The Skate Park

Old Friends

When I woke up the next morning I was kind of confused. I heard strange sounds coming from the kitchen but I knew my parents should have already been at work. As I rubbed my eyes I looked around and saw the sleeping mat already rolled up in the corner of my room. I pulled myself out of bed with a quick yawn and headed out into the kitchen.

In the kitchen Junhong was already awake and dressed. His pink hair shone in the sunlight streaming in from the windows. When he saw me he smiled. “Good Morning. I’m making pancakes.” I rubbed my eyes a little. It’d been such a long time since he had cooked in my house it was almost a comforting sight. Junhong wasn’t a great cook but he was better than me so if my mom wasn't home he was the one in the kitchen making us our afterschool snacksl. As I walked to sit at the table I caught my reflection in the mirror and immediately regretted my decision to come out without getting dressed. My hair was in a mess and I was still wearing those stupid shorts.

Over breakfast we finally had a normal conversation. Junhong told me about some of the funny things that happened to him and the rest of B.A.P as they were travelling and practicing. I got him all caught up on the school gossip that he’d missed. I’d told him how our dance team had participated in a showcase but after hearing that he seemed to get a little sad. After breakfast we worked together to wash our plates and my parents plates from earlier in the morning.

“So what are you going to do today?” He asked me as he passed me another dish to dry.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Normally on the Saturdays that I don’t have school I hang out with my friends at the mall. We can’t really do that though, just in case you get recognized.”

“Sorry, I don’t mean to cause so much trouble.” He said.

I shook my head “It’s not that big of a deal; I can spend time with them anytime.”

He dried his hands on a dish towel and then turned around and headed back into my bedroom. When he returned he wore a black beanie that covered most of his pink hair and his skateboard under his arm. “Well, can we go to the skate park then?” He asked innocently. I nodded and went to go get dressed. The skate park was never my favourite place to go especially because I can’t skateboard to save my life.

As we walked from my apartment to the skate park Junhong acted more like his old self. He skateboarded along beside me as I walked. Sometimes he would skate between people scaring them half to death in the process and other times he would do tutting routines as he rode or pretend to fall off. I was laughing the whole way there.

Once we got to the skate park Junhong took off. I didn’t really expect anything else but it was a little bit disappointing. I took a seat on the bench and put my earphones into my ears while he skated on the ramps and had fun. I was playing my music so loud that I didn’t I couldn’t hear the little kids playing in the park.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulders and pull me up. I screamed and swung my arms wildly until I felt my hand connect with a chest. Junhong reeled back coughing and laughing at the same time. “You should have seen your face Noona.” I just glared at him. I gave him a small punch in the shoulder. He pretended to be hurt.

“Why are you always so immature?” I asked him taking my earphones out of my ears.

“Oh come on, it was just a joke!” He replied. “Come on let’s go.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Go home already? We just got here.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“No I mean let’s go. I want to teach you to skateboard.” My jaw dropped.

“I.... I don’t think so. I’m not very coordinated.” I took a small step back.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the spot on the pavement where he left his board when he decided to scare me. “You owe me!”

At first I resisted but then I gave in letting him pull me towards his skateboard. He let go of my hand and moved my feet into the right position on the board. “Alright now bend your knees a little.” I bent my knees like he said. “Good now you use this foot,” he said pointing to one of my feet  “to push yourself forward.” I took a deep breath before trying. I pushed myself forward and Junhong walked beside me.

I was pleased with myself until I hit a small bump in the pavement. I flailed my arms in circles as I tried my hardest to stay on the board. Luckily he grabbed my hand to help me regain my balance. When I had regained my composure I stood up straight on the board and crossed my arms over my chest. “See I told you I was no good.”

“Aigo. You did fine. You do realize this was your first time right? You can’t be perfect at everything Dummy.” Junhong said. Suddenly he reached out and lightly pushed my shoulders causing me to lose my balance again. This time I knew better and grabbed onto his shoulders to stop myself from swaying.

I let go of his shoulders and stepped off the board. “I think I’m done for today.” I said pouting a little. Junhong just rolled his eyes at me and picked up his board.

“I was getting hungry anyways want to go somewhere for lunch?” He asked. I nodded and we started to head away from the park.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked him as we walked down the sidewalk. He thought for a moment before responding.

“We could just go get some snacks from the convenience store. That way we can both get what we like.” I nodded in agreement. We walked to the nearest convenience store which was only about a block away. We both picked out one snack and one drink before heading to stand in line to pay.

As the cashier scanned our choices I pulled out my wallet to get ready to pay. Junhong pushed my hands down. “Don’t worry Noona. I’ll pay this time.” I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

“You’re a guest Junhong. You shouldn’t pay.” But he wouldn’t take no for an answer and held my hands down as he handed the cashier his money. I left the store a little upset putting my wallet back into my shoulder bag as Junhong carried the snacks.

We stopped and sat on a bench to begin eating. “Have you ever had these before?” Junhong asked me referring to the bag of chips he was eating.

“Nope.” I replied shaking my head.

“You should try them. Himchan hyung made me try these backstage before one of our performances.” He said. I reached for the bag but he pulled it away. “Noona,” he said with a mischievous smile. ”Let me feed you.”

“I don’t want any then.” I replied going back to eating my snack.

“Come on Noona! Please?” He whined sticking out his bottom lip.

“Fine.” I replied coldly. He reached into the bag and pulled out a chip. I opened my mouth and he gave it to me. I thought for a moment as I chewed. Junhong looked at me with eager eyes. “I’ve had better.” I replied trying to hide my smile. Instantly his face dropped and he leaned back on the bench.

After finishing our snacks I smacked him in the arm. “I bet you can’t throw our garbage away from here.” I smiled at him.

“What if I do? Do I get a prize?” He asked.

I thought for a moment. “Yes”

He stayed quiet as if waiting for me to finish and when I didn’t respond he finally spoke. “Well what is it.”

I smirked at him. “You’ll see.”

”Fine.” He replied scrunching up the wrapper into a little ball.

He threw it towards the garbage can and I knew what was going to happen before it happened. It sailed perfectly straight towards the garbage can and landed inside. He turned to me and smiled. “ What’s my prize then?”He asked, all proud of himself. I thought for a moment.

“You get to walk me home!” He scowled.

“Stupid, I’m staying in your house of course we are walking home together.”

“Exactly.” I replied. We got up and started walking home.

Edited: 20130310


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DanceHolic_Kpop #1
wahhhhhhhhhh love this story its so cute KYAAAAAAAA
Love it ^^ gonna read the sequel tmrw ^^
ZELLLLLLLO~~~~~~~~~~~ I love it !!!
Grapesaranghae #4
I just want to say thanks to those of you who have commented. I can't put into words how much your feedback means to me ^^
hjuku123 #5
daww!!! this was SOOO CUTE! i really enjoyed your story!<3 so excited to read the sequel!
good job with your first fanfic!!
AsiansInvasions #6
This story was so cute! Can't wait for the sequel <3
Oh my goshies<3
I seriously loved your story. Even though I'm not quite a fan of Zelo I felt giddy while reading it :"D
Awww!! I loved this! <3 it's so adorable I can even ;AA;
Looking forward to the sequel ^^
OMGG! They kissed! AHVSKAVSKSBS my fangirl feels. <333