Saturday Night

Old Friends

I went into my room and started up my dinosaur of a laptop. Junhong sat at my desk playing some stupid game on his phone. When my laptop finally started I used it to check my email and other things for school. I put my earphones in and began watching some of my favourite kpop videos on YouTube clicking through each one until I found myself back watching B.A.P’s videos. I missed Junhong a lot when he wasn’t here so I spent a lot of my time watching B.A.P’s interviews just so I could hear his voice.

Just then Junhong got up from his chair and sat beside me on the bed. I quickly closed the internet browser I was using and pulled my earphones out of my ears. “Hey!” He shouted as I closed the webpage. “What are you hiding?” I shrugged my shoulders and pushed my laptop away from me. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows which slowly changed into puppy dog eyes. “Please Noona. Show me! I’ll love you forever.” I rolled my eyes at his aegyo but I still gave in.

“Fine” I pulled my laptop back onto my lap as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I opened my internet browser and went to my history. When I clicked on the most recently visited page YouTube came up and B.A.P’s Power music video started to play. I rested my hands on the keyboard and waited for him to say something.

Suddenly I felt his arms lace around my stomach but his chin remained on my shoulder. “Awe, Noona really did miss me.” He whispered into my ear, but I could hear it in his voice that he was smiling.

“Jeez! It’s not that big of a deal.” I replied closing the browser again. His arms dropped from around me and he leaned back against my bed.

“Come here, I need to show you something on my phone.” I leaned back beside him and he held his phone above our faces. I looked at the phone screen and saw our faces. I didn’t realise what he was doing until I heard the click.

My mouth dropped open but he just laughed and took another picture. “Hey! Junhong! I didn’t say you could take my picture!” I shouted reaching for his phone. I had to delete those awful pictures but he was too quick and pulled the phone away before I could grab it out of his hands. He got up from my bed and walked to the other side of the room. He fiddled with his phone before turning it towards me.

“Which one is your favourite?” He showed the first picture. Junhong was smiling his mischievous smile and I had a blank stare that showed I had no idea what was going on. “Confused Noona...” he scrolled to the next picture. His mischievous smirk turned into a full on laugh in this picture but my mouth was wide open in shock.” Or surprised Noona?” I scowled at him before leaping off my bed and lunging for the phone.

He held the phone high over my head. “Junhong! Give it to me now! This is not how you should treat your Noona!” I yelled at him reaching up for the phone but my fingers could only reach his forearm.

“You’re only two months older than me. So it’s fine.” He said with a cheeky grin. I stopped trying to reach for it and turned towards my bed and when I was sure he had lowered his arm I spun back around. My hands locked around his wrist trying to keep him from lifting it over his head. It would have worked too, had I not forgotten that he had two hands.He started to tickle me with his free hand causing me to collapse into him. I leaned against him trying to escape the tickling but still get the phone.

That’s when I heard the door open. “Kids we’re home! And we’ve brought Pizza!” I heard my mom yell from the front room. I immediately jumped away from Junhong; I wasn’t sure what my mom would say about our level of skinship.

Junhong looked very proud of himself. “This isn’t over yet.” I said glaring at him before leaving my room.

“Hey Mom. Hi Dad. How was work?” I asked my parents pleasantly as they started putting pieces of pizza on plates.

“Work is Work.” My Dad replied, which was his normal response. “What did you guys get up to today?” At this point Junhong came out of my room and greeted my parents politely. My mother smiled at him with love in her eyes. Sometimes she acts more smitten than I am.

“Nothing too dangerous, Junhong wanted to go skateboarding so we went to the skate park and stuff. “ My mother asked us both to sit at the table. She gave us both two pieces of pizza and then she and my father joined us at the table.

“We have some bad news.” My father said pursing his lips.

“What’s wrong Daddy?” I asked worried it was something really bad.

“It’s nothing too serious it’s just that your mother and I have to work all day tomorrow.” I sighed; at least it was nothing too bad.

“We’re sorry that we couldn’t be here for more of your time Junhong. It must be so boring for you staying with my daughter all day.” My mother said sweetly. My mouth dropped open.

