
How to become an Ulzzang


“Himchan. I don’t think I can do this” Yongguk gulped as he looked at the schedule for that day.
“Just do what we did yesterday okay”
Yongguk nodded. 3 loud knocks came from the door. Yongguk walked over to the door and answered it.
“Hello, you must be… Bang Yongguk?”
Yongguk bowed as he recognized whom the asker was. Yongguk moved out of the way, and the man walked in.
“Taejun-ah! You’re finally here!”

Himchan tried to get up, but was rejected as Taejun told him to stay down.
“So this is him?”
Taejun turned around and looked at Yongguk. “Well then, shall we go?”
Yongguk followed Taejun out the door.
And before he left, Himchan shouted “Yongguk-ssi. Remember, relax and let it flow!”


Park Taejun and Bang Yongguk turned up at the studio.
Taejun and Yongguk exited the car and walked over to the photographer of the shoot.
Taejun told Yongguk to wait by the door and walked over to the photographer.

Yongguk watched as his Sunbae pointed and explained. Both the photographer and Taejun looked at Yongguk for a bit, before signaling him to come over.


“Yongguk-ssi. This is one of the main photographers for Dangoon, Kim Hanmoo”
Yongguk bowed and looked at the photographer. He had long black hair that reached his shoulders, and a beard that made him look kind of creepy. The glasses he wore took up most of his face, and his tight black t-shirt revealed how cold the air was. “Taejun here tells me you’ll be re-placing Himchannie for a while. “
“Yes, that’s correct,” replied Yongguk in a formal manner.
“Shall we begin?”

The photographer walked over to the white backdrop that was all prepared for Yongguk. The new model walked over by the photographer and stood awkwardly in front of him. Hanmoo looked at Yongguk with a confused expression. Yongguk looked unsurely over to Taejun who was signaling to start posing.
The nerves got to Yongguk, and he completely forgot all that Himchan had taught him the day before.
An hour passed, and the photoshoot wasn’t doing well. The photos came out awkward, and to the photographers dissatisfaction.
Taejun walked over to Yongguk and pulled him to the side “Hanmoo, please excuse us”


Taejun put his hands on Yongguk’s shoulders.
“Look, Hanmoo isn't too impressed. I told him you were experienced with modeling. We even sent the photos you took with Himchan from yesterday. Please, can you try?”
“I am trying, really! I just… I need… I need Himchan”

Taejun thought for a moment. Then pulled out his phone.
He dialed some numbers, and then put the phone to his ear.
After a moment of waiting, he spoke “Hi. Not really. Here he is”

Taejun handed Yongguk the phone, and he put it to his ear.
“Yongguk. Don’t you remember what I told you? I know you can do this. Just breathe and relax. FIGHTING!”
Yongguk hung up the phone and gave it to Taejun
“Okay, we’ll do one more round. If the photos aren’t good, well… I’m sorry.”
Yongguk took a deep breath in, then exhaled. He walked in front of the backdrop. Then once the photographer was ready, Yongguk showed his inner Ulzzang.


It was 5pm when Yongguk returned home.  He knocked on the door with a big smile on his face. Himchan answered the door, and saw the older man’s smile.
“So, today went well?”

Yongguk hugged Himchan “Thank you!”
Himchan was overwhelmed with shock. “Wh…what for?”
“Because of you, I am now photogenic!!!!!!”

“You’re welcome?”


Himchan pushed Yongguk away from him. “Yaish! Come inside!!”
Yongguk handed Himchan his crutches and they walked into the apartment together.
“Your work called,” said Himchan
“Oh… What’d they want?”
Himchan turned around. “You’re fired”
Yongguk was silent for a moment.
“I… I don’t understand”
“He said you haven’t been showing up for a while. So he fired you”

Yongguk broke down in tears. He fell back onto the couch and put his face into his palms. “Stupid! Stupid!” he screamed
Himchan limped as fast as he could to Himchan. He sat down next to Yongguk and put his arm around him.

“How am I going to pay my family back now? That job was the only source of income for my family”
Yongguk’s hands started shaking. “What am I going to do now?”

Himchan thought a while, and came with a decision.
“Yongguk-ah. This is only the third day that we’ve known each other. And already, so many things have happened. I know you don’t have a home, or money. But you do have heart.  So Today while you were out, I thought the least I could do was let you keep the money earned from my schedule. “


Yongguk stopped sobbing, and looked at Himchan who was sitting next to him.
“No, it’s too much. You’re already letting me stay here. I can’t”
“You changed me Yongguk. In these 3 days, you changed me. I’m not full of attitude. I’m not uptight. I feel happy again. Please, just keep the pay. I beg of you”

Himchan wrapped his other arm around Yongguk and hugged tightly “Please… just take it”

Yongguk nodded his head and hugged Himchan back “Thank you so much…”

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 7: Awww...happy ending..this is so good.. :)
petalcha #2
Chapter 7: This is soooo cute! Glad they made it back together because wooahhh I can't with broken BangHim it's just... <///3 Thank you for writing such a cute fic! ^^
Oh, Sorry about that ^^; I wasn't so sure about that sentence myself. Thanks!
i think there was a small mistake in the chapter when you wrote "Himchan limped as fast as he could to Himchan." But other than that this is getting exciting!!
LKyellow #5
Yes! Update please! You've got a really interesting story here!!! :D
<3 Update plzzz