Silent Steps

Love Is A Funny Thing (Kaisoo drabbles)



It’s late when Jongin leaves dance practice and heads home, but he still sees him. The boy with the big eyes. Jongin doesn’t know his name, so he just calls him that.

Jongin smirks when he still hears the boy’s footsteps behind him as he turns around the corner. For some reason the boy is always there after his dance practice, following him until he reaches the bus stop. That’s where they part. Jongin gets on the bus and the boy with the big eyes stays behind.

Before Jongin knows it, walking home while listening to the sound of the footsteps following him has become a routine for him as well. His eyes would search him every time he leaves the building. When he’s not there, Jongin waits until the boy arrives so they can start their silent walk together.

Jongin doesn’t feel that there’s a need to talk. There was one time Jongin did try to make eye contact though. He had abruptly stopped and turned around to look at the person following him. In shock, the boy almost tripped over his own feet and quickly pretended to be busy looking at the mannequins in the shop display.

Jongin had never seen a boy be that cute.


Geun Young. That’s the name Jongin decides to give him one day. He was watching an episode of Mary Stayed Out All Night when he realized how much the boy reminded him of the actress.

Jongin really doesn’t know anything about Geun Young and he wonders if Geun Young knows anything about him. But Jongin figures he’ll have plenty of chances to ask if he wants to, because Geun Young always shows up.


Except for that one time he doesn’t.

Jongin waits. Just like the other times he’d wait if the boy was late. But this time Geung Young never shows up and when it’s long past midnight, Jongin decides to give up and head home.

During his next dance practice, Jongin has troubles concentrating. He wonders what happened. Attempts at focusing on his dance moves go down the drain as he keeps losing his rhythm whenever his thoughts go back to Geun Young. He really hopes he’ll see him again when practice is over.

But he doesn’t. Nor does he see him the day after that. Or the entire week after that.

Jongin regrets never talking to him, because he really misses their walks together. He misses hearing the boy’s footsteps behind him. And his heart stings when he realizes how attached he got to a boy he doesn’t even know.


It’s dark when Jongin sees him in front of the gate, but he’d recognize his figure everywhere. Jongin’s heartbeat increases as his legs start moving, faster and faster. And before he knows it he’s running. Running until he’s close enough to pull the boy into his arms.

“Geun Young,” Jongin sighs into the boy’s hair “I thought I’d never see you again.”

“Erm- I think you have the wrong person… I’m not Geun Young.”

Jongin scolds himself inwardly when he realizes he actually called him Geun Young out loud and that he’s actually hugging him. Jongin lets go and looks at him up close for the first time. The boy’s even more beautiful than he thought.

“I’m sorry, I know you’re not Geun Young. I just call you that. I mean, in my head- Oh god, this is not how I imagined our first conversation to be. Can I start over? Nice to meet you, I’m-“

“Kim Jongin” The boy interrupts “I know, Sehun, my cousin is in your dance class. I’m Do Kyungsoo”. The boy smiles as he holds out his hand. And Jongin thinks it’s the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.

Jongin decides not to question Kyungsoo why he follows him every day, instead he asks him to walk beside him the next time. Kyungsoo’s face turns red and he gives a shy nod.

So since then, every time Jongin finishes his dance class, Kyungsoo does indeed walk next to him. They still don’t talk much. Stealing glances at each other or holding hands once in a while is more than enough for Jongin. And every day he finds himself looking forward to walking next to Do Kyungsoo.

The cutest boy Jongin has ever met. 




A/N: Second drabble, hope you guys like it ^^ 

And yeah Moon Geun Young is the actress I named Kyungsoo after, he really does remind me of her... I've been thinking this for a long time XD She's really cute too<3 

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Chapter 6: It's been some time since you last wrote but I just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed these drabbles! So, wherever you are, thank you!
kiseob_cute #2
Chapter 5: Ughhh i neeed a doctor my heart omg... Too sweettt
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 6: cRAP LEGIT my heart is damaged no joke i am a victim cRI THIS IS SO CUTE
Chapter 5: Oh, so you mean that Lay flew past and pooped rainbows on this? Yeah, I can see why...I have cavities now.
Shafir_JingHoon #5
Chapter 6: Take me and bring me to Kaisoo ship this instant!!!
Chapter 6: Awesome drabbles! Please update soon :)
emopretzel101 #7
emopretzel101 #8
Chapter 1: Fu ck u Turnwd me INTI KASIOO MUSH
emopretzel101 #9
Chapter 5: This made my day im d e a d