
Old Friends

When I woke up in the morning I was sleeping on my side but something was a little bit off. I felt a weight across my stomach and breathing on the back of my neck. I started freaking out a little. I glanced down at my stomach and saw a pale skinny arm wrapped loosely around my waist.

He wasn’t underneath the blankets and was just lying on top of the bed beside me. I was trying to think of a way to get out of this without waking him and thats when I noticed his phone on the bedside table. It was the perfect opportunity to delete those stupid pictures.

I reached out and grabbed it doing my best not to move him. When I got past the phone's lock screen I saw that his phone’s background was the picture he took where he was laughing and I looked completely shocked. I couldn’t help but be a little bit flattered even if it was an awful picture. It made me wonder though.

In my phone Junhong was only saved as “Junhong” but  of course I had to go check what he had me saved as. I typed in my phone number and the commands appeared on the screen saying “Call Cherry Tomato” I furrowed my eyebrows for a minute as I tried to think about why he would call me that but no matter what I couldn't remember any inside jokes that had to do with cherry tomatos. I wanted to figure it out but I had to go back to the serious business, deleting those awful pictures.

When I opened up the pictures on his phone I was really surprised. There were not only those pictures of us together but more. There were pictures of me sitting in the car pressed up against the window so I wouldn’t crash into him, of me sleeping probably taken yesterday morning, me sitting on the park bench listening to music, me smiling down at my computer screen watching videos of B.A.P. I swear if I didn’t know Junhong I would be extremely scared right now.

Against my better judgement I didn’t delete any of the pictures. I slowly crept out from underneath Junhong’s arm and went to have a quick shower. After the shower I came back into my room to find that Junhong was still sleeping. It was kind of odd; usually he was an early riser. I sat down beside him on the bed smiled down at him. “How can you look so innocent when you sleep but be such a jerk when you’re awake?”

Suddenly Junhong let out a large groan and his arms reached out and around me. Next thing I knew he had pulled me halfway on top of him. “Mm, you smell nice” Junhong said with a sigh.

“I should, I just showered and I should have known you weren’t sleeping jerk.” I said struggling to get out of his grasp.

“Just relax for a minute. All of your resistance makes me think you don’t like me.” That made me stop trying to get away.

Junhong loosened his grip and I Iay down beside him, facing him. “Why are you sleeping in my bed?”

He smiled before responding. “It's cold on the floor Noona, not to mention uncomfortable."

“Sorry for not being more accommodating for my much unexpected guest.” Junhong laughed.

He reached over and poked the top of my nose. “It’s alright. Just don’t let it happen again.” We stayed there for what seemed like forever, just looking into each other’s eyes. The strangest part was that it didn’t feel awkward or strange, it felt comfortable. At least it felt comfortable until I started thinking about how comfortable I felt, and then I felt awkward so I had to sit up.

“What do you want to eat?” I asked getting up out of bed. He shrugged his shoulders before rolling out of bed as well.

“Surprise me.” He said heading into the bathroom to get ready. I walked out into the kitchen to find us both something to eat and by the time Junhong came out of the bathroom I was done cooking. So we sat and ate together.

“What are the plans for the rest of today?” He asked finishing his breakfast.

“Well I’ve got homework to do so not much, unless you want to help me.” He made a face that showed his true disgust before responding

“Um, alright I guess.” I laughed at his gullibility.

“I’m kidding Dummy. I do have homework, but you don’t have to help me. You could go out if you wanted; go out and see your hometown before you have to go out on promotions again.” I brought our dishes to the sink to rinse them off.

“No it’s alright, I don’t really want to go anywhere without you.” I smiled to myself.

“Can I ask you a question Junhong?” I said once we had returned to my room.

Junhong settled into my desk chair and I spread my school work out on my bed. “Sure, what is it?” I searched through my pencil case for my favourite pencil.

“What’s your favourite food?” I asked him trying to sound innocent.

“Well that was random. It would probably be cherry tomatoes though. Why?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Just wondering.” I smiled to myself and started to work on my homework. Junhong spent the whole time fiddling with his phone again.

An hour and a half later we were still in the same position. I was diligently working on my homework and Junhong was goofing off on his phone. I guess he got bored or something because he came and sat beside me on the bed. “What are you working on now?” He asked examining my work.

“Math.” I half said half groaned. “I hate math.” 

Junhong patted my back. “You can do it!” He made a fist with his other hand. I laughed at how seriously he was taking this. He lasted for about 10 minutes sitting and watching me work before his impatience won over him again. “Are you almost finished?” He asked pulling my pencil out of my hand.

“Hey! Give that back or I’m never going to finish.” I grabbed his wrist trying to keep him from pulling it away more. He handed me back my pencil.

“I’m going to get us something to eat.” I nodded and he left to go to the kitchen.

When he came back I was about 75% finished my homework so I decided I deserved a break. Junhong brought in a plate filled with cut up fruit. “Thanks.” I said smiling at him as he sat on the bed with the plate.

“Who said any of this was for you?” He replied wrapping his arms around the plate. He saw the look on my face and burst out laughing. “I’m kidding, here.” He held out the plate to me and I picked a slice of apple. “You must be excited for tomorrow.” He said in between strawberries.

“Why?” I asked slightly confused.

“I leave tomorrow morning.”

I smacked his arm. “Are you stupid? Why would I want you to go?” I paused for a second “Junhong you’re my best friend. I don’t want to have to be here without you but I’ve had no choice or chance to say it because I know you have to go live your dream. I’m just upset that I can’t go with you.” I sighed and hung my head down. I didn’t want to cry in front of him.

“Why didn’t you tell me you felt that way?” I could hear the sadness in his voice.

“I didn’t want you to feel guilty. I wanted you to be able to go and become an idol without worrying about me.” I fanned my face with my hand trying to keep tears from falling.

“I’m really sorry Noona.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed.

“Don’t worry about it Junhong. Let me just finish my homework.”

Edited: 20130310

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DanceHolic_Kpop #1
wahhhhhhhhhh love this story its so cute KYAAAAAAAA
Love it ^^ gonna read the sequel tmrw ^^
ZELLLLLLLO~~~~~~~~~~~ I love it !!!
Grapesaranghae #4
I just want to say thanks to those of you who have commented. I can't put into words how much your feedback means to me ^^
hjuku123 #5
daww!!! this was SOOO CUTE! i really enjoyed your story!<3 so excited to read the sequel!
good job with your first fanfic!!
AsiansInvasions #6
This story was so cute! Can't wait for the sequel <3
Oh my goshies<3
I seriously loved your story. Even though I'm not quite a fan of Zelo I felt giddy while reading it :"D
Awww!! I loved this! <3 it's so adorable I can even ;AA;
Looking forward to the sequel ^^
OMGG! They kissed! AHVSKAVSKSBS my fangirl feels. <333