign.

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream?" ChoHee squinted as she read the sign.

"Bwoh?" She shouted to Kris. He looked up surprised and gave her an apologetic look before he turned the sign the other way.

"You're almost there. Keep running. Go to the fish market," ChoHee finished reading it, then gave Kris a weird look.

"Go!" He shouted excitedly pointing towards the market.


"Tao! What is going on here!" ChoHee angrily yelled as she stomped over to Tao.

"Ah, mianhe noona!" Tao pleaded putting his hands togehter.

"Don't tell me I have to run again or I'm just going to collaspe," ChoHee exhuastingly said as she leaned against a pole.

"Well then I have great news for you! Wait no, just good," Tao smiled cutely. "We're going to be taking a cab. Kaja!" Tao excitedly dragged ChoHee who stumbled behind into the cab.

"Ajusshi, please go to _____ (resturaunt)," Tao politely directed the driver.

"Why are we going there?" ChoHee asked as she rested her eyes.

"Well, you haven't had lunch yet have you?" Tao asked innocently.


"Wah, the food her is so good!" ChoHee happily squealed.

"Noona, quick quick quick! We got to go!" Tao ushered you pick your food.

"Aw, already? But.." ChoHee was cut off as Tao picked her favorite foods and said, "There we go. Just the way you like it. Noona!" He emphazied noona as he pinched her cheek.

"Yah! Haung ZiTao! You can't treat your noona like this!" She happily shouted after him as he payed for the food.


"Now eat, but don't choke, because I only kind of remember CPR right now," Tao joked as he handed her the food.

"Can you get us to the beach now?" Tao kindly asked as he leaned to talk to the driver.


"Okay, now go! Go to the dock!" Tao said pushing ChoHee away.

"Waeyo? Wae!" ChoHee groaned as she sloppily ran towards the dock.

"Noona!" BaekHyun smiled happily opening his arms for a hug.

ChoHee quickened her pace and sat onto the dock ignoring BaekHyun's open arms making him pout.

"Noona!" BaekHyun said again smiling brightly trying to get ChoHee to stand up.

"BaekHyun ah, noona is tired," ChoHee complained as BaekHyun helped her up.

"Well noona, if you can make it for just a bit longer because you're running out of time, please follow me and after all of this I promise I'll bring you to Lotte World," BaekHyun cheerfully jumped off of the dock.

"How are you guys standing in this heat with those suits on?" ChoHee smiled in agreement as she put her hand into BaekHyun's as he led her to the forest.


"Sehun!" ChoHee yelled out happily as she and BaekHyun arrived at the edge of the forest.

"Noona, I thall take you from here," he smiled sweetly before taking her hand from BaekHyun.

"Hurry Sehun! Time's running out!" BaekHyun winked at them before they jogged off on the trail.


"Noona, pleathe don't be tired," SeHun quietly said as they continued jogging through the forest.

"Haha, sorry Sehun, it's just that I've been running all afternoon," ChoHee laughed.

"Gwenthana, look aheathe," Sehun turned back towards ChoHee smiling.

"Oppa!" ChoHee called out making LuHan turn around and smile cheerfully.

"Ah, mianhe SeHun, I'm going to take ChoHee away now," Luhan said as he took her away.

"Hyung, balli!" Sehun warned playfully.


"LuHan, where are we going now?" ChoHee asked as she was being draged away.

"Now that, I cannot tell you," he chuckled lightly patting her head. "Aww," He started complaining.

"What's wrong oppa?" ChoHee asked confused.

"Hehe, you get to spend more time with all of the other guys. I only got a few minutes," he pouted cutely.

"Noona! Annyeong!" ChoHee looked up to see Chen at the top of the hill holding onto a bike.

"Chen! Am I getting a ride?" She asked tiliting her head to side, a smile slowly forming on her lips.

"I figured that you would get tired," Chen replied smiling sweetly.

"Aw, you're such a sweet dongsaeng," ChoHee gave Chen a giant bear hug.

"Yeah right, take all of my credit will you Chen!" LuHan shouted as Chen sped down the hill while ChoHee sat on the back seat.

"Chen! You're going to fast!" ChoHee squealed loudly as she clung onto him.

"Don't worry! This is the only hill we're going down," he replied as he started pedaling towards a lighthouse.

"Is this where I'm going to be dropped off? This is what I ran for?" ChoHee shouted as they got closer while the crash of the waves got louder and louder.

"Yep!" Chen laughed out loudly as he braked the bike a bit to fast in front of the lighthouse. "Noona! Mianheyo! I didn't mean to do that!" Chen immediately helped her up as she burst into a fit of laughter.

"Chen, gwenchana, that was fun! So do I just go inside now?" ChoHee asked as she dusted off her shorts.

"Yep, have fun," Chen chuckled to himself as he picked up the bike and started walking away.


ChoHee slowly walked in quietly shutting the door behind her.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" ChoHee said as she explored the little parts of the lighthouse. "Xiumin?"

"Ah, ackk," she heard a voice say as it cracked from low to high. "Madam, you're here!" Someone said as they stood in the shadows.

"Kai is that you?" ChoHee asked trying to hold in her laughter.

"Yeah, it's me," Kai sighed smiling as he walked out of the shadows.

"What was that all about?"

"The guys wanted me to dress up as a girl and lead you to your final destination, but what they don't know doesn't hurt right?" He chuckled as he held his arm out for ChoHee to take. She nodded and giggled a bit, then took his hand and they both started their journey on climbing the many stairs in the lighthouse.

"Why did there have to be so many stairs in the lighthouse?" ChoHee complained as she held onto Kai's arm slowing him down.

"ChoHee noona, you're tiring me out and I don't even get tired out easily," Kai said as he pulled ChoHee along. "We're almost there. Look the door is just up there. A few more steps. It would be totally great if you didn't hang onto me like that anymore!"

"Ah, mianhe Kai. Your noona is getting old already!" ChoHee joked. "It feels like I've been climbing these stairs forever." She pouted as she willed herself to reach the very top. "You know this is my very first time climbing the stairs in a lighthouse? I thought that they would have elevators or something, but I guess not." She said dropping her shoulders in defeat. "Anyways, why did it have to be a lighthouse? Couldn't it have been a tall builing with an elevator?" ChoHee asked her dongsaeng as he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well noona, this is where I let you go. And now I have to walk all the way down again. More like run. Hopefully I don't trip," Kai laughed as they reached the door at the top.

"You'll be fine. Aren't you the fittest out of all the guys?" ChoHee laughed as she started for the door.

"Isn't that why they told me to be your lead for the lighthouse?" Kai replied as he slowly backed down the stairs. "Have fun noona!"

"I'll try! I'll probably fall asleep though!"

So it's suppose to be a oneshot and this is already like a whole freaking like hour meeting, but it's part of the story. And the final shouldn't be as long as this I promise and if it is then XD but I hope it wasn't boring to you guys, but the title comes from the next chapter final. :D This was kind of rushed too now that I'm rereading it but it's a oneshot! XD I hope it's okay though :)

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monday2sunday #2
Wah! So sweet! I wouldn't mind all the running for this special night ^^
oooooohhhh this was soo sweet OMG xiumin you adorable dude!
aww~ such a cute ending~ finally i found a baozi fanfic! :3 thank you for posting! ^^
Its so cute.....and so fluffy! I loved it!
Lol at sehun and his lisp!!!!
Awww,,,, how cute!!!