F.Y.I. I don't like you!

His little crazy sister.

here's an update everybody! hope you like this and will continue to read this. 

*P.S. I type fast that's why sometimes the spelling of the words are wrong. !*



Seohyun was arranging her things in the room she shares with Kyuhyun. She doesn't know where to put it. Well basically she doesn't want the place where Kyuhyun's things are. They were neatly arrange in the cabinet and also she doesn't want him to get angry at her.


Then suddenly she saw her necklace...


It was like a flashback to her when she saw it. Every memories went to her mind. Necklace who has a heart shape diamond pendant that it could please any girl's heart. A tear fell from her eyes. But she didn't knew Kyuhyun was watching her all the time then he broke out.


"What are you doing? are you crying?" Kyuhyun asked her. She immediately wiped her tears so if she turn around Kyuhyun would see nothing.

"No I'm not." Seohyun insisted but it is obvious on the sound of her voice that she is holding back her tears from falling.

"Liar. Why should I believe you?" Kyuhyun told her.

"Why are you here? I thought you have a practice?" Seohyun asked him but still not facing him.

"Well this is my-also my room so I have the right to be here and with a practice we have a break for 20 minutes." Kyuhyun said reasonably. But Seohyun didn't talk anymore. She continued to arrange her things and the tears that formed on her eyes are already gone. Silence was filing the room. Kyuhyun laid down on the bed then he broke out.

"Hey don't mess with my things little girl" Kyuhyun . 

"Don't worry I don't have a plan and F.Y.I. I'm 20 years old okay? I'm not a little girl anymore." Seohyun protested. She was pissed when Kyuhyun called her a little girl. She basically doesn't want to be called as a "Little Girl".

"But your the little sister here." Kyuhyun defensed.

"I'm only Shindong's little sister because he's older than me for years but with you...i don't think so." Seohyun rolled her eyes.

"Oh really? Do you even know how old I am?" Kyuhyun asked her then he smiled at her. Seohyun was pissed with his smile, it was like teasing her and it does look like evil.

"Oh really huh? Yes I do know how old are you.  You are 21 and your turning 22 on february 3." Seohyun said to him with a pissed voice.

"You must be a fan huh?" Kyuhyun teased. Then he smiled evil at her.

"No I'm not!!!" Seohyun protested. "And I will never be!!!" Seohyun shouted.

"Then how did you know my age and my birthday? What is that? A coincidence?" Kyuhyun asked her.

"Wel..." Seohyun doesn't know how to defend herself. She was lacking at words. She can't explain to him that she's not a fan but she did some research about them.

"So that explains it." Kyuhyun got up on the bed.

"No ! It's not like that!" Seohyun protested. "Well I do know all of the birthdays of super junior." She said defensively.

"Oh really huh? Then what is the birthday of Lee Donghae?" He asked her.

"October 15." She said with arrogance.

"How about Sungmin's?" Kyuhyun asked her again.

"January 5?" She was not sure about that thing.

"Wrong. I have heard enough." Kyuhyun insisted. "You like both of us right?" Kyuhyun smiled evil for the 3rd time.

"NO !!! I rather have a crush on Lee Donghae than you! And F.Y.I. I don't like you, your way too different from my type! It's like America and Korea." She said defensively.

"How could you say that? In the tone of your voice you do look like guitly and B.T.W. you don't even know me!" Kyuhyun protested. "Don't judge the book by it's cover right?" Kyuhyun said to her.

"But if your face is the only cover in the only book in this world..I rather judge you!!!!" Seohyun shouted. Kyuhyun was shocked on what she said. His eyes popped and they did stare at one another. Angry with each other then Kyuhyun rolled his eyes so did Seohyun. Kyuhyun went back to the dance area located downstairs of their apartment. He was pissed off of what Seohyun said earlier. Then he entered the dance area.

"Hey Kyuhyun, help me with these!" Lee teuk shouted.

"Not right now, I'm not in the mood." Kyuhyun said seriously, he lay down on the floor and he was looking on the ceiling.

"And since when you got into the "mood"? Kibum asked him.

"Yeah since when?" Hee Chul added.

