After school

Shes the man
Ugh. Today felt like such a long day. I slept through all my classes so I don't know why I was so tired. Suzy was right, I couldn't ignore her, all the teachers in all our lessons, put us together as pairs. She hardly talks. I'm glad though, since I hardly talk aswell. She was different from the rest of the girls. the bell rang for the final time for the day, signalling the end of school. I walked out the gates and headed the opposite direction of Suzy, we had a project to work on so we decided to meet up tomorrow after school at the nearby cafe. I was walking down the road with a smoke, when I saw a familier kid in an ally near the street I was walking on. I walked up closey to him and kicked him to see if he was conscious. He grunted in pain as I jumped back a little surprised. 'yah, you okay?' I asked but then realised a lot of blood was coming out of his leg. He looks like he's been stabbed hard. Ugh. I ripped one of my sleeves of and walked closer to him. I wrapped the ripped shirt around his leg and helped him up. I suddenly realised who he was. He was that kingka that Suzy told me about. Kim Himchan. His breathing got heavier and I had no idea where he lived, so I decided to take him over to mine for the time being. Wow he was really injured, busted lips, split skin at his jawline, cuts and stabs. I helped him over to my house, he had fallen unconscious on the way so I had to carry Him. He was actuly really light, but I was quite strong having done judo, martalarts and takwondo for 15 years. I barged in through the front door and saw Jaebeom oppa cooking. 'YAH! HELP ME! I found him unconscious at a nearby ally. He goes to my school' he stopped what he was doing and rushed over to me, helping take Himchan up to my bedroom. 'check his phone and call someone from it, their probably worried' I nodded and found his phone in his back pocket. I went to his phone book but there was nothing under 'mom' or 'dad'. I went back and decided to check his call log. Wow, there was only one person, named under 'Luhan'. Well might as well call him I though. ~bringgbringg~ after a while, a person picked up. 'hello, Himchan! U okay?!' I stood there not knowing what to say, I swallowed hard. I was never good with words. 'erm, this is Jayy park, I go to his school, erm I found him at a nearby ally all beaten up.' I answered. 'oh.. Ehh can you text me your address, I'll come and pick him up in about 2 hours, can you wait that long' 2HOURS!?! WHAT DOSE HE FREAKING HAVE TO DO!??! 'erm yeah sure' I answered I a calm voice. Ugh stupid jay park. After the call, I texted him my address then went to get the first aid kit from downstairs. We had about 6 first aid kits, since Jaebeom oppa knows that I get into fights a lot. I rolled his trousers up to where his cut was and applied some alcohol wash. He twitched a bit as I applied it. Then I got a big thick bandage and wrapped it aroungpd his stab wound. I applied more alcohol wash on him little cuts on his face then left him to sleep, while I went downstairs to watch tv and wait for his friend.
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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 30: Love this story its really short and cute
joselleroxz #2
WOAH!!!! I know her! :D
I follow her on tumblr and Instagram!!! She's sooo cute! Wow, never expected her to be in a fanfic xD
Mind blown (x
arrr.. can I know who is the girl that you use as the main image?
she's cute :D
btw, new reader is here ... I like your story ^^
KpopForever31 #4
*sigh* I need more YongJay action.....pwease:3
LuckyJune #5
Omo so sweet! New reader here and I'm excited to see where the story end. I hope Jay would use her girl appearance again so people wouldn't assume they're gays
KpopForever31 #6
They kiiiiiiiiiiiiiisissssed...........I'm really happy now. :D
:D I'm Super Happy!!!!
Zeidi117 #8
Yay Thank you! I like this story alot
annabelleshlee #9
Yay! Thank you <3
YAY! I think that would make everyone happy cause you would end up leaving us hanging and that would make people unsubscribe. I would love to read more of the chapters. :)