Nori's point of view:

"Hello, Kris?" I asked awkwardly over the phone.

"Who is this?" He asked in return.

     I don't know what came over me but I built up the courage to call Kris this late at night. It was almost midnight and yet I couldn't sleep because of Kris and his behavior with me earlier that day. I wanted to know why he was so angry. I wanted to know why he made me feel so guilty. Wasn't I the only one who had to be affected by my own decisions?

"It's Nori." I muttered, "I'm sorry, were you asleep?"

"Oh. Yeah I was, but I guess I'm awake now so . ." He answered and then an awkward silence followed, "Why are you calling?"

"I uh- I was just wondering if you'd like to go out for a walk with me?"

     I felt sorry and stupid for disturbing his sleep but it was too late to regret it now.

"This late?"

"It is too late, huh? Sorry, we can talk some other t-" I started to say.

"No, it's fine. I'll meet you outside your dorm building." He interjected.

"Really? Okay, I'll see you in a bit then." I said last before hanging up.

     What was I doing? What was I even going to say to him? I still didn't know what I was doing wrong for him to be so mad at me. I quickly changed out of my pajamas and rushed to meet him. As I waited outside of my dorm building I continued to ponder about what I've gotten myself into. I had nothing to say and yet I had so much I wanted to hear from Kris. After a few minutes, his figure finally came to view. He was walking towards me with his hands in his jackets pockets and his hood over his head. 

"Hey." He greeted with a solemn look on his face.

"Hi." I answered.

"So, what is this about?" He asked as we began to walk.

     We weren't headed to anywhere in particular but walked ahead anyway. I was quiet, hesitant to start asking questions that I didn't even have just yet. The silence was dragging on painfully. 

"Nori," Kris said annoyed finally, "Are you not going to tell me why you called me out this late?" 

     We stopped walking then and I nervously turned to face him. I looked up at him to find him looking elsewhere.

"Are you mad at me?" I blurted out and he turned to look down at me.

     His eyes were soft but his facial expression was anything but soft. He looked too serious. He looked like he wanted to push me off a cliff or something dreadful of the sort. It scared me, and not because I was scared of him killing me, but because I didn't want to lose the the friendship that we had barely just began merely over a week ago. 

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

     His expression softened and I relaxed a bit at the sight.

"I'm not mad, just frustrated." 

"Why?" I asked confused. 

"I - I don't know. I guess it's just because you said one thing and did another. I don't like fickle people."

"Kris, I don't expect you to like what I'm doing but can you at least understand a smudge of it? Luhan doesn't like me, it's simple. How can I continue to like someone who likes someone else?"

"She's your friend though, Nori. Can you really just stand and watch him date her?" 

"No," I croaked as my eyes began to water, "I can't take it, at least not now. But what am I suppose to do? He likes Fei and Fei would be good for him. I'm the only odd one here." 

"Nori, you're just as good for Luhan too, if not better. You're smart, brave, delicate and b- beautiful." He stuttered emberassed by the last compliment.

"That's the thing, I'm not any of those. I'm not smart, obviously not smart enough to know I never had a chance with Luhan and to give up earlier. I'm not brave because I couldn't even confess my stupid love for him, let alone talk to him! Delicate? I'm weak, Kris. And beautiful? Compared to Fei I am nothing." 

     I was angry with reality. My tears streamed down my face and I couldn't handle my own emotions. I was hopeless. Kris looked at the train wreck that I was and did the unexpected. He took hold of my wet face and pulled me into a kiss. He was gentle and I could feel his sincerity but I didn't care for it. I tried to pry him off of me but he wasn't making this easy. His embrace was too tight and even though others would melt to be in Kris's arms, I was only getting angrier. I pushed him again and this time he let go of me. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry." I had heard him say as I walked away as quickly as I possibly could. 


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nadilak #2
Please update :)
I like the story :D