The End

Old Friends

My alarm clock went off at 6:30am giving us both a rude awakening. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Junhong’s bright pink hair. I slowly sat up before smacking the alarm clock on my bedside table to make it shut up. I looked over at Junhong and he seemed to still be asleep. I tried to gently shake him awake. “Hey, wake up! It’s Monday.” He opened one eye, looked at me and closed it again.

“I’m sleeping beauty.” He said with his eyes still closed. I rolled my eyes at him.

“More like sleeping pig head.”

He laughed. “No I mean from the fairytale. You know sleeping beauty?” He said with his eyes still closed.

“What?” I asked still not getting it.

“In the story sleeping beauty is put under a curse. She has to sleep until her true love comes and gives her a kiss. Therefore I’m sleeping beauty.” he responded. I finally understood, but I wouldn’t give him what he wanted. So I got up from the bed and looked in my dresser for my school uniform. “You can’t just leave me here. You’re going to be late for school and I’m going to be late for my plane.” He said still laying in the same position with his eyes closed.

I walked over to the bed and sat beside him. I slowly lowered my head down to his and gave him a small kiss on the nose. “There you go; now get up.”

He sat up looking very upset. “That doesn’t count.” He said pursing his lips.

“You never said where I had to kiss you.” I waved my finger at him before going into the bathroom to get changed into my uniform.

I hate my uniform. It’s an awful brown-ish red colour and isn’t flattering at all. I can’t believe that Junhong’s last memory of me for the next few months is going to be me in this. I did my best to make my hair look almost normal before I came out.

My mom was already up making breakfast and Junhong was helping her. My dad was sitting reading the morning paper. “Morning” I said walking to sit beside my dad.

“We are going to have to drop you off at school first and then drop Junhong off at the airport on our way to work.” My mom said putting the plates in front of us. I nodded in agreement. The rest of the meal was silent. So quiet it was almost awkward.

After we finished eating I rinsed all the plates and went back to my room to grab my backpack. We all climbed into the car and my parents started rambling on about something that was happening at their work. Suddenly my phone buzzed in one of my backpack pockets. I ped my bag and looked at my screen. It read “New Message from: Junhong” I looked up to see Junhong looking at me so I checked the message.

From: Junhong

Are you okay??~

To: Junhong

Yeah I’m fine.

From: Junhong

You seem extra quiet. : (

To: Junhong

Just tired. It’s no big deal.

At that second we pulled up in my school parking lot. “Well, I guess I’ll see you when you get back.” I said rather robotically not looking him in the eye.

“Yeah” I could hear the slight pleading in his voice begging me to look up at him but I couldn’t do it.

“I’m staying late afterschool again Mom.” I managed to choke out. I clutched my phone even tighter in my hand and rushed out of the door. When my feet hit the pavement I started walking as fast as I could without looking like I was running away. I threw open the door to my school and took a few more steps before my phone buzzed in my hand.

From: Junhong

Dummy, you forgot something~

I turned around just in time to see Junhong walk through the door holding my backpack. I took it from him silently my head still tilted to the ground. He put his hand underneath my chin and tilted my head up. When he saw I was crying his expression hardened. “Noona please don’t cry. I’m coming back.” He said looking into my eyes. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and entangled my fingers in his cotton candy hair. I felt his hands slink around my waist and he pulled me in closer. I couldn’t help but smile as the memories from this weekend flashed through my mind. And when he felt my lips smile he pulled away. “I promise I’ll come back as soon as I can. Just try not to freeze to death without me okay?” He asked. I nodded in response before pushing him on the chest.

“Now go, you don’t want to miss your flight.” I nagged at him. He smiled at me with that smile that made me want to punch him and kiss him at the same time as he pulled away. I stood there and watched him walk down the hallway until the door closed behind him. Then I put my earphones in my ear and walked towards my locker.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in my hand. I looked down at the screen which read “New Picture Message from: Junhong” I sighed and pressed open. The picture looked like it had been taken this morning. Junhong was making a kissing face at the camera and I was asleep on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around me. My hair was all over the place and my hand was resting on his chest. I looked awful but I still made the picture my new cellphone background.


Thanks for suffering through my very first fanfiction with me. I really appriciate all of the comments and subscribers and I hope you enjoyed my story. I've already posted the sequel so if you're interested please check it out here. As always if you have any advice or suggestions for future stories feel free to leave a comment or send me a message.



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DanceHolic_Kpop #1
wahhhhhhhhhh love this story its so cute KYAAAAAAAA
Love it ^^ gonna read the sequel tmrw ^^
ZELLLLLLLO~~~~~~~~~~~ I love it !!!
Grapesaranghae #4
I just want to say thanks to those of you who have commented. I can't put into words how much your feedback means to me ^^
hjuku123 #5
daww!!! this was SOOO CUTE! i really enjoyed your story!<3 so excited to read the sequel!
good job with your first fanfic!!
AsiansInvasions #6
This story was so cute! Can't wait for the sequel <3
Oh my goshies<3
I seriously loved your story. Even though I'm not quite a fan of Zelo I felt giddy while reading it :"D
Awww!! I loved this! <3 it's so adorable I can even ;AA;
Looking forward to the sequel ^^
OMGG! They kissed! AHVSKAVSKSBS my fangirl feels. <333