Chapter 4

Snow White (Eunhae Style)


“Umma” Henry said, tugging Leeteuk’s sleeve.

“Yes, my baby Henry?” Leeteuk asked, looking up from the book he was currently reading.

“Who’s that?” Henry asked, pointing at the majorly tall man taking up half the living room.

“That’s Zhou Mi, he’s a friend of Hyukjae’s and he is going to be living with us” Leeteuk said.

“Hi” Zhou Mi said, waving at the one known as Henry.

“You’re really tall, even taller than Hyukjae” Henry said.

Zhou Mi chuckled “Thanks?”

“Don’t mention it” Henry said, smiling brightly up at the man.

“Zhou Mi…” Henry said, trailing off.

“Hmm?” Zhou Mi asked.

“Can I please call you Mimi?” Henry asked.

Zhou Mi smiled “Of course you can”

Henry crawled out of Leeteuk’s lap and sat in Zhou Mi’s, making himself comfortable and closing his eyes, drifting off into a quiet slumber.

Zhou Mi smiled down at the boy.

“Don’t wake him up, he’ll throw a tantrum” Leeteuk warned.

“Thanks for letting me know” Zhou Mi said humorously.

Kangin entered the room and looked over the scene.

“So cute” he mused, taking a seat beside Leeteuk and throwing an arm around Leeteuk “You know what? I’ve been thinking, we should give Zhou Mi and Hyukjae new names. That way it would be harder for the witch to find them”

“Good idea!” Leeteuk said, clapping his heads “Any ideas Zhou Mi?”

“I like the sound of Mimi” Zhou Mi said, caressing Henry’s chubby cheeks.

“Mimi it is” Kangin said.

“And what about Eunhyuk for Hyukjae” Leeteuk suggested.

“Sounds good to me” Hyukjae said, from the next room.

“Goodness! You can hear us from the other room?” Leeteuk asked.

“Yeah, pretty sure the walls are made from paper or something” Hyukjae joked.


“Heechul? Heechul!” Han Geng shouted, as he was wandering around at the street market.

Han Geng wanted to find Heechul so badly. He longed to touch the other man, he looked to see the other man but most of all he just wanted to be with the other man. He had already searched the upper class part of the kingdom and now he was searching the lower class part.

He winced as he stepped on some rotting food on the side of the road. He took off his shoe and threw it into a nearby dumpster. His shoe had holes in it anyway so he didn’t see the point in keeping it now.

But as the shoe dropped down into the dumpster he heard someone grunt.

“Who the hell throws a shoe into a dumpster?” a voice complained from inside the dumpster.

The voice sounded terribly familiar and that’s when he realised it was Heechul.

“Someone who loves you” Han Geng said.

He heard the person gasp and then Heechul’s head stuck out of the rubbish bin.

“Han Geng? W-Why are you here? Is this really happening?” he asked.

Han Geng smiled “Kyuhyun had the heart to let me free. I didn’t know he had it in him, but apparently the witch has a heart”

Heechul leapt out of the trash can and pulled Han Geng into a tight embrace. Han Geng scoffed at the putrid stench Heechul gave off.

“You really do smell. Come with me, I have somewhere you can shower” Han Geng offered.

Heechul nodded “That would be nice”

Han Geng took Heechul’s hand in his and they both set off for the place Han Geng was staying at.


Kyuhyun was in the middle of nowhere. He had absolutely no idea where he was but he knew what he was looking for, a small house in the middle of the forest. His plan was to find the house and offer the short men, that Hyukjae was supposedly staying with, an apple which was poison. Hyukjae would eat it and die. Then Kyuhyun would be the fairest and he would honour his father’s name.

Kyuhyun shivered as the cold breeze blew through his hair. He looked up to the sky and spotted smoke coming from behind a bunch of trees. He smirked and headed in that direction. He had found the house and now all he had to do was give the stupid, short men a poisoners apple to give to prince Hyukjae and then his plan would be complete…


A/N I felt like I needed to update before tomorrow because school starts and it's pretty tough with school right now so that's why this chapter is so short~ I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway! Thankyou for reading ><

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Chapter 5: I love this story so much!!!! ^^
eastcandle90 #2
hae is so CUTE!!!!!!...and childish..n innocent...i love him...hahaha...
in future i should tell snow white story eunhae version to my child (if i have one) instead the real version...hahaha^^
lol xD this is cute!
“Look Eunhwang—“

“It’s Eunjung” she corrected.

I swear i was ROFL xDD this story r epic!!! keep udate! ><
IAmToastFood #6
*hugs you back*
Thankyou so much♥
And I hope you are alright♥♥
Promise to update soon~
Love you too~
sujuelfash #7
how are u?
*hug u* i miss u
sorry for not post a comment but i am in the hospital
fo two weeks now so that why i couldn't comment
just to tell u the chapters are amazing
and yayyy eunhae together and sibum tooo
thank u for the updates
love you
xxxcandies #8
Kibum wearing a dress...-faints-.
Looks like Kyu won't get it from Minnie after he finds out.
Update soon!
stalkerkitty #9
Why are they so cute~ omg all I can do is imagine Leeteuk Kangin ryeowook yesung shindong and henry as chibis and Zouhmi in a robin hood out fit Kyuhyun in a cape Sungmin in a pink dress Eunhyuk in a snow white costume donghae in midevil clothing and siwon have XD
omg!! love it!