Chapter 2

Right There

Seohyun hugged her legs as she sat down on the railings on the rooftop. Staring down, the wind was blowing strongly against her face, however, she made no attempt to get down. She was still trying to figure out what has caused all these to happen. Is it her inability to protect their baby, was Kyuhyun hurt because of the loss since it was his baby too. Does he not have any love for her from the start? She was confused, the answers to these questions she can never figure them out. The only solution to her misery -- a divorce with Kyuhyun. It’s time to set him free, for she knows he wasn’t hers in the first place until she was pregnant with his baby. Even so, she felt that his heart was never with her. Or that was what she thought.

Changmin ruffled his hair frustratingly as he flipped through the files of documents he had to read through. He was anxious to get home since he was worried Seohyun might do something silly. He was so busy, but he could not focus on any work right now. The clock finally struck 6pm, without any hesitation, he took his briefcase and left the company. He cursed at the traffic jams that he encountered, even though it was a daily thing. After half an hour, he finally reached his apartment. Throwing his briefcase carelessly on the ground, he ran around the apartment trying to search for Seohyun. He groaned in frustration, dying with anxiety thinking where would she go. He then thought of the rooftop, the place she will always go whenever she’s upset since high school.

Trying his luck, he was glad that his decision was right. However, he got a little nervous seeing her sitting on the railing. “Seohyun-ah..” He said as he approached her carefully. “Oppa, you’re back?” She gave him a faint smile. “How was your day? Are you feeling better?” He said carefully, afraid to trigger her emotions. “Are you afraid I would do something silly?” She replied, not answering to his questions. “Truthfully…yes. I couldn’t concentrate the whole day.” He confessed. “Oppa.. I’m much stronger than this. Right?” Seohyun said. “Of course, you’re my Seororo..and you have me to bring you through all the obstacles that you face.” He said as he gently caressed her head.

“Thank you, Oppa. I truly mean it.” Seohyun said. “Yah…why are you so formal to me. Who am I to you?” Changmin said as he chuckled. “Now come on inside, I will prepare dinner tonight. My treat to you.” Changmin said as he held her hands. She followed suit, and he heaved a sigh of relief since she’s finally away from the railings. “Let me help you, you must be tired after a day of work.” Seohyun offered. Indeed, the kind Seohyun, no matter how upset she is, she never failed to spare a thought for others.

They were in the midst of their dinner when the door bell suddenly sounded. Changmin excused himself to open the door, and was greeted by a drunk Kyuhyun. “Changmin-ah…Changmin my friend…” Kyuhyun said as he stabilized himself on Changmin. “How are you my friend…You’re fine…? I feel horrible…Changmin-ah…” He continued to mumble. Changmin held on to Kyuhyun as he turned back to signal Seohyun to go into the room. Seohyun looked at Kyuhyun with teary eyes and decided that Changmin’s advice would help. Changmin then settled Kyuhyun down on his sofa and got him a glass of warm water. “What’s the problem, Kyu?” Changmin said. Even though he knew what has happened, it was only one side of the story. He feel that Seohyun have the rights to know how Kyuhyun feels about this.

“She left…” Kyuhyun said. “She’s not coming back.” He continued. “Then why didn’t you stop her?” Changmin asked. “I wanted to talk to her..but the sight of her reminded me of our baby. I just can’t.” Kyuhyun confessed. “I know it’s not her fault, it’s nobody, but the loss of our baby is such a blow to me.” He then paused awhile to sip the water. “I guess it’s time to set her free. She’s had enough of me too anyway. Maybe she forced herself to marry me because of the baby.”

Changmin was angered by Kyuhyun’s comments. Could Kyuhyun not see how much Seohyun had tried to open his heart? All the while she was hurting, yes, Kyuhyun was hurt too, but as a man, he should have given her the attention and assurance. He wanted to shout at him, asking him to let her go. “Then what are you going to do about it now?” Changmin asked. “I guess I will go to the law firm tomorrow. Her burden will be lifted off soon. She can be free from me then.” Kyuhyun said sadly.

On the other side of the room, Seohyun heard everything clearly. She bit the collar of her shirt to prevent anyone from hearing her sobbing. She was hurt that Kyuhyun was going to let go of her without even trying. The fact that he could not stand the sight of her because it reminded him of their baby hurts her more. She wanted to scream at him for being so selfish and unfair.

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
theresia #2
Chapter 7: i love this fanfic..
Chapter 7: Awww they're getting married! :D
I'm glass her and kyu worked things out in the end :)
Good job dear ^^ this was a really nice read
dinadomino #4
Chapter 7: i love changseo stories you made! hope u'll write more of them
Chapter 7: Eiik! Your stories are great! Especially this ChangSeo one. And yeah..Changmin had always been the supporting man :) I'm really happy for him when Seohyun proposed by herself through a letter. So my ideal ~

PS you wanna what's the best? BoA's Only One played while I was reading this <3 So beautiful.
Eycha_sk11 #6
Aww changseo ! So sweeeet ! Thnks for the epilogue author-nim !
oh, author-nim. thank you for making this epilogue..
Changmin is definitely patient XD
i love it, really!! big bunch of thanks for you ^^
An epilogue, please ...
Yeeeeeaaay, finally^^
Authornim, wont you give us an epilogue? Just about their meeting, please?
Anyway, this short fic is good^^