Chapter 1

Farmer Boy

“KIM JOOJIN!!!” her appa yelled once he entered the house. Joojin was already hidden in her room, the inside of her closet to be exact, knowing that her appa would be pissed off with her. She knew that her appa was going to kill her. She heard him stomping up the stairs. “KIM JOOJIN! COME OUT RIGHT NOW! IF YOU DON’T, YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR CELL PHONE, LAPTOP, AND FRIENDS!”

Joojin’s eyes widened and she obediently came out of her closet, unlocked her bedroom door and looked up at her appa’s angry face, but not for too long as she grew terrified of his piercing gaze. “Y-Yes appa?”

He folded his arms in front of his chest. “Do you mind telling me what happened to the car?”

She looked around uncomfortably, “W-Which car exactly?”

“MY COMPANY CAR! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT!” he yelled, causing Joojin to shrink back.

“Ohh… That… Uh…” she stuttered.


“Y-You see… I-“

“EXPLAIN!!!” he yelled once again.

“There’sanExoKfansigningandIjusthadtogetticketsbecauseIamsoinlovewiththem.Pleaseforgivemeappa.” Joojin quickly said.

Her appa stared at her, dumbfounded, “M-Moh? Say it again, but slower.”

She sighed and repeated herself, “There’s an Exo-K fan signing and I just had to get tickets because I am so in love with them.”


“Oh… Um… It involved a bicyclist and a trash can.”

His eyes widened, “YOU KILLED SOMEONE?!”

“ANIYO APPA! He just suddenly came out of nowhere and I ended up swerving to the side quickly to avoid him and then that’s how the trash can got involved.” she said, her voice trailing from a loud volume tone of voice to a soft one.


Joojin boldly nodded her head, “You forgot good looking appa.” She smiled widely.

“UGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” He was about to strangled her but then a voice stopped him.

“Yeobo.” Mrs. Kim said as she traveled up the stairs to meet her husband and daughter. “We could get the car fixed.”

Joojin looked up at her umma, “Yeah. We could get it fixed. You could take my allowance away until the car is fixed.” She smiled and went to enter her room to go onto Tumblr to spaz more on Exo.

“Wait Joojin ah.” Her umma called her. Joojin trailed back to her parents, her appa looking more and more pissed as he massaged his head and her umma smiling at her with a calm expression, “That’s not your only punishment dear.”

“Moh? It’s not? But I agreed that I won’t have any allowance. What more do you want?” she whined.

Mr. Kim was about to yell at her again, but his wife held him back. She looked back at her daughter, “Since you do not know much about responsibility, I’ve planned to make you work really hard.”

Joojin curiously looked at her umma, “What is it?”

Mrs. Park looked at her daughter, “Starting tomorrow, you are working on the farm with us.”

“MORAGO?!” Joojin shrieked. “I-I have to work at the farm?!”

“For 2 months.” Her umma ended and looked at her husband, “I’m going to start on dinner. You should take your shower and then call one of your friends to see what he could do to the car for you.”

“But-“ Joojin started, but her parents left her in the dust. She stomped her feet in frustration as she walked back into her room, slamming her bedroom door behind her. She jumped onto her bed and buried her face into her pillow, screaming her head off and kicking her legs. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” she kept screaming.

Joojin woke up the next day, dreading the day she was waking up to. Her umma knocked on her bedroom door and poked her head inside, “Come down for breakfast. You need energy to work on the farm.” She smiled and closed the door. Once she closed it, she heard Joojin groan and thrash in her bed until she heard a THUD.

Joojin slowly sat up as she fell from her bed, ‘Why did I have to get this punishment?!” She sighed and trudged her way downstairs.

After eating breakfast and getting ready for the farm, she came down wearing an old worn out gray sweater and a pair of her umma’s ahjumma pants. Her hair was up in a high bun and her bangs were pinned down by bobby pins so no hair would be in the way when she worked. Her umma handed her a small towel and a sun hat to block the sun from her face and to protect her skin.

Her umma and appa were already at the car as Joojin put on her old worn out red converse she didn’t use anymore. The drive there was already tiring and bumpy. After about an hour in traffic, they finally arrived at the farm. Once she got out, she was awestruck by the natural beauty of the country side. ‘Wah~ It’s so pretty.’ She thought.

Her appa tapped her shoulder to get attention. As she turned around, her appa handed her a bucket and a pair of gloves. “Follow your umma to the tomato fields.” She nodded her head and did as told.

Once at the tomato fields, Joojin was already complaining about the heat, the bugs flying towards her, and her practically damaging most of the tomatoes she picked. Mrs. Kim went to her daughter, “Uh… What about you help your appa? I could do this on my own.”

“I’m doing a bad job, aren’t I?” Joojin asked while pouting.

