Chapter 5

Deceivious Immortalis

It's been a while since I updated, I know.. That's because of school and my writer's block for this story.. But my writer's block has suddenly disappeared, and it's winter break, so I'll be updating more often nowadays. Thank you guys for waiting so patiently. ^^

I've also decided that the characters will be wearing fancy modern-day clothing to show their status as divine beings, like dresses and stuff like that. Anyway, enjoy this update!


Hwang Mirae knocked three times on the wooden door. She stood outside, hands behind her back, and patiently waited for her friend, Yoon Bomi, to open the door. Just as Mirae was going to knock again, the door swung open, revealing a female spirit all dressed up with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Mirae-eonni!" Bomi cheered, wrapping her arms around Mirae and pulling her into a warm hug, "Come in, come in!"

The younger pulled the elder into the house and sat her down on the sofa.

"So tell me what's been up," Bomi chirped, pouring steaming hot tea into two cups resting on the table, grabbing one of them, and sipping from it, "Meet some hot god yet? Planning on getting married anytime soon?"

She was one of the only people that Mirae trusted. Bomi was the shoulder she could lean on when she was going through a rough time, and Bomi would never hesitate to lend a helping hand. Why? Because Bomi was the Spirit of Courage.

"Ugh, Bomi. Don't get into that topic again," Mirae groaned in protest. She opened again to continue, but furrowed her eyebrows and closed again. She was contemplating on whether she should tell Bomi or not.

She decided to go for it, "So a couple days ago, I was walking through the forest an-,"

She was going to continue when she heard someone walk into the room, but she turned her head to look at the intruder, and her eyes widened in response. There stood the man from the forest - the man that Mirae had healed just a couple days ago.

The two guests stared at eachother for a good ten seconds.

*She looks so familiar....* Hoya thought, squinting at the stranger who squirmed uncomfortably under the former's gaze.

"Do you two know eachother?" Bomi broke the awkward silence. Both guests shook their heads.

"Well then," Bomi stood up and gestured to the male, "Eonni, meet Hoya. Hoya, this is Mirae eonni."

Again, the two hosted a staring contest before Mirae finally spoke up, "It's nice to meet you, Hoya-ssi."
She held out her hand, but the male was too busy staring at her face and trying to identify her.

When Hoya finally acknowledged the outstretched hand, he shook it with his own, "Nice to meet you, too."

After Hoya shuffled to sit down, Bomi turned to him, "So you wanted to talk to me about something..?"

"Oh," Hoya looked over uncomfortably at the female he met just a couple minutes ago, I was hunting just a couple days ago in a forest and-"

Bomi raised her eyebrows suspiciously, her gaze shifting from Mirae to Hoya. Their stories sounded so similar.

"There was this girl who helped me. I just want to find her."

"You know, Mirae eonni was just telling me abo-," Bomi started, but couldn't finish.

"HA. HA. HA," Mirae laughed rather stiffly, "I don't remember telling you anything, Bomi."

"But you just-."

Mirae squinted dangerously at her dongsaeng, who shut up immediately in response. The former stood up and took the latter by the arm.

"Bomi and I have to go.. Uh," Mirae looked out the window, "water the flowers really quickly. Yeah. Water the flowers. We'll be right back."

"But I don't have a garden," Bomi mumbled and furrowed her eyes in confusion as her eonni dragged her out the door, slamming it behind her.


The spirit squinted at the goddess suspiciously, "You know... your story and Hoya's story sound awfully similar to one-another."

"That's because they basically are the same story," Mirae muttered, scuffing the ground with her flats.

"So you met Hoya in the woods and.. Wait," Bomi whipped her head back to look at the goddess, "Oh goodness! What did you two do?!"

The latter's palm met with her forehead and she groaned, "I can't even with you.. Basically, I found him severely injured in the woods and healed him."

"He said he was looking for the girl that helped him,"The former gave the goddess a hopeful glance, "Just tell him that it was you!"

"And why would I do that?"

"Oh.. I dunno.. You two can start a relationship of some sort afterwards," Bomi sang, her matchmaking skills immediately clicking on.

Mirae pointed at Bomi's house and gave her an exasperated look, "The awkwardness inside of that house is so thick, it's suffocating! Just imagine what would happen if I told him that it was me. I don't even want to go back inside."

