
Farmer Boy

As Kai taught Joojin how to pull weeds, she just couldn’t concentrate as she would constantly glance at him. His face showed seriousness and his arms were no joke. Kai was dragging along a plastic trash bin to put the weeds in. When Kai asked her to bring the bin with her as he began to start on the other end of the field, she could barely move it.

Kai laughed as he walked back to her and carried the bin effortlessly. She gawked at his pulsing muscles, ‘Seriously! How is this the same boy that drooled a lot and followed me to the freaking bathroom?!’

He looked back at Joojin, “Joojin noona! We should hurry before lunch time!”

“N-Ne!” she called back. She gritted her teeth, ‘Why the am I stuttering?”

As they worked side by side, Kai was the one that started glancing at her now. He thought back to their younger years and how she has transformed into a beautiful woman. “So, how have you been these years?” he tried to start a conversation.

“Me? I’ve been good. Just started my first year in college.”

He looked at her, “Cheolmayo? Which college?”

She looked back at him, “Seoul University for an art major.”

“So you draw?”

Joojin nodded her head and looked back at the ground to continue working, “Yeah and I paint as well. If you see my room, you’ll see my walls are posted with most of my drawings and the corner of my room has a lot of my paintings.”

“Are you inviting me over to room?” Kai smirked.

She blushed, “A-Aniyo!” She glared at him, “Get back to work! I thought we needed to finish by lunch time!” she said and got back to work.

All Kai could do was smile at her. Then he abruptly stood up, causing Joojin to look up. That was wrong mistake. At the same time, Kai lifted up the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat off of his neck and face. Joojin just stared at his washboard abs. Kai looked at her and smirked, “Like what you see?” he teased.

Joojin remained quiet and silently went back to work. ‘Stupid drool boy! Why do you have to be so damn hot now?! I could just be working diligently if you were still your old self when we were younger!’

It was lunch time by now but they weren’t done yet. But Joojin’s parents called them anyway. With their time together, Joojin and Kai kind of grew closer, but she was mostly annoyed of him. Kai went up to her appa as Joojin went to her umma, who held out a water bottle for her to drink. Joojin took off her sun hat and wiped the sweat off of her face and neck with the small towel. Then she took a couple of gulps from the water bottle and sat next to her umma on the bench under the shade of some trees.

Mrs. Kim gazed at Kai and nudged her daughter in the ribs. Joojin looked at her, “Moh?”

She nodded her head towards Kai, “What do you think of Kai?”

“I can’t tell her that I think he’s hot.’ “He’s okay. Still annoying though.” She said and drank all the water from her water bottle.

“Would you date him?” her umma suddenly asked, causing Joojin to choke on some water and cough uncontrollably. Mrs. Kim smirked, “I’ll take that as a yes.” She giggled. Joojin glared at her umma and walked away.

Joojin went to see where her appa and Kai. She walked over to the shed where all the farm tools were and some chickens in cages. Then she saw Kai walking out of the shed, shirtless. She gasped and quickly turned around with her hands covering her eyes. “Crap. Why does this always happen?” she muttered to herself.

(You can ignore Baekhyun in the background *if you wnat to ^^)

“What always happens to you?” a voice said close to her ear that that person’s breath brushed against the back of her neck.

She jumped and turned to see Kai, who was still shirtless. As she jumped, she knocked against the gate, causing the chickens to panic and scaring her. Joojin squealed as the chickens were flying crazily in their little cages. She didn’t know that she was pressed against Kai’s body. She pushed him away from herself, blushing madly as she actually touched his hard bare chest. “W-What are you doing?!” she yelled at him.

“You were about to get attacked by chickens if you didn’t move away from the cages. So you should say thank you instead of yelling at me.” Kai said.

“Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”

He held up a new shirt and put it on. “There happy?” he asked. “I went to change because my other shirt was filled with sweat. Is it against the law to change my shirt? Or are you shy to see your dongsaeng’s muscular body? Wae? Are you impressed?”

Joojin scoffed, “Impressed? Ani. I’ve seen better.”

Kai raised an eyebrow, “Oh really now? Who has a better body then?”

She put her hands on her hips, “Exo-K’s dancing machine Kim Jongin.” She boldly said. (Let’s pretend Kai and Kim Jongin are two different people. [Note: Kim Jongin is Kai’s real name.])

“Exo-K’s Kim Jongin huh?” He walked closer to her until their faces were close to each other. Joojin backed away but Kai kept getting closer and closer, so she decided to stay still with her feet planted onto the ground. Kai was examining her face and then his lips displayed a smirked, “My past love had a cuter face than you.”

fell open, “M-Moh? Past love? Who would go out with you drool boy?” she called him by his nickname.

“Drool boy? Seriously?” He rolled his eyes, “Just because I drooled a lot when I was younger, doesn’t give you the right to tease me about that now.” Kai argued.