Her umma quickly shook her head, “A-Aniyo. It’s just that… uh… Just go to your appa. He’ll tell you what to do next, araso?” She gave Joojin a smile.

She shrugged her shoulders and went in the direction of where her appa was said to be. He was busy making new rows in the dirt for new crops to be planted in. She snuck up behind him, “APPA!” She placed her hands on his shoulders.

“UHHHHH!!!” He quickly turned around and glared daggers at his daughter, “YAHHH!!! DON’T SCARE ME WHILE I’M WORKING!!!”

She innocently looked at him, “But umma told me to come to you to see what my new job is.”

He gawked at her, “You couldn’t even pick tomatoes?”

“There were bugs flying all around and it’s soo hot. How can you work in this heat?” she complained.

Mr. Kim rolled his eyes and scanned the area to see what job she could do. He gazed at the large field of weeds that needed to be taken care of. He pointed in its direction, “You can help one of our workers pull weeds.”

She gawked at her appa, “You have workers?!”

“Just one. He’s just doing this because he needs the money and his parents are good friends with us. Don’t you remember Kai?” Mr. Kim asked.

Joojin did a thinking pose, “Kai. Kai. That name sounds familiar but I don’t remember what he looks like.”

“He’s the boy that stuck to you like glue when you were younger. Remember at the Jung’s Christmas party, he followed you to the bathroom when you were on the toilet?” he revealed.

Joojin’s eyes widened at recognition, “HIM?! THAT POUTY LIP LITTLE BOY THAT DROOLED MOST OF THE TIME?! HE’S HERE?!”

“Why are you freaking out? He turned out okay to me.” Her appa defended. As he saw Kai, he yelled out to him, “Kai!!! Come here for a second!” He saw Kai nod his head and walk over to them from the far distance.

Her eyes widened even more and she slapped her appa’s shoulder, “Why did you call him over?!”

“Yah! Don’t hit your appa! I gave life to you!”

“Umma’s the one that gave birth to me! She’s the one with a , not you!” she argued.

“I helped!” he yelled back. “And stop freaking out about Kai. He’s actually quite good-looking compared to his younger years.”

Joojin scoffed, “Psst. I doubt that.”

Just then, a voice spoke from behind her, “You wanted me boss?”

(The background kind of looks like a farm, right? lol)

Joojin turned around to see her childhood stalker. literally dropped at the sight of him. He was taller than her, his lips, still pouty and big, no drool in sight. He wore a fitted shirt with worn out jeans that had rips around the knee area and dirt stains at the bottom of his jeans. Joojin was practically drooling by now.

Mr. Kim looked at him and smiled, “Ah ne. I need you to take my daughter with you to help you take care of that field of weeds.”

“Your daughter?” Kai asked, looking at her, causing her to hide behind her appa. “Oh. Joojin noona! I didn’t recognize you! It’s been so long!” He greeted her with and bow.

She nervously smiled and bowed her head a little. “A-Anyeong.” She blushed as she stuttered. ‘Damn it. How did drool boy get so hot?!’ she thought.

“I told you he was good-looking.” her appa , but whispered in her ear so KaI wouldn’t hear their conversation. She glared at her appa and glanced back at Kai.

He smiled back, “Well, let’s get started then.” Kai held out his hand, “Joojin noona?” She couldn’t move at all.

Her appa chuckled and pushed Joojin towards Kai. “Don’t go easy on her Kai. She needs to learn her lesson for what she did.”

Kai tilted his head to the side, “What did she do?”

Mr. Kim waved his hand, “I’ll tell you later. I really need to continue working.” He looked at Joojin, “Listen to Kai. Even though he’s your dongsaeng, he’s the superior one here. Araso?” She obediently nodded her head.

As Kai lead her to the field of weeds, she couldn’t help but check him out. His arms and shoulders showed some muscle as he did some stretches and some opportunities to see his slim figure as his shirt rid up, also seeing his underwear. Joojin raised an eyebrow, ‘Calvin Klein huh? That’s so h-‘

She stopped her thoughts as Kai turned around to face her, “Ready to work your off Joojin noona?”

Joojin rolled her eyes, ‘Hell no! I already hate staying out in this scorching sun!’ But she just smiled, “Yup!”

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Chapter 2: this is really cute~! :)) i really thought that they were twins though~! :))
ha ha ha so cute ^^
I live in the countryside and I never met a guy as hot as Kai there! Life is unfair kekeke
Aileya #3
Lol this was uber cute!!! ^•^
Cute, fun and hilarious! hehehe... Did a great job! 2thumbsup! ^^~
heehee~ it's cute so far! I can't wait for a new update!!! :D
Aileya #6
Ooooooooohhhh farmer boy Kai? Lol
Can't wait?