Chapter 6

Snow White (Eunhae Style)

“Hannie, be quiet” Heechul warned as the older of the two heard footsteps approaching.

Heechul pulled Han Geng into a nearby bush and they hid.


Kyuhyun tugged Kangin along as they both trudged through the forest.

“Hurry up, will you? I should have just taken Zhou Mi” Kyuhyun grumbled.

“You should be more patient then, shouldn’t you?” Kangin said.

“You’re annoying” Kyuhyun stated flatly.

Kangin huffed at Kyuhyun’s incompetence.

At that moment Kyuhyun’s head snapped up as he heard a noise in a small bush beside them.

“Did you hear that?” Kyuhyun asked.

Kangin shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“Sure…” Kyuhyun said, continuing to walk through the mess of trees.

“Yah! Slow down~” Kangin called out, struggling to keep up with his dongsaeng.

“Maybe you should speed up” Kyuhyun shot back.

Once Kangin caught up with Kyuhyun the younger took a side glance at his new slave.

“Do you love him?” he asked suddenly.

“What?” Kangin asked.

“That man, do you love him?” Kyuhyun repeated.

Kangin nodded “Very much. More than you would know”

“I love someone too. It would kill me to be apart from him” Kyuhyun said.

“If you know what love is then why are you separating me from my one and only?”

“It’s complicated, okay?” Kyuhyun said, getting annoyed with the constant questioning of Kangin.


“Did you hear that? They must have just come from a house or something” Heechul said to Han Geng.

“Yeah, maybe they’ll have food and shelter there” Han Geng agreed.

The two emerged from the bushes and went in search of a house. They desperately wanted somewhere to shower, eat and sleep.


“So what’s going to happen is Shindong, Henry and myself will go out searching for Kangin and Leeteuk, Ryeowook and Yesung will stay here and think of a way to awaken Eunhyuk” Zhou Mi said.

The others nodded in agreement.

“One thing though; make sure Kangin is safe” Leeteuk said.

“I’ll do my best Teukie hyung” Zhou Mi said “Now let’s go guys, we have no time to waste”

Zhou Mi, Shindong and Henry left and Leeteuk sighed.

“Umma?” Ryeowook asked.

“Yes Wookie?”

“In all the fairy tales the princess gets woken up by a kiss. Do you think it will be the same with Hyukkie?”

Leeteuk laughed “Of course not silly, that only ever happens in stories”

“What do we do then?” Yesung asked.

“I have no clue. Maybe we can try Ryeowook’s idea and if it doesn’t work out then we can think of something else” Leeteuk said.

“Who’s going to kiss him then?” Yesung asked.

“Not me!” Ryeowook called out.

“Me neither~!” Yesung also sang out.

“Fine” Leeteuk said, walking up to where Hyukjae was sprawled across the floor.

Leeteuk kissed the younger man on the forehead… nothing happened.

“Umma~ You have to kiss him on the lips. Otherwise it won’t work” Ryeowook whined.

“Eww! No way I’m doing that” Leeteuk complained.

“You have to” Yesung prompted.

Leeteuk looked at the unconscious boy on the ground and he realised he’d do whatever it takes for his new “son” to live. He hovered his lips over the younger boy’s ones and planted a lasting kiss on his lips, wishing so much for it to work… but nothing happened.

“It’s not working, why?” Leeteuk asked in a panicked voice.

“In the stories it’s always a prince. Last time I checked, you aren’t a prince” Yesung pointed out.

“Why did you let me kiss him then?” Leeteuk questioned, rubbing the germs off his mouth.

“You’re just as childish as us umma” Yesung said.

Ryeowook giggled “Now all we need is a prince~”

“Yeah, but where are we going to find a prince stupid enough to want to kiss Hyukjae?” Leeteuk asked.


“I’m gonna jump! I swear I’m going to do it~!” A boy called out as he stood on the edge of a cliff, the furious sea lapping up the cliff face.

“Prince Donghae, stop being so stupid” A man, standing quite a distance away said.

“Siwon ah~ You’re no fun” Donghae said, pouting at the one called Siwon.

“If I wasn’t working for your father I would push you off the damn cliff right about now” Siwon said.

“But I thought we were friends” Donghae complained.

“We are. But that doesn’t stop me from pushing you off a cliff” Siwon joked.

