Chapter 3

Snow White (Eunhae Style)

 Hyukjae felt the light rays enter his line of vision as he was sprawled across the hard dirt floor of the forest.

He looked up to see his step-father smiling a wicked smile.

“Wh-what are you doing to me?” Hyukjae asked, afraid of the older man’s answer.

“Getting rid of you. The thing is next year you will be old enough to become king and I can’t have that now, can I?” Kyuhyun answered.

“You’re insane” Hyukjae said.

Kyuhyun let out a strangled cackle and turned around to leave Hyukjae alone in the dark forest.

“Wait, you’re just leaving me here?” Hyukjae asked, sounding desperate.

Kyuhyun nodded “I’ll just tell your father I sent you to boarding school. We were discussing it anyway”

Hyukjae froze. He couldn’t register the fact that his father would even contemplate boarding school. Hyukjae felt as if he had no one now that his mother was no longer with him and his father has completely lost his mind.

He watched as Kyuhyun walked off, leaving him among the many trees. When he was out of sight he snuggled up to himself and curled up into a ball, his choked sobs causing him to shake.


“Yah Zhou Mi” Kyuhyun shouted, entering a small shack.

“Kyuhyun-nim?” A tall man asked, appearing from one of the rooms.

“I need you to do a job for me”

“I’m listening” Zhou Mi said.

“I have left prince Hyukjae in the dark forest. I need you to go out there, hunt him down and then shoot him” Kyuhyun said seriously.

“Are you sure that isn’t a little too harsh? If you left him in the forest he would get eaten by wolves anyway” Zhou Mi said, trying to persuade the cruel man.

“You’re too soft Zhou Mi” Kyuhyun said coldly “If you don’t fulfil my demands I will have you killed”

Zhou Mi gulped “O-okay”

“Go… NOW” Kyuhyun ordered.

Zhou Mi nodded and ran out back to find his rifle.

*Back At The Castle*

“Kyuhyun, you’re home?” Sungmin asked as Kyuhyun entered the dining space where Sungmin sat eating various things.

Kyuhyun nodded silently.

“You wouldn’t happen to know where Hyukjae is, do you? He’s not in his room and I’m getting worried”

“Sungmin, I have something to tell you” Kyuhyun said, faking a concerned voice.

Sungmin nodded “Go on”

“I caught Hyukjae stealing my valuables”

“Really? But we are already so wealthy, why would he steal?” Sungmin asked in shock.

“Maybe he’s just troubled. So that’s why I took it upon myself to send him to that boarding school” Kyuhyun explained.

“You sent him away without even asking me?” Sungmin asked enraged.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to do. But I promise you he’ll keep in contact” Kyuhyun lied.

Sungmin smiled “I know your heart was in the right place. I appreciate it that you were thinking of me”

Kyuhyun smirked “Make up ?”

“I can’t say no to that now can I?”

*In The Forest*

Zhou Mi heard some leaves rustle and he peered over a nearby bush. He spotted a boy with platinum blonde hair sleeping on the ground. He pulled out his rifle and aimed it right at the boys head. He swallowed his own spit and he felt his hands trembling.

“I can’t so this” he whispered to himself.

He aimed away from prince Hyukjae and pulled the trigger. A gunshot sounded throughout the kingdom…

*Back At The Castle*

“Woah, what was that?” Sungmin asked.

“Probably just a car back firing” Kyuhyun lied.

“What’s a car?” Sungmin asked, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

“They haven’t been invented yet” Kyuhyun said casually.

Sungmin made a weird noise and then went up to go boil the kettle for Kyuhyun.

“I knew you could do it Zhou Mi” Kyuhyun said, smirking.

*Back In The Forest*

“What was that? Who is there?” Hyukjae asked, waking to the sound of gunfire.

“Sorry to wake you, my name is Zhou Mi” he said, approaching Hyukjae.

“Hi, my name is Hyukjae” Hyukjae said kindly.

“I’m sorry about everything. I work for the evil witch, Kyuhyun and I was ordered to kill you but I couldn’t. You’re an innocent person. I made it seem like I shot you so don’t go back, got it?” Zhou Mi explained.

“Witch?” Hyukjae asked.

“Yes and he plans to become the second King, now that he thinks you are out of the picture”

Hyukjae nodded “I need to go back though, my father is in danger”

“Don’t worry about your father. I think Kyuhyun has taken a liking to your father and he has never liked anyone”

“Are you sure?” Hyukjae asked.

Zhou Mi nodded “I’ve worked for Kyuhyun for almost six years now. He has a soft spot somewhere, I’m sure of it. Now you should run away from here, faraway”

Hyukjae nodded “Thankyou”

“You’re welcome”


After that Hyukjae ran until his legs could no longer brace him and once the sun had set he dropped to the ground and slept on a blanket of leaves.

*In The Morning*

Hyukjae woke to the sound of a voice chattering away happily. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but the voice ebbed away at his brain.

“When do you think he’ll wake up? What if he never wakes up? Then we’d be stuck with a random giant taking up half our bedroom forever! Do you think he likes soup? Because I made him soup” the voice said all in one breath.

Silence filled the room as the voice finally hushed. Hyukjae was just about to doze off when it started again.

“Random thought; What if he’s a witch? He’d boil us in his cauldron and eat us! I don’t think we’d taste that great though. I mean you might taste alright but I don’t think I would. And what…”

“JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!” Hyukjae shouted, sitting up on the bed and hitting his head on the low ceiling.

Hyukjae looked over the shorter than average man who was frozen in conversation. The other short man, who Hyukjae presumed was listening to the talkative man stood by the frozen man protectively.