"Please. not now. I'm tired." Kyuhyun sighed.

"You're not the only one who is tired here Kyu, all of us are." Lee teuk disagreed with him.

"Let me guess why he is not in the mood. Umm maybe because of Seohyun!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Yeah, Shindong's little cute sister." Si Won agreed.

"Shut up guys." Kyuhyun sighed because he remembered what Seohyun said earlier.

"Oh Seohyun, I never wanted to lose you..." Sungmin was daydreaming again. Yes again. Well he basically dreams of Seohyun always. Then Kyuhyun slapped the back of his head.

"Hey Sung, stop dreaming! And stop saying her name!" Kyuhyun protested.

"What's wrong with it?" Sungmin asked him but he just rolled his eyes. Hours passed and then suddenly someone came knocking.

"Sorry to interrupt but I brought some food, I thought all of you might get hungry?" Seohyun smiled at them.

"Exactly! I was just thinking of food!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Your an angel! I'm stomach was aching hours ago." Si Won added. the members of super junior came to Seohyun to get some food but obviously except Kyuhyun.

"hey Kyu I thought your tired. Get some food!" Lee teuk shouted at him. He was sitting in the corner of the dance area. Kyuhyun was hungry, and he can't deny it. His stomach was aching hours ago. But Seohyun cooked the food and he hate her. He can't swallow his pride to his stupid little girl.

"No it's fine, I'm not hungry yet." Kyuhyun said arrogantly.

"Don't worry, i didn't prepare any for you." Seohyun replied immediately.

"Oh-oh" Donghae whispered.

"Don't worry too, I didn't mind." Kyuhyun said.

"Sorry Kyuhyun, but i don't want to waste my hands to people who are not worth eating the food that I cooked." Seohyun smiled evil at him. He was speechless, he didn't know what to reply. He just rolled his eyes. This is the mark, 'it's the start of a big fight little girl' he thought to himself.

"This is delicious! Did you take culinary?" Hee Chul asked him.

"Thanks oppa, but I didn't. i just love to cook, it's based on my experience" Seohyun smiled at them.

"Can you be my wife?" Sungmin asked her.

"Shut Sung, eventhough I'm not strict at her I still wouldn't let her be married at a young age mostly at you!" Shindong exclaimed. Donghae, Si Won laughed at Shindong said,

"It depends." Seohyun joked. some of the super junior members chuckled. 

"Hey don't say that." Shindong said.

"I was just joking oppa!" Seohyun smiled.

"Am I that bad?" Sungmin frowned. Some of the members laughed at their conversation. Well Kyuhyun wasbeing out of place on that time. He can't take what's happening in that area. The laughing, the conversation without him and mostly his aching stomach.  He suddenly got up and bumped Seohyun when he is going to exit the room. He meant it this time. And it was the signal "GO" for a fight. 

"Don't mind him" Donghae whispered.

"It's okay, I really never do." Seohyun smiled but she was really pissed. 

Kyuhyun vs. Seohyun, who will win??



THANKS FOR READING. hope you like it~!


*P.S. I'll update soon when I finished all of my school works!*



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Chapter 30: Eonnieeeee its already 2016 but please still update this :) my heart was left aching for them. T.T
mikaella_suju #2
pls update authornim! LUVVV IT!!
megyu666 #4
Chapter 30: awwww pls update author-nim . . . u're getting to the :( pls don't leave us hanging T_T
livihwang #5
Chapter 30: Update pleasee ;( i really love your storyy
Chapter 30: your story just so great,, don't forget to update

p/s: i not subsribing this story, but i will later...update soon
Chapter 30: Wow I just finished reading your story, it stops right at a really good part! Agh please update again soon! I know you will wait but I hope the wait isn't long.

Also what kind of fic is the other one your writing on another site???
Chapter 30: new reader here.. ^^

I'm happy to know that you'll not abandon this story..
thank you for remembering this..
we will wait for your update..

hwaiting always, authornim! ^^
diemanhlu298 #9
Chapter 30: Please update soon.i always wait for your update...fighting!!
seokykyu #10
Chapter 30: update soon please..