Chapter 2

Deceivious Immortalis

Since I don't know what to write for the next chapter, I want the accepted applicants to message me and tell me how they want their character's second meeting with their love interests to be like!

Baek Soo Yun ran across the familiar grassy fields, pink and purple flowers blossoming with every step she took.
The 5 girls decided to have another outing today, even though they had one just a couple days ago.

Reaching the top of the hill, she found her 4 friends, sitting and chatting as they waited for her arrival.

"Hi Sooyun!" Mirae chimed and ran up to the latter for a hug.

Sooyun giggled and hugged Mirae back, "Man, this is dejavu. I'm always the last one to arrive and we always greet eachother in the same way."

"I brought food!" Mirae smiled, broke away from the hug, and returned to her usual spot, "Asparagus, pomegranates, prawns, bread, cheese, and chicken."
Eunjung nearly drooled upon hearing Mirae's delicious list and immediately rushed over to grab some food.
Soon enough, every girl had their own clay plate topped with Mirae's food and were munching gratefully.

"The strangest thing happened to me yesterday," Nayoung said, breaking the silence. All heads turned to listen to her.

"I was out for my usual late night swim at the lake near my home, but I didn't bother to ask Miseung to come swimming with me and went alone. I did my usual routine of diving and swimming back up to the surface, but when I was close to shore, I felt myself getting dragged into the water," Nayoung began her story, "Turns out that some god or some being of water was doing all this. Just when I thought I was going to drown, I felt myself get lifted up and I looked to see that I was in his arms."

"Wait what? He dragged you all the way to the middle of the lake and nearly drowned you just to save you from the water?!" Sooyun, who was sitting against the tree, couldn't understand the intentions of this male.

Nayoung shrugged and continued her story, "So I told him to let go of me, but he wouldn't so I ended up making rocks fly at him."

"You go girl!" Eunjung laughed and high-fived Nayoung.

"What happened after that?!" Mirae was eager to hear the ending.

"When I got back up to shore and shouted at him, he only smirked and disappeared back into the sea," Nayoung scratched her head, "Boy was I mad."

"Can't blame you. I'd be mad if some random stranger approached me and tried to hit on me with the weirdest way ever. But you have to say, his plan worked pretty well," Sooyun slowly sipped her nectar and grinned.

Eunjung, hearing those words from Sooyun, felt a sense of familiarity, "Something weird happened to me yesterday, too..."
Once again, the girls turned to Eunjung's direction and waited for her to start the story.

"So I was just taking my daily stroll in the morning in these fields and when I got up to this hill, there was this guy resting against that tree over there - in the same spot that Sooyun is sitting in right now," Eunjung said, making all heads turn toward Sooyun and back at Eunjung.

"I was gonna leave but my motherly instincts acted up on me and I was worried that he may be some lost human."
The other girls laughed and shook their heads, *Typical Eunjung.*

"Anyway, so I woke him up and asked him if he was lost. At first, he looked dazed and was spacing out, but he turned into a completely different person when he snapped out of it. Then, it randomly started to thunder and rain. He draped his cloak over me to try and shield me from the rain. Afterwards, he hugged me and told me that he would keep me warm."

"Awwwww, how sweet!" Nayoung greasily grinned at Eunjung, who glared at her.

"But out of nowhere, this female - I believe she was a goddess - appeared and started talking to him about how he wasn't there in the morning. At first, I was confused, but she soon revealed that they had a fling the night before."

"What? Gross! Who is this guy? I'm gonna whoop his ," Jaewon said threatingly, cracking her knuckles dangerously in the process.

"I'd whoop his too, but here's the problem.. He's Nam Woohyun," said Eunjung, and all the girls gasped upon hearing his name.

"You mean.. the Nam Woohyun?" Sooyun covered with her hand and looked at her eonni, who nodded in response, with big eyes.

"Omona. Isn't he known as the biggest player of Mount Olympus?!" Mirae inched closer to Eunjung, clearly wanting more information.

"Yeah, he's the king of gods and ruler of Mount Olympus, despite his young appearance."

"And the biggest playboy there is," Jaewon scoffed and turned her attention away from the conversation and back to her plate of food, "He literally throws himself at every girl in sight."

"Oh yeah.. What do they call his flirty mode again?"

"Namgrease," Mirae and the other girls loudly laughed at the foreign word.

After a good round of laughter, Jaewon spoke, "I swear, if he's trying to have some sort of fling with you, I'm going to send him to the depths of the underworld and just let him burn."

Another round of laughter started, and by this point, tears of laughter were running down the girls' faces.

"Oh-oh my g-gosh," Eunjung said, inbetween huffs of air.

"Anything happen with you guys?" She pointed at Mirae, Sooyun, and Jaewon.

"Ran into a arrogant jerk yesterday," Jaewon tsk'd and pursed her lips.

"Did you whoop his ?" Eunjung smirked, already knowing the answer.

"I dissed him indirectly," Jaewon returned the smirk and the other girls smiled in response. Knowing Jaewon's blunt personality, they expected the answer to be 'yes'.

"I ran into an injured being yesterday. I have no idea if he was human or divine," Mirae shrugged and bit into her piece of chicken.

"You helped him, didn't you?" Sooyun took a guess, knowing Mirae's kind and helpful personality.

Mirae nodded and slowly chewed, "He was pretty badly injured, too."