“Errr… sorry for shouting. I didn’t get a good sleep last night” Hyukjae said “If I may ask; Where exactly am I?”

“Firstly, my name is Leeteuk and this is my husband, Kangin” the one who annoyed Hyukjae out of sleep said.

“I found you out in the forest. You were sleeping out in the cold and dirt so I brought you to our home so you could sleep somewhere warm” the one known as Kangin continued.

“Thank you, my name is prince Hyukjae” Hyukjae said.

“Prince? Well you’re in luck, I made you soup” Leeteuk said, passing a bowl of liquid over to Hyukjae. Hyukjae took a large spoonful and shoved it into his mouth, his face contorting in disgust as he did so.

“What is in this?” Hyukjae asked, afraid of the answer.

“It’s just chicken soup” Leeteuk said happily.

“I-It’s good” Hyukjae said, not wanting to ruin the other man’s mood.

“Teukie umma, Henry fell down the stairs and now he’s bleeding” another short boy, who looked around Hyukjae’s age or maybe even younger, cried.

Leeteuk turned to face the other.

“Go and get the Band-Aids Wookie. I’ll be right down” he said.

Wookie nodded, turning around and rushing back out the door.

“Eat the rest of that soup, it will make you feel better” Leeteuk said, rushing out the same door the boy ran out of before.

Hyukjae looked at his soup, scared to take another mouth full.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to. I know how bad Teukie’s cooking can get” Kangin said with a chuckle.

“Oh, so I can just throw it away?” Hyukjae asked hopefully.

“Well, that’s what I do when he cooks for me” Kangin advised.

Hyukjae threw the soup out the window and tried to mauver through the tiny room.

“Woah, be careful there. You’re gonna have to crawl”

Hyukjae nodded and crawled out to the kitchen with Kangin behind him.

“Be more careful when you’re playing with your brother’s Henry, I don’t want you getting hurt like this again. Poor baby” Leeteuk said as he tended to a boy sitting on the bench who was probably in his early teens.

“Ah, Hyukjae! Did you enjoy the soup~!” Leeteuk sang, looking up at the larger boy.

Hyukjae nodded.

“He enjoyed it so much that he wanted more!” Kangin said.

“Really?” Leeteuk asked, his eyes sparkling.

Kangin nodded “But how about you rest and I’ll make it”

“Hmm… okay~!” Leeteuk said, helping Henry get back down to the floor.

Hyukjae heaved a sigh of relief, not wanting to taste the horrid soup again.

“Teukie umma~ Shindong stole my Yesung’s turtle!” Wookie complained, rushing into the kitchen.

“I guess I won’t be resting until later then” Leeteuk said, exasperated.

“Umma~  I want an ice block” Henry shouted while trying to reach the refrigerator.

“Appa will do it” Leeteuk said, racing up the stairs to Yesung’s room.

Kangin reached up and grabbed an ice block from the cold freezer and handed it to Henry.

“I don’t like banana! Umma knows I like strawberry” Henry whined.

Kangin sighed, How on Earth does Leeteuk do this everyday?

*Meanwhile in Yesung’s room*

“Shindong, where did you put Ddangkkoma?” he interrogated.

“I don’t know” he shrugged.

“I was talking to Kkoma and then that thing came in and stole him from me!” Yesung said.

“I don’t like it when Yesung is mad Umma” Ryeowook complained.

“Shin Donghee! Hand over the turtle this instant” Leeteuk said, putting his foot down.

“Fine” Shindong grumbled, putting his hand down his pants and pulling out the frightened looking turtle.

“Gross!” Ryeowook shouted out.

Yesung smirked and took back his turtle, shoving it in Ryeowook’s face.

“Ahh! Now I have Shindong germs!!~” he said, squirming.

“What about my germs?” Yesung said, kissing the younger boy on the lips.

“Oh~! I like your germs” Ryeowook said into the kiss.

“Now that is what I call gross! Get a room~!” Shindong said in disgust.

“We do have a room and you’re in it! Now get out!!” Yesung said.

Shindong huffed and left.

“Now you too be good up here, Arasso?” Leeteuk said.

“Yes umma~” Yesung and Ryeowook droned.

“Good” Leeteuk said, making a strange noise in content before leaving.


A/N Sorry If it is a little short but I felt like I needed to update~

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Chapter 5: I love this story so much!!!! ^^
eastcandle90 #2
hae is so CUTE!!!!!!...and childish..n innocent...i love him...hahaha...
in future i should tell snow white story eunhae version to my child (if i have one) instead the real version...hahaha^^
lol xD this is cute!
“Look Eunhwang—“

“It’s Eunjung” she corrected.

I swear i was ROFL xDD this story r epic!!! keep udate! ><
IAmToastFood #6
*hugs you back*
Thankyou so much♥
And I hope you are alright♥♥
Promise to update soon~
Love you too~
sujuelfash #7
how are u?
*hug u* i miss u
sorry for not post a comment but i am in the hospital
fo two weeks now so that why i couldn't comment
just to tell u the chapters are amazing
and yayyy eunhae together and sibum tooo
thank u for the updates
love you
xxxcandies #8
Kibum wearing a dress...-faints-.
Looks like Kyu won't get it from Minnie after he finds out.
Update soon!
stalkerkitty #9
Why are they so cute~ omg all I can do is imagine Leeteuk Kangin ryeowook yesung shindong and henry as chibis and Zouhmi in a robin hood out fit Kyuhyun in a cape Sungmin in a pink dress Eunhyuk in a snow white costume donghae in midevil clothing and siwon have XD
omg!! love it!