"I think it's fate for you two to meet like this, and I'm sure that the two of you will work something ou-."

"If we're really meant to be, then he will be able to find the answer to his problem on his own," Mirae cut her off, "Please, don't tell him anything, okay? Just think of this as a test. If he passes it, then I'll let you be a matchmaker all you want afterwards."

Bomi, looking defeated, sighed, "Ok.. Fine."



"I don't really remember how she looked like because I was unconscious, but I remember seeing glowing blonde hair and hearing a girl sing. It was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard in my entire life," Hoya said dreamily, the female voice replaying over and over again in his head. 

Sitting on the couch, Bomi glanced at the goddess sitting beside her, who blushed at the god's praising words and pursed her lips together lightly.

"Well.. if she's a blonde, she shouldn't be too hard to find, right?" the spirit chuckled awkwardly, peeking at the goddess again.

"Yeah, you should start by looking for a blonde who can sing," Mirae suggested, biting the inside of . Hoya ran his hand oblivioiusly through his hair and nodded in agreement.

"I'll do that. Thanks for the advice!" Hoya stood up and patted his clothes, "I really hope that I'll find her so that I can thank her for saving me from an encounter with L (Hades)."

He bowed politely, "I'll be leaving now. Thanks again."


The door closed behind him, and Bomi turned to face Mirae, "Are you sure you made the right choice?"

"Of course. You know how I don't really believe in that whole fate and destiny stuff."
"Maybe," the song goddess continued, looking out the window at the departing figure and smiling lightly, "this will give me some faith in that kind of stuff."

"..But there are deities of faith and destiny.."

"Shush child. I don't believe in their powers."


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Chapter 15: aaaaa welcome back~!
reading this, i got a grasp that jaewon is the most mature among all the main goddesses. btw have been watching iris2 lately and i was really enjoyed seeing doojoon here~ c:

and yepppp the names;
aphrodite: gyuri
demeter: gayoon
athena: bora
artemis: yuri
hermes: baekhyun
dionysus: leejoon
hephaestus: gikwang
Chapter 15: haha... at least Doojoon and Jaewon had a calm conversation. XD
wonder if Daniel will be seen as an obstacle for Doojoon if he wants to pursue after Jaewon~ lol

as for names

Aphrodite - Tiffany
Demeter - Bom
Athena - Boa
Artemis - Gina
Hermes - Eunhyuk
Dionysus - Jonghyun
Hephaestus - Taemin
Chapter 14: bwhaha, i can't believe i missed this chapter in a an update! :O
but lol, Mirae doesn't believe in the powers of the faith and destiny gods. xD
wonder how things will turn out like when Hoya realize it's Mirae. :O
sweetlollie #4
Chapter 15: HI ! WELCOME BACK !
I missed this story so much ~
Back in the days when we were all applying. HAHAHAHA

Well some suggestions:
Aphrodite - Taehee
Demeter - Solbi
Athena - Eunhye
Artemis - Yerin
Hermes - Minjun
Dionysus - Seungwon
Hephaestus - Seungjae

Sorry for the totally random names :L Those were the only names that popped into my head. ^^"
Chapter 14: WELCOME BACK!!
well it's a welcome for me too since i have been hiatus for a reallyyyy long time...
sorry for not have been in touch and yessssss, you're updated!
happy new yearrrrrr~ //late.

anw back to the story.
bomi is so clueless here, and mirae so awkward... i think they can be a better duo rather than chorong-bomi! loool XD
hoya always looks so strong but he ends up desperately search for a woman :p
and i love how you put a comedic scene at every end of the chapter~
looking forward to your more updates!
loveeeeee it <333333
Chapter 14: Welcome back~ Good to see you back ^^
Made me jump out of my seat when I saw this updated
Oh Mirae trying to not let Hoya find out it was her...Ohoho let's see how long that lasts =DD
sweetlollie #7
Chapter 14: OMFG. WELCOME BACK !
You have no idea how long I was waiting for this story to be updated ! ㅠ^ㅠ
Thanks so much for coming back !
hahaha So Christmas miracles do happen !
by the way !
Thanks for this awesome chapter ~
I look forward to your future updates ~
LOL!!! strike of the namgrease.
Yeah, go Eunjung use that broom.
Love how this turned out. Very entertaining to read XD~