"Was he attractive?!" Eunjung's eyes brightened and she leaned forward to face Mirae. Nayoung only chuckled and shook her head at the hormonial-unstable latter.

Mirae closed her eyes and reminsced her life-saving act yesterday, trying to remember how the male's face looked like. She remembered finding him injured and bloody, then observing his facial features.

"He had a sharp jawline... and a tall nose," Mirae furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember more. Then, she remembered removing his shirt. Her cheeks flushed pink.

"And a toned body," Mirae whispered the last part, her cheeks burning with embarassment.

The girls, except Jaewon and Nayoung (the mature ones), wiggled their eyebrows and flashed her a silly grin, "OoooOooOoOOooo!~"

"Stop it!" Mirae pouted, softly slapping Eunjung's lap repetitively and causing her to laugh.

"Handsome face, hot body. YOU GO GIRL!~" Eunjung stuck her tongue out at Mirae, who only blushed even harder and flailed her arms like an octopus.

"Did some of Woohyun's Namgrease wipe off onto you?" Mirae asked the goddess of marriage and women, burying her face into her hands as she tried to hide her embarassment. Eunjung couldn't reply and only scoffed.

"Anything happen to you, Sooyun?" Nayoung asked the youngest, who shook her head in response.

"Same 'ol, same 'ol," the maknae smiled, "No crazy encounters with boys~"

"Good. I don't want anything tainting your innocence," Nayoung chuckled ruffled the latter's hair.

Mirae tapped her chin in thought, "You never know if someone's watching her from afar.."

"Like a creepy stalker? What are you thinking?!" Sooyun shivered at the thought of some random guy hiding behind a tree and watching her every movement.

"Back to Mirae's boy case," Eunjung said, changing the subject, "OOooOOooOOo~ You should introduce him to me."
Mirae facepalmed, ready to burst.

"Or you two can kick it off. I'm sure that the both of you will make some attractive babies," Eunjung wiggled her eyebrows again. Mirae got up, plate of food still present in her hands, and glared at the latter playfully.

"Don't kill me, please!" Eunjung got up and started running away. Mirae prepared to run after her like a bull as the rest of the girls laughed in amusement while eating their fruit.

"Get back here, Kang Eunjung!" Mirae yelled, dropping her plate of food and bolting after Eunjung like lightning.

I know that it takes me a while to update, and I'm sorry! Please don't unsubscribe though. ;-;
Just comment or write on my wall and tell me to update faster or something. o:


Special thanks to....
+my eonni, xilovepeachbooboo (Woo Nayoung of this story), for the wonderful poster!~
+everyone who is still subscribed at this point. Seriously, I love y'all. ;_______;
+any silent readers who have been secretly supporting me. I'd love if you guys commented or something. Don't be shy - I don't bite! c:

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Chapter 15: aaaaa welcome back~!
reading this, i got a grasp that jaewon is the most mature among all the main goddesses. btw have been watching iris2 lately and i was really enjoyed seeing doojoon here~ c:

and yepppp the names;
aphrodite: gyuri
demeter: gayoon
athena: bora
artemis: yuri
hermes: baekhyun
dionysus: leejoon
hephaestus: gikwang
Chapter 15: haha... at least Doojoon and Jaewon had a calm conversation. XD
wonder if Daniel will be seen as an obstacle for Doojoon if he wants to pursue after Jaewon~ lol

as for names

Aphrodite - Tiffany
Demeter - Bom
Athena - Boa
Artemis - Gina
Hermes - Eunhyuk
Dionysus - Jonghyun
Hephaestus - Taemin
Chapter 14: bwhaha, i can't believe i missed this chapter in a an update! :O
but lol, Mirae doesn't believe in the powers of the faith and destiny gods. xD
wonder how things will turn out like when Hoya realize it's Mirae. :O
sweetlollie #4
Chapter 15: HI ! WELCOME BACK !
I missed this story so much ~
Back in the days when we were all applying. HAHAHAHA

Well some suggestions:
Aphrodite - Taehee
Demeter - Solbi
Athena - Eunhye
Artemis - Yerin
Hermes - Minjun
Dionysus - Seungwon
Hephaestus - Seungjae

Sorry for the totally random names :L Those were the only names that popped into my head. ^^"
Chapter 14: WELCOME BACK!!
well it's a welcome for me too since i have been hiatus for a reallyyyy long time...
sorry for not have been in touch and yessssss, you're updated!
happy new yearrrrrr~ //late.

anw back to the story.
bomi is so clueless here, and mirae so awkward... i think they can be a better duo rather than chorong-bomi! loool XD
hoya always looks so strong but he ends up desperately search for a woman :p
and i love how you put a comedic scene at every end of the chapter~
looking forward to your more updates!
loveeeeee it <333333
Chapter 14: Welcome back~ Good to see you back ^^
Made me jump out of my seat when I saw this updated
Oh Mirae trying to not let Hoya find out it was her...Ohoho let's see how long that lasts =DD
sweetlollie #7
Chapter 14: OMFG. WELCOME BACK !
You have no idea how long I was waiting for this story to be updated ! ㅠ^ㅠ
Thanks so much for coming back !
hahaha So Christmas miracles do happen !
by the way !
Thanks for this awesome chapter ~
I look forward to your future updates ~
LOL!!! strike of the namgrease.
Yeah, go Eunjung use that broom.
Love how this turned out. Very entertaining to read XD~