“Why don’t you go back to the castle and annoy Kibum if you don’t want to be here”

“You know I can’t interrupt Kibum while he’s working. He has to clean the entire palace you know?” Siwon informed.

“Then jump with me! It’ll be fun. Don’t you want to feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the wind blowing through your hair?” Donghae asked.

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m fine up here” Siwon said.

“Fine then, I’ll have all the fun on my own then” Donghae said, taking a run up and jumping off the cliff.

“SIWOOOON, I FEEL SO FREEEEEEEEE~” he called out as he plummeted into the ice cold water below.

“This kid is going to be the death of me” Siwon grumbled, as he went down to find the idiotic prince.


“Keep quiet guys” Zhou Mi said as they snuck their way into Kyuhyun’s den. They heard voices coming their way so they hid behind a couple of barrels.

“I want you to get to work straight away Kangin” Kyuhyun commanded “First of all I need you to move those stupid barrels, I don’t even know why I put then there in the first place”

“Arasso” Kangin said, bowing before his new master.

“After that you are free to do whatever you please. And don’t even think about running away because all the doors are sealed shut” he added before turning around and heading back to his palace.

“Appa” Henry whispered.

Kangin looked around with a confused expression on his face.

“Henry ah? Is that you?” Kangin asked.

Zhou Mi, Shindong and Henry all appeared from behind the barrels.

“Where here to rescue you appa” Shindong announced.

“Why? Either way one of us is going to end up here” Kangin said “He knows where we live!”

Zhou Mi shook his head “We’ll all find somewhere else to stay. As long as we’re all together it doesn’t matter where we are”

“That’s true but how are we gonna get out of here? The place is locked” Kangin asked.

Zhou Mi reached into his pocket and pulled out a key.

“That’s one of the privileges of working here, Kyuhyun always gives you a spare key in case of emergencies and this is an emergency”

Kangin smiled “Well let’s go then!”

The four of them all escaped and headed back to the small house to tell everyone else of their plan.


“We’re home guys~ Any luck?” Zhou Mi called out as they entered the home.

“No but we think we know what the cure is~!” Leeteuk called back from in the lounge room.

Zhou Mi, Shindong, Henry and Kangin all walked into the room and when Leeteuk saw his husband he ran over to him, wrapped his arms around him and buried his head in the younger ones chest.

“How did you escape?” Leeteuk asked.

“Let’s just say we owe Zhou Mi a lot” Kangin replied.

“Thank you so much Mimi” Leeteuk started to apologise.

“Guys we can’t stay like this forever, we have to leave” Zhou Mi said.

“Leave? But why? This is our home” Leeteuk asked, confusion set in his voice.

“Teukie angel, the witch isn’t going to be happy when he realises I’m gone and he’ll come straight here to look for us. We have to move elsewhere” Kangin explained.

“You’re right, we have to find a prince as well” Leeteuk said.

“A prince?” Zhou Mi asked.

Leeteuk nodded “Hyukjae is a prince, so he needs another prince to kiss him. That should awaken him”

“Well okay. We’ll go to the nearest kingdom to find a prince and hope they are kind enough to give us shelter” Zhou Mi concluded.

Leeteuk nodded in approval of the younger man’s idea and they all set off into the forest to find this prince.


“There’s the house” Heechul said, pointing toward a small, cute looking house.

“But the people are leaving” Han Geng said, gesturing towards a large group of people fleeing the house in a hurry.

There was four younger looking boys who were somewhat short, there were two older looking men who were still short and then there was one man who was around the same height as them carrying another boy who appeared to be Prince Hyukjae.

“Hannie, is it just me or is that Prince Hyukjae?” Heechul asked.

Han Geng squinted his eyes, trying to get a closer look.

“Gosh, it is! Let’s go catch up to them” Han Geng said.

The two quickly dashed over to the group of people and Heechul caught there attention.

“Yo, yo, yo guys~!” he began.

They all turned around and looked at Heechul strangely until Zhou Mi recognised them.

“Heechul? Han Geng? What are you guys doing here??” he asked.

“Zhou Mi?” Heechul asked “You look so different from outside the mirror”

“How did you manage to get out of that thing anyway?” Zhou Mi asked.

“Turns out that witch has some sort of heart down there and he let us both free” Heechul explained.

