Nori's point of view:

     I wasn't sure if agreeing to help Luhan was the best choice but I couldn't go back on my word now. I had already agreed to what seemed to be my own death sentence. Here I was now, in the same cafe where Luhan had bumped into me last week, sitting at my usual table. The only difference now was that Luhan was sitting besides me and we were now both waiting for Fei. He didn't want to be here, I could tell he was nervous, but I insisted. If they were to get together I might as well make it soon, for Luhan's sake of course.

"Luhan!" Someone called out.

     Luhan and I both turned to find Kris and Lay walking into the cafe. I turned away from them and sighed deeply. Kris was the only one who knew that I liked Luhan and I was worried that Kris would think I was stupid for agreeing to help Luhan.

"Oh, Nori!" Lay beamed.

"Hello." I shyly greeted.

"Yah, who said you could leave the other day? I wanted to make you ride the rollercoaster again." Kris teased.

     I rolled my eyes in return and then laughed along with Kris.

"What are you guys up to right now?" Luhan asked.

"We were just gonna get some coffee and hang out. What are you guys doing?" Kris nudged me as he sat beside me.

"We're waiting for Nori's friend." Luhan hesitantly smiles.

"Who?" Kris asked.

"Fei." I simply state.

"Oh! Fei? That girl you like?" Lay asked.

"Yeah." Luhan blushes.

     I looked away, trying really hard to stay composed, but of course I was being too obvious to one certain person. Kris immediately looked at me. I knew very well what he was thinking and I couldn't dare to face him. Like if on cue, Fei suddenly enters the cafe.

"Ooh, Nori. Sorry I'm late." Fei says as she walks over to our table.

"No, it's okay," I say as I stand up, "Fei, this is Luhan, Kris and Lay." I introduce.

"Hello, I'm Fei." She slightly waves with a breath taking smile.

     She looked like she was glowing. I didn't even want to begin to imagine how much she must be glowing to Luhan. I slowly sat back down and watched as Fei made her way to the other available seat besides me. I had Fei to my right and Kris to my left, trapped between two of my biggest dilemmas.

"Hi! You're just as beautiful as Lu-" Lay starts to say until Luhan elbows him, "I mean, Nori, said." Lay corrects.

"Aw, thank you! She's too sweet, even though she's prettier than me." Fei compliments.

     I was a little taken aback by her sudden compliment. I bowed my head in embarrassment. I was not any prettier than her, she was beyond pretty, she was a goddess.

"You're right, Nori is really pretty." Kris suddenly voiced, annoyance radiating from his tone.

     I looked up at him, confused by his behavior, and found him already looking back at me.

"Kris-" I began to protest.

"They're both beautiful." Lay says, ending the debate that was about to blow up.

"Thanks!" Fei smiles, "So, how do you all know each other?"

"We have class with Luhan, remember?" I asked, dumbfounded that she had never noticed Luhan's presence.

"Really? Sorry, I don't know what world I live in these days." She laughed.

     I watched Luhan's facial expression and I could tell he was disappointed. I didn't like seeing him like that. I didn't like this vulnerable side to him.

"Fei is usually unaware of her surroundings," I said in order to raise Luhan's spirit, "She only focuses on her studies. Who knows what goes on through that brain of hers when she's studying." I laugh.

     I looked besides me and found Kris rolling his eyes. He could see right through me and it was obvious that he didn't like what I was doing. I didn't care at this moment however. All that mattered was that Luhan's smile had now returned back to his face. Lay was becoming just as happy for Luhan's sake.

"Fei, would you like some coffee? My treat!" Lay offers in order to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Oh! You're so nice, Lay." Fei says cheerfully.

     Just like her bubbly, perfect, happy self. Tsk.

"Too nice." Kris says under his breath which I managed to hear.

     I nudged Kris's arm and gave him a look that told him to stop being rude. He was not only offending his own friend but my friend too. Fei was a nice girl, Lay should be nice to her and so should Kris. 

"Let's go order our coffee. Come with us, Luhan." Lay winked at Luhan as Fei turned away.

"Y-yeah," Luhan stuttered as he stood up, "What would you like, Nori?"

"Nothing for me, Luhan. Thanks anyway." I smiled a small smile.

"Kris?" Luhan asked.

"I'm okay." Kris said while looking down at the table.

     Luhan nodded once before heading towards the register to order where Fei and Lay already were waiting in line. I stayed seated next to Kris and a sense of deja vu came over me. Only this time we were in a completely different situation.

"What are you doing?" Kris says in a serious tone.

     I gulped, trying to think of what to say, and looked up at him.

"What?" I asked weakly.

"You're letting him fawn all over your friend." He accused.

"Luhan can "fawn" over whoever he wants. He was never mine to begin with." I reasoned out, my annoyance finally becoming present.

"Sure, he can. But you're helping him, aren't you? Are you stupid?"

"Shut up, Kris." I exclaimed, but not loud enough for others to hear.

"Nori, I thought you liked Luhan. How could you ignore your own feelings and-"

"Stop, please." I begged, "I know it doesn't make any sense, I don't even know what I'm doing, I know that better than anyone else. So please don't talk to me like I'm stupid."

"I was on your side, Nori. I'm just left with disappointment now, aren't I?" Kris eyed me once as he slowly stood up and walked away.

     Just like that, Kris left the coffee shop without saying goodbye to the others. I wasn't quite sure why he was acting like this all of a sudden but it bothered me deeply. This wasn't suppose to effect him in any way, was it?

"Hey, where did Kris go?" Luhan was the first to ask as they made their way back to the table with coffees in hand.

"He didn't say." I hesitantly answered.

     It wasn't a lie but it was partly my doing, and I wasn't going to own up on that yet. I felt guilty for some odd reason.

"That's weird." Luhan and Lay shrugged in unison.

     I tried to ignore Kris's actions but the only thing that could distract me now was the fact that Luhan and Fei were having their first meeting. I felt a pang of jealousy start to form as I watched the two converse. I wished that Kris would come back through that door and save me from this situation.

     For the next hour, the four of us talked about school, what we all did for fun and any other topic for small talk. It was entertaining for me, to learn new things about Luhan, but in the back of my head I knew I would probably regret this later. All this new information about Luhan only made me like him more but I had to remember that he was off limits. He would never be mine.

     I had dreamed of conversing with Luhan like this, at a comfortable setting such as this, but this dream was just a continuation to a horrifying nightmare. In the end, Luhan only looked at Fei. He only worried about impressing her. Only her.


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nadilak #2
Please update :)
I like the story :D