“Oh no, its fine. I’m enjoying myself.” As he ended his sentence he smiled at me but I averted my eyes.

“I’m glad to hear it. You’re leaving first thing Monday morning so make sure you do everything you want to do while you’re here tomorrow.” My mom reminded him. I can’t believe that the weekend is going by so quickly. It’s already Saturday night, and he leaves on Monday. I don’t want to go back to watching YouTube videos to hear his voice.

The rest of the meal was filled with small talk. My parents asked Junhong a million questions about his promotions with B.A.P but he answered every question politely. After we finished I got up and started washing the dishes. Junhong followed behind me. “Here let me help you.” He said in a voice softer than normal. I looked over at my mom and she was smiling her “oh how precious” smile. I rolled my eyes at her but she didn’t seem to notice.

“Thanks, I wash you dry.” I said handing Junhong a hand towel.

When we were almost finished washing dishes my parents left to go to bed. “Okay, why are you always so nice around my parents but such a jerk when it’s just us?” I asked Junhong handing him the last plate and draining the sink.

His eyes and mouth opened wide in fake shock. He placed a hand over his heart. “Ouch Noona, That really hurt.” I rolled my eyes and flicked water at him.

He flinched away from the water. “Oh is little Junhong afraid of water?” He glared at me as he finished drying the last plate.

I retreated to my room and spent about half an hour watching dance videos on YouTube. It lasted until I glanced at the clock in the bottom corner of my screen and realised it was already 10pm. I decided to get ready for bed so I grabbed a pair of PJ’s and made my way to the bathroom.

I opened the door to find a wet Junhong wearing only a towel tied around his waist. I was going to scream but I didn’t want to wake my parents so I gave a little gasp and covered my eyes.

“Sorry Junhong. Aigo, I should have knocked.” I managed to make out before closing the door and running back to my room. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My face was flushed red and I looked like I was about to pass out. I quickly got changed into my pj’s and climbed into my bed.

A few minutes later Junhong walked in wearing his Pj’s so I pretended to be asleep. “Noona, if you wanted to see me like that you could have just asked.” Junhong said unrolling the sleeping mat and spreading the blankets over it. He paused and turned to look at me. I tried really hard to keep my eyes closed without seeming like I was working hard to keep my eyes closed. He slowly made his way over to me and sat on the edge of my bed.

“I know you’re not sleeping. You can’t avoid every problem by pretending it’s not there.” He said and my eyes immediately opened.

“It’s not a problem. Just an accident, I didn’t know you were in there.”

He smiled “See I knew you weren’t sleeping.” I rolled my eyes but he didn’t seem to notice. 

“Junhong-ah? Are you okay?” He seemed a little sad all of a sudden. His eyes were just staring down at the floor. I sat up in bed and had to resist the urge to reach out and grab his hand. He shook his head as if he was waking up.

Then he turned to look at me. He must’ve noticed my concerned tone of voice or facial expression because he just smiled. “Don’t worry. Everything is fine. I’m just tired that’s all.” He got up off of my bed and lay down on the sleeping mat. I was still a little bit worried about him but I reached over to my bedside table and turned off the light.

“Junhong?” I whispered into the darkness.


“Are you sleeping?” I heard him laugh a little.


“Well you should be.” I replied before rolling onto my side and falling asleep.

Edited: 20120310

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DanceHolic_Kpop #1
wahhhhhhhhhh love this story its so cute KYAAAAAAAA
Love it ^^ gonna read the sequel tmrw ^^
ZELLLLLLLO~~~~~~~~~~~ I love it !!!
Grapesaranghae #4
I just want to say thanks to those of you who have commented. I can't put into words how much your feedback means to me ^^
hjuku123 #5
daww!!! this was SOOO CUTE! i really enjoyed your story!<3 so excited to read the sequel!
good job with your first fanfic!!
AsiansInvasions #6
This story was so cute! Can't wait for the sequel <3
Oh my goshies<3
I seriously loved your story. Even though I'm not quite a fan of Zelo I felt giddy while reading it :"D
Awww!! I loved this! <3 it's so adorable I can even ;AA;
Looking forward to the sequel ^^
OMGG! They kissed! AHVSKAVSKSBS my fangirl feels. <333