Chapter 4

Right There


Two years later…

“Seo Joohyun…” That familiar voice. The lady dressed stylishly dragging her luggage looked over, then flashed her signature smile when she realized who it was. “Oppa! How did you know?” She walked over and gave him a hug. “You’re finally back.” He said gratefully. “Why? Did you miss me that much?” Seohyun chuckled, amused by his reaction. “Of course, this is the first time we’re away from each other for so long. Let’s settle you down and catch up on our old days.

As usual, he brought Seohyun to their favorite bistro near the beach. Seohyun smiled beautifully at the sight and took in a huge breath of fresh air. “I miss this place so much. As much as I’ve enjoyed myself in Europe…nothing beats the comfort at home.” She said. “Then don’t leave anymore.” He suggested boldly. “Oppa…you know, I’ve just started taking up interior design, and it’s my dream to make it come true.” She said slowly. “Yeah..but life is boring without you.” He said. “Come visit me some day. I’m sure you would like that place too. My apartment is big enough to welcome another guest.” She said. “Well…I guess I can use that idea.” He replied.

“Changmin-oppa, how is Kyuhyun already?” Seohyun suddenly asked. “Kyuhyun’s doing very well now, he has taken over his father’s business. One of the top entrepreneur already.” He replied. “That’s good, I guess he has finally mature.” She nodded while sipping her latte. “Didn’t you all these while?” Changmin asked. “He did, but we broke off the communication after I started my projects. I was too busy, and I didn’t want to have any emotions affecting me even though we were on good terms. I guess this helps.” Seohyun explained.

“Yah you didn’t even contact me!” Changmin accused. “I did! I called you to report my safety when I arrived at Europe, and also when I was coming back.” She chuckled. “You know what, I really can’t handle you, Seo Joohyun.” He said. “That’s why you have been giving in to me all these years haven’t you?” She laughed.

“So what are your plans? Are you…going to get back with Kyuhyun? He’s still waiting for you.” Changmin said carefully. “I don’t know oppa, honestly, after all these years, I don’t think I can feel the same for him anymore. To me, he’s back to being my Kyuhyun-oppa, no longer as my husband.” Seohyun confessed. “I guess I’m still not ready for love. Or rather, I don’t have time for love.” She laughed softly. “Alright…let’s have fun shall we? Since you’re finally back after so long.” Changmin switched the topic. He felt bad for being a little relieved that Seohyun have no intention in returning to Kyuhyun’s side, but he was also disappointed at her view of being in love again. He wanted to be by her side so much, after all, he knew he will always be by her side, no matter what happens.

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
theresia #2
Chapter 7: i love this fanfic..
Chapter 7: Awww they're getting married! :D
I'm glass her and kyu worked things out in the end :)
Good job dear ^^ this was a really nice read
dinadomino #4
Chapter 7: i love changseo stories you made! hope u'll write more of them
Chapter 7: Eiik! Your stories are great! Especially this ChangSeo one. And yeah..Changmin had always been the supporting man :) I'm really happy for him when Seohyun proposed by herself through a letter. So my ideal ~

PS you wanna what's the best? BoA's Only One played while I was reading this <3 So beautiful.
Eycha_sk11 #6
Aww changseo ! So sweeeet ! Thnks for the epilogue author-nim !
oh, author-nim. thank you for making this epilogue..
Changmin is definitely patient XD
i love it, really!! big bunch of thanks for you ^^
An epilogue, please ...
Yeeeeeaaay, finally^^
Authornim, wont you give us an epilogue? Just about their meeting, please?
Anyway, this short fic is good^^