She crossed her arms against her chest, “That’s your official nickname when we were younger and it’s staying that way now!” she fought back.

They glared at each other until her appa looked at them, wondering what was going on between the two. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Kai looked back at Joojin and back at her appa with a forced smiled, “Nothing boss man. I’m just going to continue pulling the weeds out of the field.” He looked back at Joojin, “You can come help me out later…” He looked at her clothes and smirked, “…ahjumma.”


Kai laughed and ran back to the field of weeds to finish. Mr. Kim stared at his daughter and smirked, “You guys are getting closer again. I should invite him over the house sometime.”

Joojin glared at her appa, “You better not invite that guy over to my house.”

Her appa raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me. Last time I checked,I own that house, not you my dear daughter.” She let out an annoyed groan and started to walk back to her umma. “Remember that you’re coming to the farm every day for the next 2 months. You’ll be seeing Kai more often now.” Joojin screamed in her hands.

A couple of weeks already passed of her punishment and she hated it. Not because of the farming, she grew accustomed to it. It was the hot, childhood stalker of hers that worked at the farm every day that annoyed her most about the job at the farm.

It was the day of Exo-K fan signing in Kangnam. Her parents let her off that day but with one exception. They didn’t actually tell her but they did say that if opportunity knocks, accept it. She didn’t understand what they meant but just nodded her head as her parents waved to her goodbye as they left the house.

As she was in her room already changed into her handmade Exo-K t-shirt, jean shorts, Exo bracelets, and gray converse, she smiled in satisfaction after curling her hair. She looked at her drawing of Jongin on her wall and smiled at it, “I’ll be seeing you today. I hope to get your autograph.” She kissed her fingers and touched the drawing’s lips.

She was about ready to leave her room when there was a knock on her bedroom door. She looked at the door with a confused expression, ‘Who could that be? Umma and appa left.’ She grew anxious and got a hold of a nearby hardcover book from her bookshelf. She opened her door, only to yell, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” she yelled at the person.

Kai pushed his way into her bedroom. He examined her room and smirked, “Nice room.” He took a look at each of her drawings on the walls, “You are good a drawing.” Then he saw her paintings in the corner of her room, “Wah~ This is good! Could you paint me one day for my parents?” he asked.

She grew more and more angry, “You didn’t answer my question!”

He walked over to her with his hands tucked into his pockets and smiled, “Your appa gave me the day off to hang out with you.”

“M-Moh?!” She gave him a confused look. “Well, you can’t. I’m going to the Exo-K fan signing and you need a ticket to get in.”

“I do have a ticket.” He pulled it out of his pocket and smirked at her, “So, I guess we’re going together.” He chuckled as Joojin was frozen. “We should get going. Fan signings get crazy, so we should get there early.” He grabbed her worst and pulled her along with him out of her house. ‘I wanted a Kai free day. Is that too much to ask?’

After locking the front door for her, Kai walked over to a sleek black car. As Joojin sulked as she walked behind him, she gawked at the car and pointed at it, “This is your car?!”

He smiled proudly at his car, “Ne. This is my baby, Kai Jr.” He patted the hood of the car. All she did was laugh. “What are you laughing at?” he frowned.

She looked at him and stifled a giggled and pointed at him, “You.”

He pointed to himself, “Me? Wae?”

“You just added ‘lame nicknaming car skills’ to the list of reasons why you’re weird.” She laughed again.

Kai rolled his eyes, “Am I going to give you a ride to the fan signing or not?”

“No thanks. I’ll walk. Annyeong.” She gave him a little wave of the hand, her heel and walked towards the direction of the closest bus stop. He ran up to her and grabbed her hold of her wrist, pulling her to the passenger seat of his car. “Yah!” he let her go once she was seated in the car and shut the door. She tried opening the door but it could only be opened from the outside.

Once he entered the car, she glared at him. He ignored her and started the car. It awoken with a roar and he sped off to the fan signing. Just like what Kai said, the place was already packed with fans. Kai guided Joojin through the fan-filled crowd. Kai turned many head as he walked by.

“Omo! He looked like an idol.” “Are you sure he isn’t Kim Jongin? They look similar.” “He’s hot!”

Joojin rolled her eyes at the girl’s comments. She glanced at Kai and realized, ‘I’d hate to admit it, but he does resemble Jongin oppa.’ She pulled her hand away from Kai, causing him to stop walking. “Thanks for the ride. We’ll go our separate ways now.”

She went to walk away from him, but then Kai grabbed her wrist. “You are not leaving my side. Your appa told me to keep an eye on you.”

“I don’t care what my appa said to you, I want to be my friends when I see Exo-K.” she said and started to walk off.

But then again, Kai grabbed hold of her and crashed her petite body against his strong one, “I don’t want you to leave me.” His eyes softened, “I don’t want to be separated from you ever again noona.”

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “What do you mean?”

