
Right There


Shades covering his eyes, coat neatly pressed, bag on his hand, he boarded the plane with a light heart. Everyone was staring in awe at his appearance. It was too glaring to not be noticed. He sat down, plugged in his earpiece and took out a book, using a photo as a bookmark. Staring at the bookmark, his lips formed a little smile.

She leaned against the railings, looking over at the beautiful scenery ahead of her. She breathed in deeply to embrace the air as she smiled warmly to herself. Looking at her watch, she was an hour early for their appointment. She then settled down at a nearby café and took out her book.

An hour passed quickly as she stood up to walk to the place. She frowned as she found no familiar face. Or rather, the face she was expecting the most. Checking her watch frequently, she sighed. ‘Maybe he got hooked up by something else…’ ‘Maybe…’

“Seo Joohyun.” A familiar voice called her name.

“Sorry…I’m a little late.” He said. Turning back, a faint smile formed on her face. “Kyuhyun-oppa…” she said as she hugged him tightly. She couldn’t help but to feel disappointed. ‘Where is Shim Changmin?’ Sensing her disappointment, Kyuhyun released Seohyun and said, “Changmin…he’s busy. He couldn’t make it. So he asked me to meet you in his place.”

“Ah…I see. You didn’t have to. He could have just told me he couldn’t make it.” Seohyun said, trying hard to hide her disappointment. “But he was worried..so he wanted me to check on you.” Kyuhyun explained. ‘He’s worried about me…’ She made a mental note. Seohyun then shrugged off the thought and said, “Oppa..since you’re already here, let me show you around! I’m quite familiar with this place after staying here for quite some time. I’m sure you would love it here.” She smiled brightly. Yes, she is Seo Joohyun and she wouldn’t let her troubles worry the others.

“Alright…please take me around.” Kyuhyun smiled as he offered her hand to Seohyun. She took it gladly, there were no awkwardness when it comes to holding hands with Kyuhyun, even after their change of status. They were back to being comfortable just like siblings.

They roamed around the places, with Seohyun showing him the wonderful infrastructure there. She was stop herself from thinking about Changmin, being in the city she love, and her best friend, there wasn’t anything to be upset about, only her empty heart. They settled down at a restaurant for dinner as they enjoyed wine and chat about their lives after not meeting each other for a year.

“Seo Joohyun, you’re glowing brighter than ever.” Kyuhyun praised. “Thanks for the compliment, you’re not too bad yourself. I heard you’re one of the most eligible bachelor back in Seoul.” She smiled. “Well…I guess so. The only girl who doesn’t see this good point of mine is probably you.” He teased. “Oppa! I’m proud to have you as my best friend, maybe I should introduce you to a nice girl some day so you would stop being so childish.”She laughed. “Seohyun-ah, accompany me to somewhere later. I read it from somewhere, and have been dying to visit.” Kyuhyun said. “Of course, you’re the guest here!” She smiled.

It was a thirty minutes drive from the restaurant to the place. As they stepped out of the car, Seohyun looked at building and said.. “The church? Why would you want to come here at this hour?” She raised an eyebrow. “Well it’s fun…shall we go in?” Kyuhyun smiled.

He pushed open the door and looked at Seohyun. “Ladies first.” She nodded her head and walked in. To her surprise, instead of following behind her, Kyuhyun slammed the door shut. “Yah! Oppa! What are you doing?! It’s dark here!” She shouted through the door. But there was no answer. “Oppa!” She tried to force open the door.

“Seo Joohyun.”

The voice hit her hard. Her panic heart immediately calmed down. “Ch-Changmin-oppa?” She said softly. He turned the lights on and walked slowly towards her. “I-I thought you couldn’t make it. Why are you here?” She asked confusedly. “Don’t you want to see me?” He smirked. “I…I don’t. I’ve given up on you when you failed to turn up.” She said, trying to be serious. “Really? But all I saw was disappointment all over your face when you saw it wasn’t me.” Changmin teased. “You were there? Were you spying on me?” She started to feel angry. “I was just joking, but it seemed you have proved my point right, didn’t you?” He smiled. “Aish…I’m leaving.” Seohyun turned her back to Changmin.

Changmin immediately hugged her from the back. “Don’t. I missed you so much. I was dying to board the next plane to chase after you when you left that day. But I told myself to be patient, because then, I would get what I want.” He said softly. “Oppa…” Seohyun whispered, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “Marry me, will you?” He took out the ring from his pocket and put them in front of Seohyun. Seohyun released herself from Changmin’s hug and turned around to face him. Without words, she slipped her finger into the ring and smiled. Changmin, then, sealed their lips together.



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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
theresia #2
Chapter 7: i love this fanfic..
Chapter 7: Awww they're getting married! :D
I'm glass her and kyu worked things out in the end :)
Good job dear ^^ this was a really nice read
dinadomino #4
Chapter 7: i love changseo stories you made! hope u'll write more of them
Chapter 7: Eiik! Your stories are great! Especially this ChangSeo one. And yeah..Changmin had always been the supporting man :) I'm really happy for him when Seohyun proposed by herself through a letter. So my ideal ~

PS you wanna what's the best? BoA's Only One played while I was reading this <3 So beautiful.
Eycha_sk11 #6
Aww changseo ! So sweeeet ! Thnks for the epilogue author-nim !
oh, author-nim. thank you for making this epilogue..
Changmin is definitely patient XD
i love it, really!! big bunch of thanks for you ^^
An epilogue, please ...
Yeeeeeaaay, finally^^
Authornim, wont you give us an epilogue? Just about their meeting, please?
Anyway, this short fic is good^^