“But he tried to replace Han Geng with Kangin here, that’s why we’re running away. We also need to find a prince to kiss Hyukjae. Kyuhyun poisoned him and apparently the only way to regain his consciousness is a kiss from a prince.

“Yah, why don’t you two come with us? If you have nowhere else to go that is” Leeteuk said.

“Really?” Han Geng asked.

“Yes really. Now come on everyone we’re in a hurry here” Leeteuk said.

~ One Hour Later ~

“NOOOOO, I DON’T WANNA GO BACK TO THE PALACE~!!” A voice rang throughout the forest.

“Umma, did you hear that?” Ryeowook asked.

Leeteuk nodded “But where did it come from?”

“Maybe if we follow the stream we’ll have a better sense of direction” Kangin supplied.

“You are genius~” Leeteuk said, giving Kangin a quick kiss on the lips.

“Ewww!” Shindong said, pretending to throw up.

The group listened to the sound of the water crashing against the bank and followed the sound, eventually ending up at the stream.

“Over there, there’s a boy” Yesung said, pointing to a boy paddling in the stream on the other side.

As if he could hear his name being mentioned the boy waved at the group of people and swam over to their side.

“Hi there, I’m Prince Donghae~!” the boy introduced.

“Prince?” Zhou Mi asked.

Donghae nodded “I’m prince of the kingdom that is that way” he said, pointing in a southward direction.

“Prince Donghae! What are you doing all the way over there?” a well-dressed man on the other side of the stream asked.

“I’m talking to my new friends Siwon ah!” Donghae replied.

Siwon sighed and tore of his shirt, revealing chocolate abs. Leeteuk gaped at the younger man and Kangin covered his hyung’s eyes.

Siwon swam over to the other side and stood beside Donghae, dripping with water droplets.

“Donghae, these people could be hunter’s out to kill you” Siwon warned.

“We aren’t here to hurt you. We just need a favour from your prince” Zhou Mi said.

“What kind of favour? I like favours~!” Donghae said, jumping up and down.

Zhou Mi carefully laid Prince Hyukjae on the ground and Leeteuk spoke.

“Prince Hyukjae here was poisoned and to awaken him we need the kiss of another prince. We were hoping you would do it”

“This is ridiculous. Donghae, we’re going home now. You don’t have time to do such stupid things” Siwon said.

Donghae looked over the sleeping prince’s face. He was beautiful to say the least. Donghae would be happy to help and he thought it would be fun.

“I’ll go it” Donghae said, looking Leeteuk in the eyes.

Leeteuk smiled happily.

“Really?” Leeteuk asked.

Donghae nodded wildly “Of course I will!”

“Well I’m going back to the palace to see Kibum. If your father asks where you are I’ll just tell him you’ve finally gone insane” Siwon said, turning on his heels and leaving.

“Prince Hyukjae~ I’ve come to save you!!!”


A/N Finally Donghae is here to save Hyukkie^^ *does happy dance* And Zhou Mi saved Kangin!!  And now Han Geng and Heechul are with them~ Happy, happy, happy! ><

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Chapter 5: I love this story so much!!!! ^^
eastcandle90 #2
hae is so CUTE!!!!!!...and childish..n innocent...i love him...hahaha...
in future i should tell snow white story eunhae version to my child (if i have one) instead the real version...hahaha^^
lol xD this is cute!
“Look Eunhwang—“

“It’s Eunjung” she corrected.

I swear i was ROFL xDD this story r epic!!! keep udate! ><
IAmToastFood #6
*hugs you back*
Thankyou so much♥
And I hope you are alright♥♥
Promise to update soon~
Love you too~
sujuelfash #7
how are u?
*hug u* i miss u
sorry for not post a comment but i am in the hospital
fo two weeks now so that why i couldn't comment
just to tell u the chapters are amazing
and yayyy eunhae together and sibum tooo
thank u for the updates
love you
xxxcandies #8
Kibum wearing a dress...-faints-.
Looks like Kyu won't get it from Minnie after he finds out.
Update soon!
stalkerkitty #9
Why are they so cute~ omg all I can do is imagine Leeteuk Kangin ryeowook yesung shindong and henry as chibis and Zouhmi in a robin hood out fit Kyuhyun in a cape Sungmin in a pink dress Eunhyuk in a snow white costume donghae in midevil clothing and siwon have XD
omg!! love it!