He searched her eyes, “I want to stay close to you noona.”

She blushed and coughed uncomfortably, “Why don’t you say that to your girlfriend.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend. Never had one.” He admitted.

“Moh? I thought you had a past love. The one with the cuter face than me.” Joojin said in even more confusion.

Kai smiled at her, “You’re my past love Joojin noona.” He confessed, causing Joojin’s heart rate to accelerate. At the very moment, Kai brought down his face close to hers as their lips touched.

Joojin’s eyes widened at the current situation. ‘Oh my gosh. This can’t be happening. Drool boy I mean Kai is kissing me.’ He eyes softened, ‘But why am I okay with it? Do I like him back?’ As butterflies started to explode in her stomach, she knew. ‘I guess those times together, we grew closer and I didn’t know I was slowly falling for him.” Joojin finally shut her eyes and kissed him back.

Kai backed away from the kiss and gazed down at Joojin with a smirk. “Still think of me as the old Kai, who drooled a lot?”

Joojin laughed, “Ne.” Kai pouted as he playfully crossed his arm in an upset matter. She softened and caressed his face, “But that’ll be a good memory of you when we were younger.” She tiptoed to peck his cheek.

It was Kai’s turn to blush. He slung his arm around Joojin’s shoulders, pulling her close as they stood in line for the fan signing. As the fan signing started, Exo-K performed their songs History and MAMA. As it was finally for autographs, Kai stood behind Joojin as she got each member’s autographs. At the very end of the table was Jongin, Joojin’s favorite member.

He smiled at her, “Your name?”

“Kim Joojin.” She shyly told him.

“Joojin noona?” he asked. She nodded his head. Then he gave out a laugh, confusing her. Jongin looked at Kai and smiled, “So this is the infamous Kim Joojin Kai talked about. Thank you for being my fan.”

“Excuse me?” Was all Joojin could say. “Kai?” ‘How does Exo-K’s Kim Jongin know Kai?’

Kai smirked and exchanged handshakes with Jongin. Joojin gawked at the both of them. “Ho- Wha- What the hell is going on?!”

Jongin smiled at her, “Kai is my best friend.” (Just think about Kai and Taemin [SHINee] relationship. Like that situation since they look like each other and are actually best friends in real life.)

“Best friend?!” Joojin looked between the two. Then she glared at Kai and started slapping him. “How can you not tell me that Exo-K’s Kim Jongin is your best friend?!”

Kai shrugged his shoulders, “You didn’t ask.” She just stared at him. Then he smirked, “Plus it was payback when you said that Jongin has a better body than me.”

Joojin couldn’t help but blush as Kai just said that out loud right in front of Jongin. He smiled, “Awww. You thought I look better than Kai? Kamsamida. I feel so honored.” The two best friends laughed as Joojin covered her face in embarrassment. “Well, I have to let you guys go now. We’re holding up the line.” He quickly signed Joojin’s poster and handed it back to her with a smile, “I hope we could meet again soon.”

Kai flicked his forehead, “Stop hitting on my girl hyung.” Jongin pout yet smiled as he waved to the both of them goodbye.

“Bye Jongin oppa!” she waved back.

Kai nudged her, “He’s younger than you noona.”

“So.” She stated.

He frowned and pouted, ‘You call him oppa but not me?!’ As they got to the car, Joojin couldn’t stop looking at her autographed poster of Exo-K. Kai glanced at her, “You’re not going to post that up on your wall and it, right? I don’t want a crazy Exo fan as a girlfriend. That’ll just be weird.” He shuddered at the thought.

All she did was glared at him since he was driving. “Well, excuse me but I’ll only my partner in life.”

“You’re talking about me, huh? Awww, you want to me, noona? I think this relationship is moving a little too fast, don’t you think? I didn’t know going out with a older woman would be so complicated.” he laughed.

“YAHHHHH!!!!!!” Joojin yelled and slapped him continuously as he stopped at a red light.


Okay, I'm not sure if the title fits the story anymore, but who cares. It's finished now. lol

At least they met at a farm, right?

Hope you guys like this one-shot. ^^

Again, please don;t get confused of the Kai and Jongin part in my story.

Yeah, this one-shot was for my twin sister Jennifer.

I'll start on my next one-shot tomorrow since it's past 1 in the morning over here.

I'll see you guys at my next one-shot. ;D

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Chapter 2: this is really cute~! :)) i really thought that they were twins though~! :))
ha ha ha so cute ^^
I live in the countryside and I never met a guy as hot as Kai there! Life is unfair kekeke
Aileya #3
Lol this was uber cute!!! ^•^
Cute, fun and hilarious! hehehe... Did a great job! 2thumbsup! ^^~
heehee~ it's cute so far! I can't wait for a new update!!! :D
Aileya #6
Ooooooooohhhh farmer boy Kai? Lol
Can't wait?